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单词 connected with/related
释义 connected with/related1 to be connected with a fact, event, idea etc2 to be connected with an organization3 when two facts, events, or situations are connected4 connected with the subject that is being talked about5 to say, believe, or prove that there is a connection between two facts, events, or people6 not connected with something or someone7 not connected with the subject you are talking aboutrelated wordsrelationships between people 人与人之间的关系 relationship,to join things together 将物体连在一起 join,1. to be connected with a fact, event, idea etc 与某一事实、事件、想法等有关连 be connected/be related /biː kəˈnektə̇d, biː rɪˈleɪtə̇d/ [verb phrase] if two things are connected or related, there is a relationship between them 有关系的 it seems likely that the western diet and high levels of heart disease are connected. 看来,西方的饮食习惯和心脏病的高发率可能有关系。 it's fairly obvious that pollution and heavy car use are related. 很明显,污染和汽车的大量使用是有关系的。be connected with something changes in moral values tend to be connected with changes in a society's economic standing. 道德价值的变化往往与社会经济形势的改变有关。 the most common illnesses among vdu operators are connected with the eyes and vision. 视频显示操作人员最常见的疾病与眼睛和视力有关。be closely connected/related diet and exercise are closely connected with overall health. 饮食和锻炼与整体健康密切关联。 studies suggest that cigarette advertising is closely related to adolescents’ smoking behavior. 研究表明,香烟广告与青少年吸烟习惯有密切联系。be related to something each country has its own problems, which are related to its economic and political position. 每个国家都有各自的问题,这些问题与各国的经济、政治状况有关。 families reported widespread hardship directly related to absentee or alcoholic fathers. 许多家庭都反映与父亲弃家不归或酗酒有直接联系的困难。related issues/problems etc leaders will meet to discuss the debt crisis, investment and other related issues. 领导人将会开会讨论债务危机、投资及相关问题。 be linked /biː ˈlɪŋkt/ [verb phrase] if two things are linked, one affects or causes the other, although the connection is not always easy to see and cannot always be proved 有联系 drug dealing and prostitution are often linked. 贩毒和卖淫常常是互相有关系的。be linked with/to aluminium in water is now being linked with premature ageing. 现在认为,水中的铝含量和早衰有关联。 associated /əˈsəʊʃieɪtɪd, əˈsəʊʃieɪtəd, əˈsəʊsi-/ [adjective] problems that are associated with a particular situation or event, are likely to happen because of it [问题或困难与某种情况]有关系 the group tours schools, talking to kids about drug abuse and its associated problems. 该组织巡回探访各校,给孩子们讲述吸毒及其带来的问题。 i was warned by the doctor about the associated side effects of the new treatment. 医生事先通知我新疗法的相关副作用。be associated with something low educational achievement is strongly associated with poverty and disadvantage. 教育程度低与贫困落后密切相关。 have/be something to do with /hæv, biː ˌsʌmθɪŋ tə ˈduː wɪð/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to be connected in a way that you do not understand clearly 【尤口】与…有某种关系;涉及 i don't know much about his job, but it has something to do with finance. 我对他的工作不甚了解,只知道与金融有关。 ‘what's wrong with your car?’ ‘i'm not sure. i think it's something to do with the starter motor.’ “你的车怎么了?”“我不太清楚,可能与起动马达有关。” be bound up with/go hand in hand /biː ˌbaʊnd ˈʌp wɪð, gəʊ ˌhænd ɪn ˈhænd/ [verb phrase] especially british if something is bound up with or goes hand in hand with something else, the two things are very closely connected and need to be considered together 【尤英】密切相关 his problems are all bound up with his relationship with his parents. 他所有的问题都与他跟父母的关系密切相关。 in most societies, wealth and power go hand in hand. 在大多数社会里,财富和权势是紧密相连的。 according to marx, the decline of feudalism was bound up with the growth of towns in the twelfth century. 马克思说,封建主义衰落与12世纪城镇的发展密切相关。go hand in hand with something scientists have noticed that climate changes seem to go hand in hand with sea-level changes. 科学家注意到气候变化似乎与海平面的改变密切相关。2. to be connected with an organization 与一个组织有关 be connected with /biː kəˈnektə̇d wɪð/ [verb phrase] she's not a professor but she's connected with the university in some way. 她不是教授,但与该大学有些关系。 senators are demanding to know whether the vice-president is in any way connected with the arms suppliers. 参议员要求知道副总统是否与军火商有联系。 have links/connections with /hæv ˈlɪŋks, kəˈnekʃənz wɪð/ [verb phrase] to have a relationship with an organization, group, or country 与[某一组织、团体、国家]有联系 he is believed to have connections with extremist fundamentalist groups. 据信,他与极端原教旨主义组织有联系。have close links/connections with something south korea continues to have close military links with the us. 韩国与美国继续保持密切的军事联系。sever/cut/break off links with something end your relationship with them 与…断绝关系 lipman called for the u.s. to sever links with countries known to support terrorists. 李普曼呼吁美国与支持恐怖分子的国家断绝关系。 be linked with /biː ˈlɪŋkt wɪð/ [verb phrase] to be connected with an organization, activity or event - use this especially when you do not approve of the connection 与…有关联;与…勾结[尤用于不赞成时] police are still saying the mafia may be linked with the shooting. 警方仍然说黑手党可能与这起枪杀案有关。3. when two facts, events, or situations are connected 两个事实、事件或形势相关 connection /kəˈnekʃən/ [countable noun] the two incidents might have something to do with each other, but i can't see the connection. 这两件事也许有点关系,但我看不出来。connection between something and something students need to realize that there is a connection between education and their future. 学生得意识到教育和他们未来之间的关系。close connection sheldon revealed the close connection between poverty and bad health. 谢尔登揭露了贫穷和不健康之间的紧密联系。 relationship /rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp/ [countable noun] the way in which two things are connected and affect each other, or the way in which the connection can be explained [两件事物之间的]关系,关联 interest rates and government spending are connected, but the relationship is quite a complex one. 利率的高低与政府开支有关,但其中的关系相当复杂。relationship to/with something these accusations against me have no relationship to the truth. 这些对我的指控与事实不相干。relationship between something and something she was worried that the company wouldn't see any relationship between her work experience and the job she was applying for. 她担心该公司一点都不明白她的工作经验与申请的职位之间的关系。 link /lɪŋk/ [countable noun] a connection between two facts or events, especially when one causes or affects the other [事实或事件之间的]关联 link between some scientists believe there may be a link between caffeine and heart disease. 有些科学家认为咖啡因和心脏病之间可能有关联。link with police are investigating the scene to determine if there are any links with last week's bombing. 警方在调查现场,以确定是否与上周的爆炸案有关联。 correlation /ˌkɒrɪˈleɪʃən, ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃənǁˌkɔː-/ [countable/uncountable noun] if there is a correlation between two things, they happen or exist together and it seems likely that one causes or influences the other 相互关系,关联 correlation between one of the students asked whether there was any correlation between rainfall and temperature. 一位学生问道,降雨和温度之间是否有关联。 in tests, no correlation was found between diet and intelligence. 测试未发现饮食与智力之间有关联。correlation with the study examines the correlation of violence on television with children's behavior. 该研究调查电视暴力镜头与儿童行为之间的关系。strong correlation dawson argued that there is a strong correlation between teenage crime and low educational achievement. 道森辩称青少年犯罪与教育程度低有密切关联。4. connected with the subject that is being talked about 与谈论的主题有关的 relevant /ˈrelɪvənt, ˈreləvənt/ [adjective] directly connected with the subject you are discussing or considering 有关的 we can't make a decision until we have all the relevant information. 我们要掌握所有相关信息后才能作决定。 the judge ruled that the defendant's previous conviction was relevant and could be discussed during the case. 法官裁定,被告上次被判罪与此案有关联,可以讨论。relevant to i don't think your arguments are relevant to this discussion. 我认为你的论据与这次讨论无关。 pertinent /ˈpɜːʳtɪnənt, ˈpɜːʳtənənt/ [adjective] formal something that is pertinent to a subject is directly concerned with it and is important when considering it 【正式】切题的;相关的 that's a very pertinent question. 那是个高度相关的问题。 i think it may be pertinent at this point to raise the question of how the new department will be funded. 我觉得,现在提出新部门的资金问题也许说到了点子上。pertinent to the police department is appealing for any information that may be pertinent to this inquiry. 警方正在征求可能与此次调查相关的任何信息。5. to say, believe, or prove that there is a connection between two facts, events, or people 声称、相信或证明两个事实、事件或人有关系 link /lɪŋk/ [transitive verb] to say or believe that there is a connection between two things, even though the connection may not be easy to see or prove [说或认为]…有关系[尽管不易发觉或证明] link something and something police are linking the availability of alcohol and a recent rise in the number of teenage arrests. 警方认为随处买得到的酒和近来青少年被捕人数上升有关联。link somebody/something with somebody/something his name has been linked with several famous actresses since he and his wife separated last year. 自从去年他和妻子分居以后,他的名字就与几个著名女演员联系在一起。 the health department has linked several cases of food poisoning with contaminated shellfish. 卫生部门认为几宗食物中毒事件与被污染的贝类食物有关。link something to something for centuries farmers have linked the behavior of animals and plants to changes in the weather. 千百年来,农民将动植物的习性与天气变化联系在一起。 associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt, əˈsəʊsi-/ [transitive verb] if you associate something with something else, the two things are always connected in your mind 把…联想在一起 associate something with something shoppers tend to associate certain brand names with high quality. 顾客们往往把某些品牌和高质量联系在一起。 people associate the old days with good times, and seem to forget the hardship they endured. 人们总觉得过去的时光是美好的,似乎忘记了他们曾经忍受过的艰难困苦。associate something and something i've always associated the smell of paint and my first grade art class. 我总是把颜料的气味和我一年级时候上的美术课联系在一起。 make a connection /ˌmeɪk ə kəˈnekʃən/ [verb phrase] to realize that two things are connected 意识到…有联系 at least 24 women who took the diet pills developed heart disease before doctors made the connection. 在医生意识到某种联系之前,至少有24名服用该减肥药的女性患上了心脏病。make a connection between young children quickly make a connection between the pictures in books and the real objects they see. 小孩子很快就把书上的图画和他们看到的实物联系起来。 establish a link /ɪˌstæblɪʃ ə ˈlɪŋk/ [verb phrase] to prove or discover that something is connected with something else 证明…之间的联系,发现…之间的联系 establish a link between police have so far failed to establish a link between the two murders. 警方至今尚未找出这两宗谋杀案之间的联系。 sir austin bradford hill led one of the first research teams to establish a link between smoking and lung cancer. 奥斯汀·布拉德福德·希尔爵士率领一个早期的研究小组证明吸烟与肺癌之间的联系。6. not connected with something or someone 与某物或某人无关的 not connected/not related /nɒt kəˈnektə̇d, nɒt rɪˈleɪtə̇d/ [noun phrase] the two diseases seem similar, but they are not related in any way. 这两种疾病似乎相似,但相互没有任何关系。not connected/not related with the group is not connected with any political party. 该团体与任何政党无关。 unrelated/unconnected /ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtɪd◂, ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtəd◂, ˌʌnkəˈnektə̇d◂/ [adjective] formal not connected in any way 【正式】无关的 the two robberies are said to be unconnected. 据说两宗劫案没有关联。unrelated to something/unconnected with something a spokesperson claimed that hoyle's dismissal was completely unrelated to his recent criticism of the club. 发言人称解雇霍伊尔与他近来批评俱乐部完全无关。 have no connection with /hæv ˌnəʊ kəˈnekʃən wɪð/ [verb phrase] especially written to not be connected with something in any way 【尤书面】与…无关 his comment had absolutely no connection with what we were talking about. 他的言论与我们谈论的事毫不相干。 be/have nothing to do with /biː, hæv ˌnʌθɪŋ tə ˈduː wɪð/ [verb phrase] to not be connected with something or someone in any way 与…没有关系 those boxes are nothing to do with me. sally left them there. 那些箱子跟我没关系,是萨莉放在那儿的。 your age has nothing to do with your ability to do the job. 年龄与做该工作的能力无关。7. not connected with the subject you are talking about 与谈论的主题无关 irrelevant /ɪˈrelɪvənt, ɪˈreləvənt/ [adjective] chris continued to annoy her with questions on totally irrelevant subjects. 克里斯不停地问她一些毫不相干的问题,这使她很恼火。 ‘but i didn't know it was illegal to park here.’ ‘that's completely irrelevant.’ “可是我不知道在这儿不能停车。”“那可不管。”irrelevant to to many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times. 在许多年轻人看来,教会已过时了,与现代社会格格不入。 irrelevantly [adverb] ‘in this light,’ i said, irrelevantly, ‘my hand looks blue.’ “在这种光线下,”我没头没脑地说,“我的手看上去是蓝色的。” that's beside the point /ðæts bɪˌsaɪd ðə ˈpɔɪnt/ spoken say this when you think that what someone has said does not have any real connection with what you are arguing about 【口】那无关紧要 ‘is she married or single?’ ‘that's completely beside the point - the question is, does she have the ability to do the job?’ “她已婚还是未婚?”“那无关紧要——问题是她是否有能力做那份工作?” be/have nothing to do with /biː, hæv ˌnʌθɪŋ tə ˈduː wɪð something/ [verb phrase] if something has nothing to do with a subject, it is not connected with it in any way 与…无关 my back was bothering me a little bit, but that had nothing to do with how badly i played. 我的背部有些不适,但那与我表现不佳没有关系。 i don't know what's the matter with billy -- he says it's nothing to do with school. 我不知道比利出什么事了——他说此事与学校无关。 my father was a remote figure who had nothing to do with my everyday life. 父亲和我很疏远,跟我的日常生活毫不相干。 what has that got to do with ...? british spoken /what does that have to do with ...? especially american, spoken /wɒt həz ˈðæt gɒt tə duː wɪðǁ-gɑːt-, wɒt dəz ˈðæt hæv tə duː wɪð/ say this when someone has mentioned something and you cannot understand how it is connected with the subject you are talking about 那与…有什么关系? i realize you didn't get home until after midnight but what does that have to do with coming in late for work? 我知道你半夜才回到家,那与你上班迟到有什么关系? doesn't come into it/doesn't enter into it /ˌdʌzənt kʌm ˈɪntʊ ɪt, ˌdʌzənt entər ˈɪntʊ ɪt/ [verb phrase] spoken say this about something that someone has mentioned that does not influence or affect what you are talking about 【口】[对所谈论的事]无关紧要 whether the applicant is a man or a woman doesn't come into it. 申请者是男是女并不重要。 i'm afraid this is company policy, and your own views on the matter simply don't enter into it. 恐怕这是公司规定,这件事上你的个人意见是没有用的。 be neither here nor there /biː ˌnaɪðəʳ ˌhɪəʳ nɔːʳ ˈðeəʳ/ [verb phrase] spoken say this when someone has mentioned something that they think is important but you do not agree 【口】无关紧要,并不重要[表示对方认为重要,而你并不同意] what i think about your husband is neither here nor there. 我对你丈夫的看法并不重要。 it's true we're not friends but that's neither here nor there. we're still able to work together. 的确,我们不是朋友,但那并不重要。我们仍能共事。 have no bearing on something /hæv ˌnəʊ ˈbeərɪŋ ɒn something/ if something has no bearing on the situation that you are talking about, it does not affect that situation or help to explain it 对某事没有影响 the president's age has no bearing on whether or not i will vote for him. 总统的年龄对于我是否投他票没有影响。 a suspect's previous criminal record should have no bearing on the trial. 嫌疑犯的犯罪记录应当对当前审判没有影响。 red herring /ˌred ˈherɪŋ/ [countable noun] facts or information that are not connected with the subject that is being discussed or considered, and take people's attention away from what is really important 转移人们注意力的话题 concerns about the cost of the project are a red herring. 对于项目成本的关注是在转移注意力。




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