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单词 excitement
释义 excitement nounadjective | ... of excitement | verb + excitement | excitement + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, extreme, great, high, intense, tremendous相当的/极端的/非常的/高度的/强烈的/极度的兴奋▸➤breathless, feverish, giddy, heady, wild令人窒息的兴奋;狂热的兴奋▸➤genuine, pure, real, sheer真兴奋;十足的兴奋◆for sheer excitement, white-water rafting is hard to beat.要想追求十足的刺激,非激流漂流莫属。➤initial最初的兴奋▸➤sudden突然的兴奋▸➤growing, heightened, mounting愈来愈兴奋;高涨的兴奋▸➤added, further更加兴奋▸➤suppressed压抑的兴奋▸➤nervous神经质的激动➤pleasurable令人愉快的刺激▸➤strange奇怪的兴奋➤childlike孩子般的兴奋◆i step lightly, with childlike excitement.我迈着轻快的步子,像孩子一般兴奋。➤youthful年轻人的兴奋▸➤intellectual, physical, political, sexual思想上的兴奋;身体上的兴奋;政治上的兴奋;性兴奋... of excitement➤buzz, flurry, flush, frisson, ripple, rush, surge一阵激动◆she felt a surge of excitement when she heard the song.听到这首歌曲她感到一阵激动。➤element一点儿激动➤level兴奋程度verb + excitement➤be bubbling with, be filled with, be flushed with, be giddy with, be tingling with, be trembling with, feel充满激动的情绪;激动得脸红;激动不已;激动得发抖;感到兴奋◆she was filled with excitement and apprehension.她满怀激动和担心。◆her face was flushed with excitement.她激动得脸都红了。➤cause, create, generate引起兴奋;产生兴奋◆the news caused tremendous excitement among scientists.这一消息让科学家兴奋不已。➤bring带来兴奋◆my visits always brought great excitement to my family.我每次回家都让家人很兴奋。➤conceal, contain, control, hide, suppress掩盖/包含/控制/隐藏/压抑兴奋◆he couldn't suppress the excitement in his voice.他的声音中压抑不住兴奋的情绪。➤add增加刺激◆the element of risk just adds excitement.风险因素使人更加兴奋。excitement + verb➤build up, grow, mount, rise兴奋增强;兴奋增长◆the tension and excitement built up gradually all day.紧张与兴奋的情绪一整天都在逐渐增长。➤bubble, bubble up情感洋溢◆excitement was bubbling up inside her.她抑制不住内心的兴奋。➤course through sb/sth, run through sb/sth兴奋在⋯里流过/穿过◆she could feel the excitement coursing through her veins.她能感到兴奋感流遍全身。➤fill sb/sth⋯充满兴奋◆both fear and excitement filled her mind.她的脑子里满是忧虑和激动。➤die down, wear off兴奋逐渐减弱/消失preposition➤in excitement激动地◆she clapped her hands in excitement.她激动地鼓掌。➤with excitement激动地◆you'll jump up from your seat with excitement.你会激动地从座位上跳起来。➤excitement among在⋯中的兴奋◆the news has caused great excitement among scientists.这一消息已经引起科学家极大的兴奋。➤excitement at为⋯而兴奋◆her excitement at the prospect of a new job她为新工作的前景而兴奋➤excitement of⋯的兴奋◆the excitement of meeting new people认识不同的人的兴奋phrases➤an air of excitement兴奋的气氛◆there was an air of excitement about the place.这个地方有一种令人兴奋的气氛。➤a feeling of excitement, a sense of excitement兴奋感➤a state of excitement兴奋状态➤a lack of excitement缺少兴奋 excitement nounexcitement ♦︎ thrill ♦︎ buzz ♦︎ charge ♦︎ exhilaration ♦︎ high ♦︎ kickthese are all words for the feeling that you get when you are doing or expecting sth exciting.这些词均表示兴奋、刺激。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) real excitement / thrill / buzz / charge / high / kick◆a big thrill / high / kick◆to give sb a thrill / buzz / high / kick◆to get a thrill / buzz / charge / kick out of sth■ excitement [uncountable, countable] the pleasant and lively feeling that you get when sth exciting happens or is going to happen; sth that you find exciting兴奋;刺激;令人激动的事◆the news caused great excitement among her friends.这消息使她的朋友们兴奋不已。◆in her excitement she dropped her glass.她一激动,杯子脱手了。◆a shiver of excitement ran through her.她兴奋得浑身发颤。◆the new job was not without its excitements.这个新工作并非没有乐趣。■ thrill [countable] a strong feeling of excitement or pleasure; an experience that gives you this feeling兴奋感;激动;令人兴奋的经历◆it gave me a big thrill to meet my favourite author in person.能亲眼见到我最喜欢的作者让我激动不已。◆they were just in search of cheap thrills (= excitement that has no real value).他们不过是在寻找一种低俗的刺激。■ buzz [singular] (informal) a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement欢腾;雀跃;兴奋◆flying gives me a real buzz.飞行真让我兴奋。◆there was a buzz of excitement all around the room.房间里一片欢腾。◆you can sense the creative buzz in the city.你可以感受到这座城市里的创作热情。■ charge [singular] (rather informal) a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement; the power to cause this feeling欢腾;雀跃;感染力;震撼力◆i get a real charge out of working hard and seeing good results.努力工作并且取得好成果真是让我兴奋极了。◆a film in which every scene carries an emotional charge一部每个场景都深具感染力的影片■ exhilaration /ɪgzɪləreɪʃn/ [uncountable] a strong feeling of excitement and happiness especially one that you get from physical activity(尤指身体活动后的)兴奋,激动◆the exhilaration of galloping over miles of open country在旷野里策马驰骋数英里的畅快■ high [countable] (informal) the strong feeling of pleasure and excitement that you get from doing sth enjoyable or being successful at sth极大的欢乐;(因成就感到的)极度兴奋;乐不可支◆he was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。◆the highs and lows of her acting career她演艺生涯中的高高低低ⓘ a high is also the strong feeling of pleasure and excitement that sb gets after taking some types of drugs. * high 还可指吸食毒品后的强烈快感◆the high lasted all night.那种快感持续了一整夜。■ kick [countable] (informal) a strong feeling of pleasure and excitement, especially one that you get from doing sth slightly dangerous(尤指带点惊险的)极度刺激,极度兴奋◆i get a kick out of driving fast cars.开快车让我感觉很刺激。◆he gets his kicks from skiing.他享受滑雪的惊险刺激。◆what do you do for kicks?你做什么来寻求刺激呢?excitement [uncountable, countable] the pleasant and lively feeling that you get when sth exciting happens or is going to happen; sth that you find exciting兴奋;刺激;令人激动的事◆the news caused great excitement among her friends.这消息使她的朋友们兴奋不已。◆in her excitement she dropped her glass.她一激动,杯子脱手了。◆a shiver of excitement ran through her.她兴奋得浑身发颤。◆the new job was not without its excitements.这个新工作并非没有乐趣。excitement/ɪkˈsaɪtmənt ||; ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/noun [u] the state of being excited, especially because sth interesting is happening or will happen 激动;兴奋: ◇there was great excitement as the winner's name was announced. 优胜者的名字宣布时,全场一片轰动。◇the match was full of excitement until the very last minute. 比赛精彩绝伦,一直到终场。 excitementsee ⇨ excited/exciting 6,7     • • •• ⇨ be buzzing (with excitement) ex·cite·ment /ɪk`saɪtmənt; ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/n [u]the feeling of being excited 兴奋,激动:◇gerry couldn't sleep after all the excitement of the day. 白天这么兴奋后,杰瑞无法入睡。 ☞ excitement




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