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单词 then
释义 then [only before noun] used to refer to sb who had a particular title or position at the time in the past that is being discussed当时(任职)的◆that decision was taken more than ten years ago by the then president.那个决定是十多年前由当时的总统作出的。 opp current → recent then/ðen ||; ðɛn/adv1. (at) that time 那时;当时: ◇in 1990? i was at university then. 1990年?我当时在大学念书。◇i spoke to him on wednesday, but i haven't seen him since then. 我星期三跟他说过话,但此后我再没有见过他。◇they met in 1941 and remained close friends from then on. 他们在1941年相识,从那时起一直是亲密朋友。◇i'm going tomorrow. can you wait until then ? 我明天去,你可以等到那时吗?◇phone me tomorrow -- i will have decided by then. 明天给我打电话─到那时我会做出决定了。 2. next; after that 接着;然后: ◇i'll have a shower and get changed, then we'll go out. 我去淋个浴,换一换衣服,然后我们就出去。◇there was silence for a minute. then he replied. 沉默一会儿后,他作出回答。 3. used to show the logical result of a statement or situation (用于表示某番话或某种情况的合理结果): ◇‘i don't feel at all well.’ ‘why don't you go to the doctor then?’ “我觉得很不舒服。”“那为什么不去看医生?”◇if you don't do any work then you'll fail the exam. 你如果不学习,那你考试就会不及格。 4. (spoken 口语) (used after words like now, okay, right, etc to show the beginning or end of a conversation or statement) (用于now、okay、right等词之后,表示谈话或陈述的开始或结果): ◇now then, are we all ready to go? 那么,我们都准备好出发没有?◇right then, i'll see you tomorrow. 好,明天见。 then/there again→againthere and then;then and there→therethen1 ways of saying that one thing happens after another2 at a particular time in the past3 at a particular time in the futurerelated wordssee alsoafter,time,past,future,1. ways of saying that one thing happens after another 表示一事接着另一事发生的说法 then /ðen/ [adverb] we scraped all the old paint off the bike and then repainted it bright red. 我们把自行车上的旧漆都刮掉了,然后重新把它漆成了鲜红色。 fry the onions gently, and then add the meat and cook for a few minutes. 把洋葱稍稍炒一下,然后放进肉烧几分钟。 first you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes. then you can start to actually write your essay. 首先你得收集所有资料并详细地做好笔记,然后就能开始正式动笔写文章。 next /nekst/ [adverb] immediately after something - use this especially when the order in which things happen is important 紧接着,接下来,然后[尤用于事物发生的次序很重要时] everyone started fighting and someone threw a bottle. i forget what happened next. 大家都开始打起来,有人扔了一个瓶子。接下来的事我就记不起来了。 which of the candidates shall we interview next? 我们接下来要面试哪个应聘者? first you need to select the text you want to move. next, click on the ‘move’ command at the top of the screen. 首先你要选好想要移动的内容,然后点击屏幕顶端的“移动”指令。 after that /ˌɑːftəʳ ˈðætǁˌæf-/ [adverb] after something happens 从那以后,自此 england had a man sent off in the first half, and after that the england team never really looked as though they could win the game. 上半场英格兰队有一人被罚下场,那以后英格兰队看上去就再也不像能赢那场比赛了。 the exhaust pipe fell off the car just as we were leaving, and after that it was just one disaster after another! 我们正要离开时车子的排气管掉了,然后灾祸就接二连三地发生了!2. at a particular time in the past 过去的某一时候 then /ðen/ [adverb] she thought back over her early married life; everything had been so different then. 她回想起自己刚结婚时的生活,那时候一切都大不相同。 they were living in the country then, on a farm. 那时候他们住在乡村的一座农场里。 these days it's ok for women to smoke in public, but then it was unheard of. 现在女人能在公众场合抽烟,但那时候这是闻所未闻的。then and only then not until that time 只有在那时 bob sat down and read the letter again slowly. then and only then did it begin to sink in that stella was really dead. 鲍勃坐下来又慢慢地读那封信。这时,也只有这时,他才开始明白斯特拉真的已经去世了。just then at that exact moment 就在那时 i sat down at my desk and got out a pile of reports to read. just then, the phone rang. 我坐在书桌前拿出一叠报告来看,就在此时电话铃响了。 at that/the time /ət ˌðæt, ðə ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] at a particular period of time in the past - use this especially when you are talking about what the situation was then as compared to the present time 那时候,在当时[尤用于把过去的情况与现在的情况作比较时] at that time, he was married to a woman called jody. 那时候,他跟一个叫乔迪的女人结了婚。 i was offered a job in new york, but at the time i didn't want to move so far away from my family. 我得到了一份在纽约的工作,但那时候我不愿意搬得离家那么远。 the accepted view at that time was that women should remain in the home and not go out to work. 那时候普遍接受的看法是女人应该留在家里,不可以出去工作。 i can't remember exactly what he said, but i do remember thinking it was very funny at the time. 我不怎么记得他确切是怎样说的,但我确实记得当时感到他的话很滑稽。 in those days/back then /ɪn ˈðəʊz ˌdeɪz, ˌbæk ˈðen/ [adverb] at that time in the past - use this especially when you are comparing life in the past with life in the present 那时候,当年[尤用于把过去的生活与现在的生活作比较时] we used to get paid £2 a week. that was a lot of money in those days. 我们过去的薪水是一周两英镑,那时候这可是一大笔钱。 in those days there was no proper road, just an old stony track through the woods. 那时候没有一条像样的路,只有一条旧的石子小道穿过树林。 back then, most people left school at fourteen and started work. 那时候,大多数人都是14岁便离开学校开始工作的。 i remember thinking, back then, that i would never get married. 我记得当年我以为自己永远不会结婚了。 at that point /ət ˌðæt ˈpɔɪnt/ [adverb] at that exact time during a past event or situation 就在那时[说到过去所发生的事时] miles got up to make his speech, and at that point several of the guests quietly slipped out of the room. 迈尔斯站起来准备演讲,就在此时有几位嘉宾悄悄溜出了房间。 i thought he was dead. at that point, everything seemed hopeless. 我以为他死了,那一刻一切看起来都毫无希望。 at that moment /ət ˌðæt ˈməʊmənt/ [adverb] at the exact time when something happened or when someone did something - use this when describing past events or telling stories 在那时候[用于描述过去的事件或讲故事] at that moment there was a knock on the door. 就在那时有人敲门。 fortunately, jorge appeared at that moment and was able to help us load things into the van. 幸好乔治在那时候出现了,他帮我们把东西搬上小货车。just at that moment at that exact moment 就在那时 just at that moment, the police arrived. 就在那时候,警察来了。 at that stage /ət ˌðæt ˈsteɪdʒ/ [adverb] during a particular period of time in the past, although things were going to change or develop later 在那个时期,在那个阶段 at that stage i lacked the experience to apply for a management post. 在那时期,我没有足够的经验去申请管理职位。 at that stage in the inquiry, the police still hoped that maria might be alive. 在调查的那个阶段,警方仍希望玛丽亚可能还活着。3. at a particular time in the future 将来的某一时候 then /ðen/ [adverb] wait until you've had your dinner, then you can go out to play. 等到吃完晚饭之后你才可以出去玩。by then just wait until july -- all the exams will be over by then. 一直等到7月吧—到那时所有的考试都结束了。until then we're not getting a new car until june, so this one will have to do us until then. 我们要到6月份才能拿到新车,所以在此之前我们得用这辆车。 we'll probably see you again when we get to budapest -- until then goodbye and good luck! 我们很可能要在到了布达佩斯以后再和你见面—在此之前,再见,祝你好运!then and only then not until then 只有到那时 both sides must forget about the past. then and only then can there be peace. 双方都必须不计前嫌,这样,也只有这样,才会有和平。 at that point /ət ˌðæt ˈpɔɪnt/ [adverb] at the exact moment during an event or process when something will happen 就在那时 at 7:45 the lights will go out in the hall, and at that point all the actors will move into their positions on the stage. 到7时45分大厅里的灯光会熄灭,在那时候所有的演员都会走到舞台上各就各位。 at that stage /ət ˌðæt ˈsteɪdʒ/ [adverb] at that particular time during a series of events 在那个阶段,在那个时期 the exams will be finished by the end of june. at that stage you can make a decision about which subjects to study next year. 考试将于6月底前结束,那时候你就可以决定下一年要修读哪些学科。 by that time /baɪ ˌðæt ˈtaɪm/ [adverb] before a particular time actually arrives 在那之前,到那时候 i have to go at 6 pm, but by that time we should have got through most of the work. 我必须在下午6点走,但到那时候我们应该已经完成大部分工作了。by which time the connellys go to africa in april, by which time they hope to have sold their house. 康奈利一家4月份到非洲去,他们希望届时已经把房子卖掉了。☞ then¹☞ then²




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