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单词 acute
释义 acute /əkjuːt/ (rather formal) very serious or severe十分严重的◆the scandal was an acute embarrassment for the president.这桩丑闻使总统处于极度难堪的境地。◆competition for jobs is acute.求职竞争非常激烈。ⓘ an acute illness is one that has quickly become severe and dangerous. * acute 用于疾病时表示急性的◆he was suffering from acute chest pains.他患了急性胸痛。 opp chronic a chronic illness or problem is one that lasts for a long time and is difficult to cure or get rid of. * chronic 表示疾病是慢性的,难以治愈,或问题长期存在,难以根除◆chronic bronchitis / arthritis / asthma慢性支气管炎/关节炎/哮喘◆the country's chronic unemployment problem该国长期存在的失业问题▸ acutely adverb◆she suddenly felt acutely embarrassed.她突然感到极其尴尬。acute/əˈkju:t ||; əˈkjut/adj1. very serious; very great 严重的: ◇an acute shortage of food 粮食严重短缺◇acute pain 剧痛 2. (used about an illness) becoming dangerous very quickly (指疾病)急性的: ◇acute appendicitis 急性阑尾炎 ☞compare chronic. 与 chronic 比较。 3. (used about feelings or the senses) very strong (指感情或感觉)强烈的: ◇dogs have an acute sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏。◇acute hearing 灵敏的听觉 4. showing that you are able to understand things easily 领悟力强的: ◇the report contains some acute observations on the situation. 报告中有些地方对情况的观察很敏锐。 ➔acutely adv acutesee ⇨ serious 1 a·cute /ə`kjut; əˈkjuːt/adj 1. very serious or severe 严重的; 剧烈的:◇acute pain 剧痛◇an acute shortage of medical staff 医务人员的严重短缺 2. good at understanding things quickly and clearly 敏锐的; 深刻的:◇simon's manner concealed an agile and acute mind. 西蒙的处事方式下隐藏了一个机智敏锐的头脑。 3. good at noticing small differences in sound or smell [听觉、嗅觉]敏锐的,灵敏的 4. technical an acute disease or illness becomes dangerous very quickly 【术语】 [疾病]急性的:◇acute tuberculosis 急性肺结核→ compare 比较 chronic 5. technical an acute angle is less than 90 degrees 【术语】 锐角的




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