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单词 evasion
释义 ☞ evadeevasion /ɪveɪʒn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆she's been charged with tax evasion.她被控逃税。◆his speech was full of evasions and half-truths.他的发言尽是些遁词和半真半假的说法。evasion /ɪveɪʒn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆she's been charged with tax evasion.她被控逃税。◆his speech was full of evasions and half-truths.他的发言尽是些遁词和半真半假的说法。evasion/ɪˈveɪʒn ||; ɪˈveʒən/noun[c,u] 1. the act of avoiding sth that you should do 逃避;迴避;规避: ◇he has been sentenced to two years' imprisonment for tax evasion. 他因为逃税被判两年徒刑。◇an evasion of responsibility 逃避责任的行为 2. a statement that avoids dealing with a question or subject in a direct way 避开正面回答的话;遁辞: ◇the president's reply was full of evasions. 总统的回答中有许多搪塞的话。 ☞verb evade 动词为 evade e·va·sion /ɪ`veʒən; ɪˈveɪʒən/n [c,u]when you avoid doing something that you should do 逃避,迴避:◇tax evasion 逃税




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