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单词 perplexed
释义 perplexed adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, sound茫然;感到茫然;看上去茫然;听起来困惑adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/相当/非常困惑▸➤completely, deeply, genuinely, utterly完全/深深/真正/极度困惑▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍微有些困惑◆gary looked a little perplexed.加里看起来有点儿迷茫。perplexed /pəplekst; name pərplekst/ (rather formal) very puzzled, especially in a way that makes you feel slightly worried大为困惑的,迷惑不解的(尤指令人感到有些担忧)◆we are all perplexed as to how this happened.我们都对这事是如何发生的感到困惑不已。perplexed/pəˈplekst ||; pɚˈplɛkst/adj not understanding sth; confused 困惑的;胡涂的 perplexedsee ⇨ confused 2 per·plexed /pə`plɛkst; pəˈplekst/adjconfused by something that is difficult to understand 迷惑的,困惑的:◇he looked totally perplexed. 他看上去满脸困惑。




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