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单词 biased
释义 biased adjective (also biassed) verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有偏见adverb➤extremely, very极有偏见;很有偏见▸➤heavily, hopelessly, strongly存在严重的/不可救药的/顽固的偏见▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/稍有偏见▸➤naturally自然地有偏见▸➤inherently存在固有偏见▸➤ideologically, politically意识形态上/政治上有偏见▸➤racially有种族偏见preposition➤against对⋯有偏见◆fate was strongly biased against him.命运总是跟他过不去。➤in favour/favor of对⋯偏爱◆the methods they employed were heavily biased in favour / favor of the rich.他们采用的方法非常偏袒有钱人。➤towards/toward对⋯有偏爱◆managers are naturally biased towards / toward projects showing a quick return.管理者自然对回报快的项目抱有偏爱。☞ bias biased adjectivebiased ♦︎ prejudiced ♦︎ partisan ♦︎ discriminatory ♦︎ intolerant ♦︎ one-sided ♦︎ unbalancedthese words all describe sb/sth that unreasonably dislikes or favours sb/sth more than sb/sth else, usually with the result that one is treated unfairly.这些词均表示偏颇的、不公平的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆biased / prejudiced / discriminatory against sb / sth◆biased / prejudiced in favour of sb / sth◆a partisan / a prejudiced / a discriminatory / an intolerant attitude◆a biased / a prejudiced / a partisan / a one-sided / an unbalanced view◆a biased / prejudiced / partisan opinion◆a biased / partisan / one-sided account◆biased / partisan / one-sided coverage◆somewhat / rather biased / prejudiced / partisan / one-sided / unbalanced■ biased /baɪəst/ (disapproving) unfairly supporting or showing favour towards one person, group or set of ideas rather than another有偏见的;倾向性的;片面的◆they admit that they're biased towards the republican party.他们承认偏袒共和党。◆the article was heavily biased against the current regime.这篇文章对现政权持有很大偏见。◆there is little doubt that most media coverage is biased.大多数媒体报道无疑是有倾向性的。◆she gave a somewhat biased account of the proceedings.她对事件的描述有些片面。opp unbiased → objective  ➡ see also bias → discrimination , bias → influence verb ■ prejudiced /predʒədɪst/ (disapproving) disliking or approving of sb/sth in particular, especially when this is unreasonable or unfair, often based on sb's race, religion, sex, age, etc.有偏见的;(对种族、宗教、性别、年龄等)带成见的◆few people will admit to being racially prejudiced.很少有人会承认自己有种族偏见。◆they are strongly prejudiced against older candidates.他们对年龄较大的申请人抱有很大成见。 ➡ see also prejudice → discrimination noun , prejudice → influence verb ■ partisan /pɑːtɪzæn, pɑːtɪzæn; name pɑːrtəzn/ (usually disapproving) strongly supporting one particular person, group or set of ideas, especially without considering it carefully(对某个人、团体或一套思想)过分支持的,偏护的,盲目拥护的◆most newspapers are politically partisan.大多数报纸都有政治倾向。◆the speakers were encouraged by a large partisan crowd.这些演讲者受到了一大群盲目的拥护者鼓动。opp non-partisan → objective ■ discriminatory /dɪskrɪmɪnətəri; name dɪskrɪmɪnətɔːri/ (formal, disapproving) unfairly treating one group of people, or member of a group, worse than others区别对待的;不公正的;歧视的◆women's groups claim that the laws are discriminatory.妇女团体声称这些法规带有歧视。◆companies were urged to tackle sexually and racially discriminatory recruitment practices.企业被力促整顿招录新人时含有性别和种族歧视的做法。 ➡ see also discrimination → discrimination ■ intolerant /ɪntɒlərənt; name ɪntɑːlərənt/ (rather formal, disapproving) not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own不容忍的;不容异说的;偏执的◆he was deeply intolerant of all opposition.他对所有异见都极不容忍。 opp tolerant → tolerant  ➡ see also intolerance → discrimination ■ one-sided (disapproving) (of an argument, view or account of sth) giving only one point of view and not considering any facts or arguments that might suggest that this is wrong(论点、见解或对事情的描述)片面的,偏颇的◆the debate was very one-sided, and lacking in any serious thinking.这场辩论非常片面,缺乏任何严肃的思考。■ unbalanced [usually before noun] (usually disapproving) giving too much or too little importance towards one part or aspect of sth不持平的;偏颇的;失衡的◆the media often presents a somewhat unbalanced picture of scientific progress.媒体对科学进步的描述常常有些片面。 opp balanced ⓘ a balanced view or treatment of a subject looks at or treats it fairly, giving the right level of importance to all aspects of it. * balanced 指见解或对问题的处理公允的、持平的◆ (approving) the programme presented a balanced view of the two sides of the conflict.节目公平地反映了冲突双方的情况。 biased /baɪəst/ (disapproving) unfairly supporting or showing favour towards one person, group or set of ideas rather than another有偏见的;倾向性的;片面的◆they admit that they're biased towards the republican party.他们承认偏袒共和党。◆the article was heavily biased against the current regime.这篇文章对现政权持有很大偏见。◆there is little doubt that most media coverage is biased.大多数媒体报道无疑是有倾向性的。◆she gave a somewhat biased account of the proceedings.她对事件的描述有些片面。opp unbiased → objective  ➡ see also bias → discrimination , bias → influence verb biasedsee ⇨ unfair 1,3 bi·ased /`baɪəst; ˈbaɪəst/adjjudging something unfairly because of your personal opinions 有偏见的:◇most newspapers reporting is very biased. 大多数新闻报道都有很大的偏见。◇+ in favour of/against/towards he's pretty biased against anyone who didn't go to university. 他对没有上过大学的人颇有偏见。




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