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单词 bind
释义 bind verb¹ 1tie with rope/fabric捆绑adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤tightly紧紧地捆绑◆they bound his hands together tightly.他们把他的手紧紧地绑在一起。➤loosely松散地捆绑➤together绑在一起preposition➤to绑在⋯上▸➤with用⋯绑◆the sails are bound to the mast with rope.船帆用绳子绑在桅杆上。phrases➤bind and gag sb, bind sb hand and foot绑起某人并堵上嘴;把某人的手脚绑上◆she found herself bound hand and foot.她发现自己的手脚都给绑上了。bind verb² 2make sb do sth强制adverb➤contractually, legally, morally合同上/法律上/道德上约束bind verb³ 3book书籍phrases➤be beautifully bound, be handsomely bound, be richly bound装订得很漂亮/美观/华丽▸➤be bound in sth用⋯装订◆two volumes bound in leather皮面装订的两卷书 bind /baɪnd/ verb [transitive] (bound, bound /baʊnd/) (law 法律) (usually be bound) to force sb to do sth by a legal agreement, a law or an official decision 使受合同(法律或官方决定)约束◆a person who signs a document will normally be bound by its terms. 签署文件的人通常要受当中的条款约束。  ➡  bound ☞ bind bind /baɪnd/ (bound, bound) [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to tie sb/sth with rope, string, etc. so that they cannot move or are held together firmly捆绑;系◆she was bound to a chair.她被捆在椅子上。◆they bound his hands together.他们把他的双手绑在一起。◆he was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of fabric tied over his mouth).他被捆了起来并封住了嘴。bind¹/baɪnd ||; baɪnd/verb [t] (past tense past participle bound /baʊnd ||; baυnd/) 1. bind sb/sth (to sb/sth);bind a and b (together) to tie or fasten with string or rope 捆绑;捆扎: ◇they bound the prisoner's hands behind his back. 他们把囚犯双手绑在背后。 2. bind a to b;bind a and b (together) to unite people, organizations, etc so that they live or work together more happily or with better effect 使(人、组织等)关系密切;使结合: ◇the two countries are bound together by a common language. 两国由共同的语言链接在一起。 3. bind sb (to sth) to force sb to do sth by making him/her promise to do it or by making it his/her duty to do it 使受诺言或义务约束: ◇to be bound by a law/an agreement 受法律/协议约束◇the contract binds you to completion of the work within two years. 根据合约你必须在两年内完成这项工作。 4. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to fasten sheets of paper into a cover to form a book 装订: ◇the book was bound in leather. 这本书是用皮面装订的。 bind²/baɪnd ||; baɪnd/noun [sing] (brit 英) (informal 非正式) something that you find boring or annoying; a nuisance 令人烦闷或烦厌的事物: ◇i find housework a real bind. 我觉得做家务真叫人厌烦。 bindsee ⇨ tie/untie 2☞ bind¹☞ bind²




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