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单词 acupuncture
释义 acupuncture noun... of acupuncture | verb + acupuncture | acupuncture + noun ... of acupuncture➤course一个疗程的针刺治疗◆i was recommended a course of acupuncture.我被建议接受一个疗程的针刺治疗。verb + acupuncture➤have接受针刺治疗◆i'm having acupuncture for a bad back.我正在接受针刺治疗背痛。➤give sb, practise/practice, use给某人做针刺治疗;从事针刺治疗;使用针刺疗法◆in china, acupuncture has been used to treat people for thousands of years.针刺疗法已在中国使用了数千年。acupuncture + noun➤point(针刺)穴位◆needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points in the body.针刺入人体特定的穴位。➤needle针灸针acupuncture/ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r) ||; ˈækjυˌpʌŋktʃɚ/noun [u] a way of treating an illness or stopping pain by putting thin needles into parts of the body 针刺疗法 ac·u·punc·ture /`ækjuˏpʌŋktʃə; ˈækjˌpʌŋktʃə/n [u]a way of stopping pain or treating an illness by putting thin needles into someone's body 针灸,针刺(疗法)




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