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单词 clumsy
释义 clumsy/ˈklʌmzi ||; ˈklʌmzɪ/adj (clumsier;clumsiest) 1. (used about a person) careless and likely to knock into, drop or break things (指人)笨手笨脚的,笨拙的: ◇she undid the parcel with clumsy fingers. 她笨手笨脚地把包裹拆开。 2. (used about a comment, etc) likely to upset or offend people (指评论等)容易冒犯或伤害人的: ◇he made a clumsy apology. 他的道歉很生硬。 3. large, difficult to use, and not attractive in design 笨拙难看;大而无当: ◇a clumsy piece of furniture 一件大而无当的家具 ➔clumsily adv ➔clumsiness noun [u]clumsy1 doing things in a careless and awkward way2 moving in an awkward wayrelated wordsoppositegraceful,see alsocareless,nervous,confident/not confident,1. doing things in a careless and awkward way 做事不仔细而且笨拙 clumsy /ˈklʌmzi/ [adjective] someone who is clumsy does things in a careless way and often breaks things or has accidents 笨拙的,笨手笨脚的 i was so shy and clumsy when i was seventeen. 17岁时,我非常害羞、笨拙。 andrew made a clumsy attempt to kiss her, but she pushed him away. 安德鲁笨手笨脚地想亲她,可被她推开了。 you clumsy idiot! look what you've done to my car. 你这个笨手笨脚的白痴!看看你把我的车子弄成什么样了。 clumsily [adverb] sam took a cigarette, lit it clumsily and sat down. 萨姆拿起一支烟,笨拙地把烟点着,然后坐了下来。 clumsiness [uncountable noun] he apologized for his clumsiness and offered to pay for the damage. 他为自己的笨拙举动道歉,并表示愿意赔偿损失。 be all thumbs also be all fingers and thumbs british /biː ɔːl ˈθʌmz, biː ɔːl ˌfɪŋgəʳz ən ˈθʌmz/ [verb phrase] to have difficulty doing something with your hands, especially because you are in a hurry or feel nervous [尤因匆忙或紧张而]手指不灵活,笨手笨脚 can you sew this button on for me? i'm all fingers and thumbs this morning. 帮我把这粒纽扣缝上好吗?今天早上我笨手笨脚的。go/become all fingers and thumbs i can't type at all when people are watching me. i go all fingers and thumbs. 别人看着我时,我一个字也打不出来,手指很笨拙。 accident-prone /ˈæksɪdənt ˌprəʊn, ˈæksədənt ˌprəʊn/ [adjective] someone who is accident-prone often has accidents or breaks things [因手脚笨而]易惹事故的 lots of kids are accident-prone but they soon grow out of it. 许多小孩子容易闯祸,但他们很快就会改掉这种毛病。 studies have shown women to be less accident-prone than men. 研究表明女人不像男人那样笨手笨脚、容易出事。 klutz /klʌts/ [countable noun] american informal someone who annoys you because they do things in a careless way and often break things or have accidents 【美,非正式】粗笨的人 ‘look what you've done, you silly klutz!’ nathan said angrily. “瞧你干的事,你这个粗胚!”内森气呼呼地说。 tom's a real klutz when it comes to baseball - even if he hit the ball he'd trip on the way to first base. 说到打棒球,汤姆可真笨一即使击中球后跑第一垒时也会摔跤。2. moving in an awkward way 笨拙地移动 uncoordinated /ˌʌnkəʊˈɔːʳdɪneɪtəd, ˌʌnkəʊˈɔːʳdəneɪtəd/ [adjective] not able to control your movements skilfully, and therefore not usually good at sports and other physical activities 动作不协调的 i can't play tennis very well -- i'm too uncoordinated. 我打不好网球—我的动作太不协调了。 there was thomas, walking towards me in his strange uncoordinated way. 那就是托马斯,迈着怪模怪样不协调的步子朝我走过来。 awkward /ˈɔːkwəʳd/ [adjective] moving in a way that looks clumsy and uncomfortable 笨拙的,不灵巧的;别扭的 she felt awkward in her high-heeled shoes. 她穿着高跟鞋,感觉很别扭。 bud turned round and gave an awkward wave out of the car window. 巴德转过身,将手伸出车窗笨拙地挥了一下。 awkwardly [adverb] i fell really awkwardly and twisted my ankle. 我摔得很狼狈,扭伤了脚踝。 ungainly /ʌnˈgeɪnli/ [adjective] moving in an ungraceful way - use this about people or things that are very big 不优雅的,动作不利索的[用于体形庞大的人或物] dinosaurs were huge ungainly animals with tiny brains. 恐龙是一种体形庞大、行动笨拙、脑袋很小的动物。 she was old, fat and ungainly, and had to struggle to get to her feet. 她年老体胖又笨拙,必须用尽气力才能站起来。 clum·sy /`klʌmzɪ; ˈklʌmzi/adj 1. a clumsy person often knocks against things, damages things by accident, or does things in a way that is not skilful 笨拙的,笨手笨脚的:◇at 13, she was clumsy and shy. 她十三岁时又笨拙又害羞。 2. something that is clumsy is large, heavy, and often difficult to use 臃肿的; 不灵活的; 难使用的:◇big clumsy shoes 大而笨重的鞋子 3. said or done in a way that is careless, without considering other people's feelings 不得体的; 不知趣的:◇a clumsy apology 不得体的道歉




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