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单词 design
释义 design noun¹ 1making drawings of how sth should be made制订图样adjective | design + noun | phrases adjective➤graphic绘图设计▸➤computer-aided计算机辅助设计◆a specialist in computer-aided design计算机辅助设计专业人员➤architectural, industrial, interior建筑/工业/室内设计➤software, web, website软件/网络/网站设计◆he set up his own software design company.他成立了自己的软件设计公司。design + noun➤business, company, consultancy, firm设计行业;设计公司;设计咨询公司▸➤chief, consultant, director, engineer, professional, staff, team设计总工程师/顾问/主管/工程师/专业人士/人员/小组▸➤centre/center, department, studio设计中心/部门/工作室▸➤work设计工作◆she's done some design work for us in the past.她以前为我们做过一些设计工作。➤process设计过程◆the new program really speeds up the design process.新程序的确加速了设计进程。➤phase, stage设计阶段/步骤◆elements that are being included in the next design phase下一设计阶段包括的要素➤goal设计目标◆one of our main design goals was to make the product easy to use.我们一个主要的设计目标是让产品更便于使用。➤tool设计工具◆digital design tools are essential.数字设计工具必不可少。➤program, software设计程序/软件▸➤project设计方案▸➤ability, expertise, skills设计能力/专长/技能➤challenge设计难题◆making the building accessible for disabled people was another major design challenge.如何才能方便残疾人进出大楼,是设计中另一个主要的难题。➤magazine设计杂志◆an interior design magazine室内设计杂志phrases➤art and design艺术设计◆i'm doing a course in art and design.我在修艺术设计课程。design noun² 2the way sth is made/a drawing of this设计的方式或图样adjective | verb + design | design + verb | design + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤basic, simple基本的/简单的设计▸➤complex, sophisticated复杂的/精巧的设计➤intelligent (= the claim that life did not evolve, but was created by an intelligent being) 智能设计论(声称生命并不进化,而是由一位智者创造的)▸➤excellent, good出色的/优秀的设计▸➤poor糟糕的设计▸➤adventurous, bold, cutting-edge, experimental, innovative, original, revolutionary冒险的/大胆的/前沿/试验性/创新/原创性/革命性设计➤modern现代设计➤new新设计➤preliminary初步设计▸➤attractive, beautiful, sleek, stylish迷人的/美观的/造型优美的/时尚的设计◆a car with a sleek modern design一款造型时髦的现代轿车➤classical, conventional, traditional经典/常规/传统设计➤minimalist极简设计▸➤ergonomic工效学设计➤sustainable可持续设计➤overall整体设计◆the overall design of the workspace is critical.工作空间的整体设计极为关键。➤patented具有专利的设计verb + design➤come up with, create, develop, produce完成/创制/开发/制订设计方案◆he's come up with a really good design for a solar-powered car.他拿出了一个极好的太阳能汽车设计方案。➤employ, follow, use采用/沿用/使用设计◆we followed the traditional design.我们沿用传统设计。➤finalize最终完成设计➤improve, modify, refine改进/修改/完善设计➤simplify精简设计➤guide, influence指导/影响设计➤unveil公布设计方案◆last week the architect unveiled his design for a museum on prague's waterfront.上周这个建筑师公布了他为布拉格滨河博物馆设计的方案。design + verb➤include sth, incorporate sth设计包括/结合⋯◆the office designs incorporate quiet rooms where employees can take a break.办事处的设计中包括几间清静房间,可以让员工休息。➤allow sth, enable sth设计允许⋯;设计使⋯成为可能◆the clever design allows natural light to flood into the room.这一巧妙的设计使得房间得到充足的自然采光。➤offer sth, provide sth设计提供⋯◆the new label design provides nutrition facts.新的标签设计提供营养成分表。➤evolve设计演变design + noun➤detail, element, feature设计细节/元素/特点◆the latest model incorporates some novel design features.最新的款式融入了一些新颖的设计元素。➤concept, idea, solution设计概念/理念/方案◆we put forward two alternative design concepts for the new library.我们就新图书馆提出了两个可供选择的设计概念。➤consideration设计依据◆building security is now a major design consideration.现在,建筑物安全是设计要考虑的一个主要方面。➤criterion, philosophy, principle, strategy设计标准/理念/原则/策略▸➤brief, requirements, specifications设计概要/要求/规格◆the chair she had sketched was far bigger than stipulated in the design brief.她绘出的椅子草图比设计指示中规定的大得多。➤standards设计标准◆strict design standards ensure that new buildings are compatible with existing architecture.严格的设计标准确保新的建筑物可以和现有的建筑相协调。➤fault, flaw设计失误/瑕疵▸➤award设计奖◆the car wouldn't win any design awards, but it's very reliable.这种汽车不会得设计奖项,但很可靠。➤competition设计比赛◆the company won an international design competition for the concert hall.该公司在国际音乐厅设计大赛中获胜。➤change, modification设计变动/修改preposition➤in design在设计方面◆the machine is very simple in design.这台机器的设计很简单。➤of... design⋯的设计◆a vehicle of revolutionary design具有革命性设计的车➤to a... design以⋯的设计◆the other houses are built to a more conventional design.其他房屋是按较常规的设计来建造的。➤design for为⋯的设计◆the architect's designs for the cathedral建筑师为主教座堂所做的设计phrases➤at the design stage在设计阶段◆their new car is still at the design stage.他们的新车尚在设计中。design noun³ 3pattern that decorates sth装饰花样adjective | verb + design | design + noun adjective➤elaborate, intricate复杂精美的/花纹精致的图案▸➤simple简单的图案▸➤abstract, circular, floral, geometric, symmetrical抽象/环形/花卉/几何/对称图案verb + design➤have有⋯图案◆the building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这栋建筑物的好几面墙上都有花纹精致的几何图案。➤paint, trace描绘/草拟图案design + noun➤theme图案主题◆trendy boutique hotels with avant-garde design themes设计主题前卫的时髦精品旅馆➤motif设计主旨design noun⁴ 4intention目的adjective | verb + design | preposition adjective➤evil, sinister邪恶的意图;险恶的企图▸➤grand宏伟的计划◆his grand design was to connect up every academic institution in the world.他的伟大计划是在世界上所有的学术机构之间都建立起联系。verb + design➤harbour/harbor, have怀有企图;居心不良◆i suspected that he had some sinister designs.我怀疑他图谋不轨。preposition➤by design故意地◆had it happened by accident or by design?这件事是意外还是人为策划的?design verbadverb | preposition adverb➤carefully, cleverly, intelligently周密/巧妙/明智地设计◆these shelves have been designed very cleverly to fit into corners.这些架子设计得很巧妙,恰好能放进墙角里。➤badly, poorly设计得很差◆the website was poorly designed.这个网站设计得很糟糕。➤beautifully, elaborately, elegantly, intricately, nicely设计美妙/精巧/高雅/复杂/精细▸➤especially, explicitly, expressly, specially, specifically特别设计;专门设计◆the first yogurt designed especially for babies and toddlers第一种专为婴幼儿设计的酸奶◆they run specially designed courses for managers.他们开设特别为经理设计的课程。➤exclusively, solely, uniquely专门/单独/独特设计◆a service designed exclusively for women女士专属服务➤largely, mainly, primarily主要地设计◆many new performance halls are designed primarily for music.很多新的表演大厅主要是为表演音乐而设计的。➤initially, originally最初设计◆the trail was originally designed to give our staff a quiet place to walk.这条小路的设计初衷是为我们的员工提供一个散步的安静去处。➤newly最新设计➤ergonomically根据工效学原理设计preposition➤for为⋯设计◆the instruments are designed for use in very cold conditions.这些仪器是为在非常寒冷的环境中使用而设计的。design /dɪzaɪn/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] the general arrangement of the different parts of sth that is made, such as a building, machine etc.; a drawing or plan that shows how to make it 设计;布局;安排◆they have created a design for a solar-powered car. 他们为太阳能汽车做了一款设计。◆the building suffers from poor design. 这建筑物设计拙劣。◆the architects can refine their designs on screen. 建筑师可以在屏幕上完善其设计。⨁ to create / produce / use a design创作/制作/使用一项设计 ⨁ to change / improve / modify the design (of sth)更改/改进/修改(某物的)设计⨁ (a) bad / good / new / poor / unique design拙劣的/出色的/新颖的/欠佳的/独特的设计 ⨁ a basic / preliminary / standard design基本/初步/标准设计 ⨁ a design feature / flaw / problem设计特点/缺陷/问题 2. [uncountable] the art or process of deciding how sth will look, work, etc. 设计艺术;构思◆a course in art and design 艺术与设计课程◆the design and development of new products 新产品的设计与开发◆most of the design work was done by outside studios. 大部分的设计工作是由外部工作室完成的。◆we use computers at each stage of the design process. 我们在设计过程中的每一阶段均使用电脑。⨁ a design agency / company / consultancy / firm / studio设计机构/公司/顾问/公司/工作室 ⨁ a design department / team设计部门/小组  ➡  cad ◇ graphic design ◇ industrial design ◇ job design ◇ web design design /dɪzaɪn/ verb [transitive] decide how sth will look, work, etc. 设计;制图;构思◆they have won a contract to design and build two new ships. 他们已经争取到了设计和建造两条新船的合同。◆a well-designed computer desk 设计精美的电脑桌 think of and plan a system, a way of doing sth, etc. 计划;制订◆we allow staff to design their own work schedules. 我们让员工制订自己的工作时间表。◆designing a solution to meet customers' needs 制订一个满足顾客需要的解决方案3. (usually be designed) to make, plan or intend sth for a particular purpose or use (为特定的目的)制造,设计◆the phone is specially designed for use in wet conditions. 这种电话是专为在潮湿的条件下使用而设计的。◆a marketing strategy designed to improve the company's image 一项旨在改善公司形象的营销策略☞ design☞ design design noundesign ♦︎ format ♦︎ layout ♦︎ configuration ♦︎ arrangement ♦︎ geographythese are all words for the way in which the different parts of sth are arranged.这些词均表示布局、安排方式。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a design / format / layout / configuration for sth◆in a / the (...) design / format / layout / configuration / arrangement / geography of sth◆in design / format / layout◆a / the basic / simple design / format / layout / arrangement◆a complex design / format / layout / arrangement◆a new design / format / layout / configuration / arrangement◆the original design / format / layout◆a similar / different design / format / layout / arrangement◆the same design / format / layout / arrangement◆the standard design / format / layout / configuration / arrangement◆a traditional design / format / layout / arrangement◆to use a design / format / layout / configuration◆to follow a design / format / layout◆to change the format / layout / configuration■ design [uncountable, countable] the general arrangement of the different parts of sth that is made, such as a building, book or machine(建筑物、书、机器等的)设计,布局,安排◆the machine's unique design prevents it from overheating.这种机器的独特设计使它不会过热。◆the equipment is quite complex in design.这种设备在设计上相当复杂。◆our house was built to a traditional design.我们的房子是按传统设计建造的。◆there was a basic design fault in the new computer.这种新计算机有一个基本的设计缺陷。◆what new design features does the tv have?这台电视机在设计上有什么新特点吗?  ➡ see also design → development ■ format /fɔːmæt; name fɔːrmæt/ [countable] the general arrangement or plan of an event or activity; the shape and size of a book or magazine(事件或活动的)总体安排,形式;(书或杂志的)版式,开本◆the format of the new quiz show has proved very popular.新智力问答节目的形式结果证明很受欢迎。◆we will follow the same format as last year.我们将采用与去年相同的方式进行。◆books are available in a larger format.书籍提供较大的开本。■ layout /leɪaʊt/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the way in which the parts of sth such as the page of a book, a garden or building are arranged(书、花园、建筑物等的)布局,安排,设计◆you'll soon get used to the layout of the building.你很快就会适应这栋楼的布局。◆editing and layout is now usually done on computer.编辑和版面设计现在通常都在计算机上完成。 ➡ see also lay sth out → arrange ■ configuration /kənfɪgəreɪʃn; name kənfɪgjəreɪʃn/ [countable] (formal or technical术语) an arrangement of the parts of sth or a group of things; the form or shape that this arrangement produces布局;结构;形状◆the design is based on four configurations of squares.该设计以四个正方形结构为基础。◆the stars seemed to appear in a different configuration.这些星的排列方式好像变了。■ arrangement [countable, uncountable] a group of things that are organized or placed in a particular order or position; the act of placing things in a particular order布置;安排;整理◆has the seating arrangement been worked out yet?座位安排制订好了没有?◆she's taking a class in flower arrangement.她正在上插花班。 ➡ see also arrange → arrange ■ geography [singular] the way in which the physical features of a place are arranged地形;地貌;地势◆she knew the geography of the building well.她很熟悉这栋楼的布局。◆the island's geography is very simple.这个岛的地形很简单。design verb 1➤design a kitchen/poster设计厨房/海报➤instruments designed for use in cold conditions专为寒冷环境下使用而设计的仪器design ♦︎ invent ♦︎ engineerthese words all mean to produce sth new by deciding or working out how it will look or work.这些词均表示设计制作。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to design / invent / engineer a new kind of motor◆to design / invent a new product◆to design / engineer a new car / bridge■ design [transitive] to decide how sth will look or work, especially by drawing plans or making models设计;构思;制图◆to design a dress / an office设计连衣裙/办公室◆a badly designed kitchen设计很糟糕的厨房◆he designed and built his own house.他的房子是自己设计和修建的。◆they asked me to design a poster for the campaign.他们请我为这次活动设计一张海报。  ➡ see also design → development noun ■ invent [transitive] to produce or design sth that has not existed before发明;创造◆i wish television had never been invented!我真希望电视机没有被发明出来!◆louis braille invented an alphabet to help blind people.为了帮助盲人读书,路易 • 布拉耶发明了一种盲文。  ➡ see also invention → development , inventive → creative ■ engineer [transitive, usually passive] to design and build a vehicle, machine or structure设计制造(车辆、机器或建筑物)◆the car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive.这辆汽车设计工艺精良,开起来过瘾。◆the men who engineered the tunnel隧道的设计人员note 辨析 design, invent or engineer?when you invent sth, it is completely new and nothing of that kind has existed before. * invent 指发明出原本不存在的全新的东西◆who invented the motor car?汽车是谁发明的?◆who designed/engineered the motor car? you can design or engineer a new version of sth that already exists. * design 和 engineer 指为已存在的东西设计制造出新的款式◆they've designed / engineered a new car.他们设计/制造了一款新汽车。you would not use invent in this context, unless the car really is very new and different.在这种语境中不能用 invent,除非这种汽车真的极为创新且与众不同◆they've invented / designed / engineered a revolutionary new car.他们发明/设计/制造了一款破格创新的汽车。◆they've invented / designed / engineered a whole new type of car.他们发明/设计/制造了一款全新型的汽车。design verb 2➤design a kitchen/poster设计厨房/海报➤instruments designed for use in cold conditions专为寒冷环境下使用而设计的仪器design ♦︎ be aimed at sth ♦︎ be intended for/as/to be/to do sth ♦︎ meanthese verbs all mean to make or plan sb/sth for a particular purpose, aim or role.这些词均表示意欲做某事。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be designed / intended / meant for / as sth◆to be designed / intended / meant to be / do sth◆to be clearly designed for / aimed at / intended for / meant to be sth◆to be specifically / primarily / mainly / principally / largely designed for / aimed at / intended for sth■ design [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to make, plan or intend sth for a particular purpose(为特定目的而)制造,设计;意欲◆the method is specifically designed for use with small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。◆these classes are primarily designed as an introduction to the subject.这些课主要作为该学科的入门课程而开设。◆the programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.这项计划的目的是帮助长期失业者。■ be aimed at sth -->phraseto have sth as an aim目的是;旨在◆these measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。■ be intended for sth-->■ be intended as sth-->■ be intended to be sth-->■ be intended to do sth phraseto be planned or designed for a particular purpose or group of people(为特定目的或群体而)计划,设计◆the book is intended for children.这本书是为儿童写的。◆the notes are intended as an introduction to the classes.这些注释旨在介绍这些课程。◆the programme was intended to encourage more local involvement in education.该计划目的在于鼓励地方多参与教育工作。■ mean (meant, meant) [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to plan, intend or expect sb/sth to be sth or to do sth particular打算;意欲;想要⋯成为;想要(某人)做◆the house was clearly meant to be a family home.这所房子显然要用作家庭住宅。◆ (especially bre) his father meant him to be an engineer.他父亲想让他当工程师。◆i was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier).我根本就不是当兵的料。◆philip and kim were meant for each other (= are very suitable as partners).菲利普和金真是天生一对。design [uncountable, countable] the general arrangement of the different parts of sth that is made, such as a building, book or machine(建筑物、书、机器等的)设计,布局,安排◆the machine's unique design prevents it from overheating.这种机器的独特设计使它不会过热。◆the equipment is quite complex in design.这种设备在设计上相当复杂。◆our house was built to a traditional design.我们的房子是按传统设计建造的。◆there was a basic design fault in the new computer.这种新计算机有一个基本的设计缺陷。◆what new design features does the tv have?这台电视机在设计上有什么新特点吗?  ➡ see also design → development design [transitive] to decide how sth will look or work, especially by drawing plans or making models设计;构思;制图◆to design a dress / an office设计连衣裙/办公室◆a badly designed kitchen设计很糟糕的厨房◆he designed and built his own house.他的房子是自己设计和修建的。◆they asked me to design a poster for the campaign.他们请我为这次活动设计一张海报。  ➡ see also design → development noun design [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to make, plan or intend sth for a particular purpose(为特定目的而)制造,设计;意欲◆the method is specifically designed for use with small groups.这方法是专为小组活动设计的。◆these classes are primarily designed as an introduction to the subject.这些课主要作为该学科的入门课程而开设。◆the programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.这项计划的目的是帮助长期失业者。design [uncountable, countable] the art or process of deciding how sth will look, work, etc. by drawing plans, making models, etc; a drawing or plan from which sth may be made设计;设计图样;设计方案◆the design and development of new products新产品的设计与开发◆a course in art and design美术及设计课程◆designs for aircraft飞机的设计图样◆i made this one to my very own design.我完全是自行设计出这件产品的。  ➡ see also design → design noun , design → design verb 1 design [countable] an arrangement of lines and shapes, used as a decoration on an object or in a building装饰图案;花纹◆the building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这座建筑在几面墙上都有复杂的几何图案。◆the tiles come in a huge range of colours and designs.瓷砖有各种各样的颜色和图案。  ➡ see also decoration → decoration note 辨析 pattern or design?a pattern is a design that is repeated in a regular way. it is usually made up of lines, shapes and colours, rather than pictures of things, although simple pictures can form part of a pattern. * pattern 是规则的图案,通常由线条、形状和颜色构成,一般没有图片,尽管可能有简单的图片构成部份图案◆a leaf / flower / floral pattern叶子/鲜花/花卉的图案a pattern can be deliberately created as a decoration or accidentally formed by the way things come together. a design is always deliberately created as a decoration. it can be a repeated pattern or a single decoration; it can be simple or complicated, made up of lines and shapes, or including pictures of things; but it is always deliberately created as a decoration. * pattern 可以是特意设计作装饰用的,也可以是偶然形成的。design 总是特意设计出的装饰,可以是一种图案的重复,也可以是单个装饰图案,可简可繁,可由线条、形状或图画构成,但无一例外是特意设计出来作装饰用的。design [countable] a drawing or plan from which sth will be made设计图◆the design for the new model is top secret.新型号产品的设计图是绝密。◆the original designs were stolen.原始设计图被盗了。design [transitive] to think of and plan a system or way of doing sth计划;筹划;制订◆we need to design a new programme for the third year.我们需要为三年级学生制订新的课程。◆it is easy enough to design systems that work well when everything is going well.制订出顺境中运转良好的制度并不难。design¹/dɪˈzaɪn ||; dɪˈzaɪn/noun1. [u] the way in which sth is planned and made or arranged 设计;布局: ◇design faults have been discovered in the car. 那汽车被发现设计上有缺陷。 2. [u] the process and skill of making drawings that show how sth should be made, how it will work, etc 设计(术);绘图(术): ◇to study industrial design 修读工业设计◇graphic design 平面设计 3. [c] a design (for sth) a drawing or plan that shows how sth should be made, built, etc 图样;设计图: ◇the architect showed us her design for the new theatre. 那位建筑师给我们看她设计的新剧院的图样。 4. [c] a pattern of lines, shapes, etc that decorate sth (作为装饰的)图案: ◇a t-shirt with a geometric design on it 印有几何图案的t恤衫 [syn] pattern 同义词为patterndesign²/dɪˈzaɪn ||; dɪˈzaɪn/verb1. [i,t] to plan and make a drawing of how sth will be made 设计,绘制(图样) [t] ◇to design cars/dresses/houses 设计汽车╱服装╱房屋 2. [t] to invent, plan and develop sth for a particular purpose 构思;计划: ◇the bridge wasn't designed for such heavy traffic. 这座桥在设计上并没有准备要承受这么大的交通流量。 design1 the design of something2 to plan how something new will look or work3 someone whose job is designing thingsrelated wordsbuilding design 建筑物的设计 build/building,see alsopattern,plan,invent,draw,decorate,simple,1. the design of something 某物的设计 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ [countable/uncountable noun] the way something has been planned and made, including its appearance and the way it works - use this about things like furniture, clothes, buildings, or cars [用于指家具、衣服、建筑物或汽车的]设计 conran's furniture was based on simple, modern designs. 康兰的家具以简洁、现代的设计风格为特点。 the success of the product was largely due to good design. 这一产品的成功主要归功于出色的设计。design of the basic design of the vehicle has been improved. 这种车辆的基本设计已改良了。in design the new hockey rink is similar in design to the one in san josé. 这座新建的冰球场在设计上与圣何塞的那座很相似。2. to plan how something new will look or work 对某种新东西的外观或功能进行设计 design /dɪˈzaɪn/ [transitive verb] to make drawings or plans of something new that will be made or built 设计;构思 sally designs and makes all her own clothes. 萨莉的衣服都是她自己设计制作的。 the car was designed and built in korea. 这种汽车是韩国设计制造的。be well/badly/poorly designed the offices weren't very well designed - the rooms are too small and it's much too hot in summer. 办公室设计得不好—房间太小,夏天时太热。be designed to do something airbags are currently designed to protect average-sized adult males. 安全气袋目前是为保护普通身材的成年男子而设计的。 plan /plæn/ [transitive verb] to design a large area, such as a town or a park, and decide how all the different parts should be arranged and what it should look like 规划,设计[城镇或公园等大范围地区] it took them years to plan and build the plaza downtown. 他们花了多年时间在市中心规划并建造这座广场。 the town was originally planned in the 1950s, when there were fewer cars. 这镇最初于20世纪50年代规划,那时汽车没现在多。 we planned the building very carefully with special facilities for the disabled. 我们精心设计这幢建筑,并为残疾人士添置特殊的设施。3. someone whose job is designing things 以设计东西为工作的人 designer /dɪˈzaɪnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to design new machines, furniture, clothes etc [新的机器、家具、衣服等的]设计师 designers at ford say the car's soft shape is supposed to be attractive to women. 福特汽车公司的设计人员说这种车的柔和外型应当对女性很有吸引力。fashion/furniture/software etc designer the show features clothes by famous fashion designers like jean-paul gaultier. 这次表演展示了一些著名时装设计师如让·保罗·高提耶等设计的服装。 anyone with experience as a web page designer can easily get a job. 任何具有网页设计师工作经验的人都很容易找到工作。 architect /ˈɑːʳkɪtekt, ˈɑːʳkətekt/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to design buildings 建筑师 the imperial hotel in tokyo was designed by the famous architect frank lloyd wright. 东京的帝国大饭店是由著名建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特设计的。 we're working with a team of architects on the plans for the new building. 我们在和一批建筑师一起制定建造新大楼的计划。 planner /ˈplænəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who is responsible for planning something large such as a city, park, or large public building [大型的东西,如城市、公园或大型公共建筑的]设计者,规划者 city planners have been working for years on a new design for the plaza. 城市规划者已经为这座广场的新设计工作了好几年。 planners expect the new segment of the subway to carry as many as 3,000 people per day. 规划者希望地铁的新建路段每天可以运载3,000名乘客。☞ design¹☞ design²




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