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单词 disorder
释义 disorder noun¹ 1untidy state; lack of order混乱;无秩序adjective | verb + disorder | preposition | phrases adjective➤complete完全的混乱verb + disorder➤throw sth into使⋯陷入无秩序状态◆the country was thrown into disorder by the strikes.罢工使国家陷入混乱。preposition➤in disorder处于混乱状态◆he died suddenly, leaving his financial affairs in complete disorder.他突然去世,个人财务完全乱了套。phrases➤a state of disorder混乱状态disorder noun² 2violent behaviour/behavior暴力行为adjective | ... of disorder | verb + disorder adjective➤➤serious (especially bre) 严重的动乱▸➤widespread广泛的骚乱▸➤violent (especially bre) 暴力骚乱➤alcohol-related, drink-related (both bre) 酒后滋事◆the pressures on police caused by drink-related disorder酒后滋事对警方的压力➤civil, crowd, public, social内乱;群众骚乱;公众骚乱;社会骚乱▸➤political政治骚乱➤youth (bre) 青年人骚乱◆problems of youth disorder in our cities我们城市中的青年骚乱问题... of disorder➤outbreak (especially bre) 骚乱的爆发◆there have been outbreaks of serious public disorder.已经爆发了数次严重的公众骚乱。verb + disorder➤create, lead to制造骚乱;导致动乱▸➤quell平息骚乱◆troops were sent in to quell the disorder.军队被派去平息骚乱。➤combat, curb, tackle (all especially bre) 镇压/控制/处理骚乱◆the initiative aims to tackle alcohol-related disorder in towns.这一计划最初旨在处理城市中的酒后滋事问题。➤tolerate (especially bre) 容许骚乱◆the police will not tolerate disorder of any kind on our streets.警方不会容许大街上有任何形式的骚乱。➤prevent防止动乱◆new restrictions aimed at preventing social disorder旨在防止社会动乱的新限制措施disorder noun³ 3illness疾病adjective | verb + disorder | disorder + verb | preposition adjective➤serious, severe严重的紊乱▸➤chronic慢性疾病▸➤common, rare常见/罕见疾病▸➤genetic, inherited遗传病▸➤blood, brain, etc.血液病、大脑功能障碍等▸➤circulatory, eating, etc.循环障碍、进食障碍等◆anorexia is a common eating disorder.厌食是一种常见的进食障碍。➤physical身体不适▸➤behavioural/behavioral, emotional, mental, nervous, neurological, personality, psychiatric, psychological行为障碍;情绪障碍;心理障碍;神经错乱;神经性障碍;人格障碍;精神失常;心理障碍➤attention deficit, bipolar, obsessive compulsive, post-traumatic stress, seasonal affective, etc.注意障碍、双相型障碍、强迫症、创伤后应激障碍、季节性情感障碍等verb + disorder➤have, suffer from患病◆she suffers from a rare blood disorder.她患有一种罕见的血液病。➤develop患有⋯病◆some people develop psychological disorders as a result of trauma.有些人因受过创伤而患有心理障碍。➤cause引起疾病◆the argument that thin models in magazines cause eating disorders关于杂志上苗条的模特引起进食障碍的论点➤prevent预防疾病◆consumption of fatty acids may help prevent the disorder.消耗脂肪酸可能有助于预防这种疾病。➤treat治疗疾病➤diagnose诊断疾病◆her doctor diagnosed a thyroid disorder.她的医生诊断她为甲状腺疾病。disorder + verb➤affect sth疾病侵袭⋯◆disorders affecting the very old, such as senile dementia老年痴呆之类侵袭老年人的疾病preposition➤disorder of⋯的疾病◆disorders of the digestive system消化系统紊乱  ➡ topic at illness disorder [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) an illness that causes a part of the body to stop functioning correctly失调;紊乱;不适◆this is a rare disorder of the liver.这是一种罕见的肝功能紊乱。◆most people with acute mental disorder can be treated at home.大多数患急性精神紊乱的病人可以在家里接受治疗。ⓘ a disorder is usually not infectious. disorder is used most frequently with words relating to mental problems. * disorder 通常不具传染性,该词最常与有关精神疾病的词连用◆a / an psychiatric / personality / mental / depressive / eating disorder精神错乱;人格障碍;精神紊乱;抑郁症;进食失调when it is used to talk about physical problems, it is used most often with blood, bowel and kidney, and these are commonly serious, severe or rare. * disorder 指身体疾病时最常与 blood、bowel 和 kidney 连用,而这些身体疾病多与 serious、severe 或 rare 搭配。disorder [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which a place is untidy because there is no order in the way things are arranged杂乱;混乱;凌乱◆the room was in a state of disorder.房间凌乱不堪。◆he loves tidying up, making order out of disorder.他喜欢整理东西,把杂乱无章的地方拾掇得井井有条。opp order → efficiency  ➡ see also disordered → untidy disorder [uncountable] (rather formal) a situation in which large groups of people behave violently in a public place(大规模)骚乱,动乱◆the food crisis led to outbreaks of rioting and public disorder.粮食危机引发了暴乱和公众骚乱。opp order → peace  ➡ see also disorderly → wild 1 disorder/dɪsˈɔ:də(r) ||; dɪsˈɔrdɚ/noun1. [u] an untidy, confused or badly organized state 混乱;凌乱: ◇his financial affairs are in complete disorder. 他的财务十分混乱。 [opp] order 反义词为order 2. [u] violent behaviour by a large number of people 暴乱;动乱: ◇disorder broke out on the streets of the capital. 首都街头发生暴乱。 3. [c,u] an illness in which the mind or part of the body is not working properly (精神或身体)失调,不适: ◇treatment for eating disorders such as anorexia 厌食症等饮食失调的疗法◇a kind of mental disorder 一种精神病 disordersee ⇨ illness/disease 1 ⇨ mentally ill 2 ⇨ organize 4 dis·or·der /dɪs`ɔrdə; dɪsˈɔːdə/n 1. [u] when things or people are very untidy or disorganized 混乱,凌乱:◇the house was in a state of complete disorder. 这幢房子内凌乱不堪,一片狼藉。 2. civil/public disorder when a lot of people in a country do not obey the law and cannot be controlled 民众骚乱/社会动乱 3. [c] an illness that prevents part of your body from working properly [身体某一部分的]紊乱,失调:◇a rare liver disorder 一种罕见的肝脏疾病




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