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单词 fidelity
释义 fidelity nounadjective | verb + fidelity | preposition adjective➤great极大的忠诚▸➤absolute绝对的忠诚▸➤marital, sexual对婚姻的/对性的忠实verb + fidelity➤maintain保持忠诚preposition➤with fidelity忠实于◆the story is told with great fidelity to the original.这个故事讲得非常忠实于原著。➤fidelity to忠于⋯◆they still maintain fidelity to their religious tradition.他们依然保持着对宗教传统的忠诚。fidelity/fɪˈdeləti; us faɪ- ||; faɪˈdɛlətɪ/noun [u]: 1. (formal 正式)fidelity (to sb/sth) the quality of being faithful, especially to a wife or husband by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else 忠诚;忠实;忠贞 ☞a less formal word is faithfulness. 不大正式的场合用faithfulness。 [opp] infidelity 反义词为infidelity 2. (used about translations, the reproduction of music, etc) the quality of being accurate or close to the original (指翻译、音乐复制等)精确性,准确性,保真度 ☞ look at hi-fi. 参看hi-fi。 fi·del·i·ty /faɪ`dɛlətɪ; fɪˈdelɪti/n [u]formal loyalty, especially to your wife or husband by not having sex with other people 【正式】 [尤指夫妇间的]忠贞,忠诚→ opposite 反义词 infidelity




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