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单词 spring
释义 spring noun¹ 1season季节adjective | spring + noun adjective➤last, this past (especially name) 去年春天;刚刚过去的春天▸➤the following, next, this, this coming第二年/明年/这个/即将到来的春天▸➤early, late早春;晚春▸➤wet多雨的春天spring + noun➤weather春天的天气▸➤sun, sunlight, sunshine春天的太阳;春天的阳光▸➤frost, rain, shower, wind春霜;春雨;春风▸➤tide朔望大潮(指在新月和满月之间潮差较大的潮汐)◆the highest spring tides of the year occur after the equinoxes in march and september.一年中最大的朔望潮发生在 3 月的春分和 9 月的秋分后。➤equinox春分➤day, morning春日;春天的早晨◆a perfect spring day美妙的春日➤semester, term (especially bre) 春季学期◆the students spend the whole spring term on teaching practice.学生们整个春季学期都在进行教学实践。➤season春季➤break (especially name) 春假◆high-school kids on spring break放春假的中学生➤bloom, bulb, flower春花;春天开花的鳞茎◆to plant spring bulbs种植春季开花的鳞茎植物➤clean, cleaning (usually spring-cleaning) (尤指在春季的)大扫除◆they decided to give the attic a spring clean.他们决定把阁楼彻底打扫一番。◆i want to do some spring-cleaning.我打算做个大扫除。➤training (sport体育, especially name) 春训➤conference (especially bre) 春季大会◆the party's spring conference该党的春季大会➤collection, exhibition, issue春季时装展/展览会/出版物◆the spring issue of the journal of applied psychology《应用心理学》的春季刊  ➡ note at season (for more collocates) spring noun² 2coiled metal or wire弹簧adjective | verb + spring | spring + verb adjective➤coiled螺旋弹簧➤box (name) 床垫弹簧◆a box-spring mattress弹簧床垫verb + spring➤break折断弹簧◆the children broke some springs jumping on the bed.孩子们在床上跳时弄断了一些弹簧。spring + verb➤break, go弹簧折断/坏掉◆most of the springs have gone in the sofa.沙发的大部份弹簧都坏掉了。spring noun³ 3where water comes up泉水adjective | spring + verb | spring + noun adjective➤hot, thermal温泉▸➤bubbling汩汩的泉水➤mineral, natural矿泉;天然泉水▸➤mountain, underground山泉;地下泉水spring + verb➤bubble泉水汩汩地冒出来◆a thermal spring bubbled up out of the rocks.温泉从岩石间汩汩冒出。spring + noun➤water泉水◆deliciously cool spring water甘冽的泉水spring verbadverb | verb + spring | preposition | phrases adverb➤suddenly突然跳起▸➤apart, away, back, forth, forward, out, up跳开;弹回;纵身向前;弹出来;突然跃起◆he sprang back in alarm.他惊慌地往后一跳。verb + spring➤be ready to, be waiting to准备跃起◆the lion crouched, ready to spring.那只狮子蜷起身子,准备扑上去。preposition➤at扑向⋯◆lisa sprang at him and kissed him on both cheeks.莉萨扑到他跟前,亲吻他的双颊。➤into, off, onto, out of, upon跳进⋯;从⋯跳下;跳到⋯上;从⋯中跳出◆he sprang out of the car.他从车里跳了出来。phrases➤spring open弹开◆the drawer sprang open.抽屉一下弹开了。➤spring to attention(士兵)突然立正◆the sentry sprang to attention.哨兵突然一个立正。➤spring to your feet霍地起身◆she sprang to her feet and ran to answer the doorbell.门铃响了,她霍地起身跑去开门。spring(sprang, sprung or , name also sprung, sprung) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and with one quick movement into the air or in a particular direction跳;跃;蹦◆the cat crouched ready to spring.那猫弓起后背,准备跳跃。◆the attacker sprang out at him from a doorway.袭击者从门口跳出,朝他袭来。▸ spring noun [countable] ◆with a spring, the cat leapt onto the table.springnoun [countable] ◆with a spring, the cat leapt onto the table.springnoun [countable] ◆with a spring, the cat leapt onto the table.spring¹/sprɪŋ ||; sprɪŋ/noun1. [c,u] the season of the year between winter and summer when the weather gets warmer and plants begin to grow 春天;春季: ◇daffodils bloom in spring. 黄水仙在春天开花。 ☞picture at season 见season插图 2. [c] a long piece of thin metal or wire that is bent round and round. after you push or pull a spring it goes back to its original shape and size. 弹簧: ◇bed springs 床的弹簧 ☞picture at coil 见coil插图 3. [c] a place where water comes up naturally from under the ground 泉源;泉: ◇a hot spring 温泉 4. [c] a sudden jump upwards or forwards 跳;跳跃 spring²/sprɪŋ ||; sprɪŋ/verb [i] (past tense sprang /spræŋ ||; spræŋ/ past participle sprung /sprʌŋ ||; sprʌŋ/) 1. to jump or move quickly 跳跃;跃起: ◇when the alarm went off, ray sprang out of bed. 闹钟一响,雷就从床上跳下来。◇to spring to your feet (= stand up suddenly) 突然站起来 (figurative 比喻) to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) 立即为某人辩护╱提供援助 2. (used about an object) to move suddenly and violently (指物品)反弹: ◇the branch sprang back and hit him in the face. 树枝弹回来,打在他的脸上。 3. to appear or come somewhere suddenly 突然出现或到来: ◇tears sprang to her eyes. 她双眼顿时眼泪汪汪。◇where did you just spring from? 你是从哪里冒出来的? come/spring to mind→mind¹ spring from sth(written 书面语) to be the result of 源自: ◇the idea for the book sprang from an experience she had while travelling in india. 写这本书的想法源自她在印度旅行期间的一次经历。 spring sth on sb(informal 非正式) to do or say sth that sb is not expecting 突然向某人提出某事物 spring up to appear or develop quickly or suddenly 突然出现;迅速发展: ◇play areas for children are springing up everywhere. 供孩子们玩耍的场所到处出现。 spring• ⇨ come to mind/spring to mind☞ spring¹☞ spring²




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