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单词 grin
释义 grin nounadjective | verb + grin | grin + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, broad, cheshire, cheshire-cat, huge, large, wide咧嘴笑;大笑;露齿笑▸➤faint, feeble, slight, small一丝笑意;淡淡一笑;略带笑容▸➤friendly, sympathetic友好的笑;同情的笑➤happy幸福的笑▸➤infectious有感染力的笑▸➤lazy慵懒的露齿一笑▸➤cheesy, foolish, goofy, silly, stupid做作的笑;愚蠢的笑容;傻乎乎的笑▸➤boyish, cheeky, devilish, devious, impish, mischievous, playful, sly, teasing孩子气的笑;厚脸皮的坏笑;恶毒的笑;刁滑的笑;顽皮的笑;淘气的笑;调皮的笑;狡猾的笑;揶揄的笑◆edmund looked up with an impish grin.埃德蒙带着顽皮的笑容抬起了头。➤mocking, teasing嘲讽的笑;戏谑的笑➤cocky, smug狂妄自大的笑;自鸣得意的笑➤satisfied满足的笑▸➤sheepish, shy羞怯的笑容;腼腆的笑▸➤rueful, sardonic, wry悔恨的笑;冷笑;苦笑▸➤knowing会意的笑▸➤insane, manic神经质的笑;狂笑➤amused开心的笑▸➤evil, feral, hideous, malicious, sinister, wicked, wolfish恶毒的笑;狂野的笑;可怕的笑容;恶意的笑;邪恶的笑;刻毒的笑;狞笑▸➤crooked, lopsided歪着嘴的笑▸➤gap-toothed, toothless, toothy露出豁牙缝的笑;瘪嘴的笑;露齿的笑verb + grin➤have露齿笑◆he had a cheeky grin.他不知羞耻地咧嘴笑了笑。◆i wondered why dad had a grin on his face.我不知道爸爸为什么面露喜色。➤crack, flash (sb), give (sb), let out (name) 绽出笑容;(冲某人)闪过一丝微笑;(冲着某人)咧嘴一笑;咧嘴笑起来◆he gave the photographer a big grin.他对着摄影师咧嘴大笑。➤grin, smile咧嘴笑;笑眯眯◆he grinned his adorable grin.他露出可爱的笑容。➤force, manage挤出笑容;勉强笑出来◆he forced a grin despite feeling angry.尽管很生气,他还是勉强笑了笑。➤break into, curl into, form, split into绽开笑容;撇嘴而笑;咧嘴而笑;咧嘴笑起来◆the old man's face broke into a grin.老人的脸上绽出笑容。◆her lips started to form a slight grin.她的嘴角开始有了点儿笑意。➤fight, fight back, hide, hold back, stifle, suppress尽量不笑;忍着不笑;隐藏笑意;忍住笑;抑制笑意◆she tried to stifle a grin.她试图忍着不笑。➤wear面带笑容➤return报以微笑grin + verb➤broaden, grow, grow broader, grow wider, widen笑得更开怀;笑得更厉害▸➤appear, break out (across sb's face), come across sb's face, come over sb's face, creep across sb's face, creep onto sb's face, cross sb's face, form on sb's face, spread across sb's face, spread over sb's face笑容出现;笑容绽放(在某人脸上);笑容展现在某人脸上;笑容在某人脸上慢慢展开◆a mischievous grin spread across the little girl's face.小女孩的脸上露出顽皮的笑容。➤be plastered across sb's face, be plastered on sb's face, light sb's face, light up sb's face, play on sb's face, split sb's face, tug at sb's lips笑容挂在某人脸上;笑容使某人容光焕发;笑容使某人脸放光彩;笑容出现在某人脸上;笑容在某人脸上绽放;笑容使某人嘴角上扬◆a grin tugging at the corners of his lips他嘴角露出的笑容➤disappear, fade笑容消失/退去◆his wry grin faded.他脸上的苦笑消失了。➤turn into sth笑容变成⋯◆her grin turned into a frown.他不再微笑,皱起了眉。preposition➤with a grin带着笑容◆'fooled you!' he said, with a cheeky grin.“你上当了!”他脸带坏笑地说。➤grin at对⋯的咧嘴笑◆a grin at his wife对着他妻子的咧嘴一笑➤grin of⋯的笑◆a grin of triumph胜利的笑容phrases➤take the grin off your face, wipe the grin off your face收起笑容◆take that grin off your face!别嬉皮笑脸的!➤wipe the grin off sb's face让某人得意不下去◆i'll soon wipe that silly grin off her face.很快我就会让她笑不出来了。grin verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤broadly, widely咧嘴笑;张嘴笑◆he appeared in the doorway grinning broadly.他喜笑颜开地出现在门口。➤slightly, weakly微微地/淡淡地一笑▸➤crookedly歪着嘴笑▸➤brightly, cheerfully, happily愉快地/爽朗地/高兴地咧着嘴笑▸➤amiably亲切地笑▸➤boyishly, cheekily, devilishly, impishly, mischievously, playfully孩子气地/顽皮地/恶毒地/淘气地/恶作剧地/调皮地笑➤madly, wildly狂笑;疯笑▸➤triumphantly得意地笑➤proudly自豪地笑;骄傲地笑▸➤inanely, stupidly愚蠢地/傻乎乎地笑▸➤nervously, sheepishly紧张地/羞怯地笑◆he just stood there, tongue-tied and grinning sheepishly.他只是张口结舌地站在那儿,羞怯地笑着。➤apologetically, ruefully, wryly抱歉地笑;悔恨地笑;苦笑◆she grinned apologetically when she saw him.她一看到他就报以歉意的笑容。➤evilly, maliciously, slyly, wolfishly恶毒地笑;恶意地笑;狡猾地笑;狞笑➤knowingly会意地笑➤smugly自鸣得意地笑▸➤back, down at, up at回应以微笑;向⋯低头一笑;向⋯抬头一笑◆she relaxed and grinned wickedly back at him.她放松下来,向他报以顽皮的一笑。◆he lay grinning impishly up at me.他躺在那儿冲我顽皮地笑着。preposition➤at对⋯咧嘴而笑◆he stopped eating to grin at me.他停止吃东西,冲我咧嘴一笑。➤like像⋯一样地笑◆he just stood there, grinning like an idiot.他只是站在那儿,像个白痴似的咧嘴傻笑。➤to冲着⋯笑◆she grinned to herself at the thought.想到这儿,她不由得笑了出来。➤with⋯地笑◆they grinned with pleasure.他们高兴地笑起来。phrases➤grin ear to ear, grin from ear to ear笑得合不拢嘴◆she looked at us, grinning from ear to ear.她看着我们,笑得合不拢嘴。grin(-nn-) [intransitive, transitive, no passive] to smile widely; to say or express sth with a wide smile露齿而笑;咧着嘴笑;咧嘴笑着说(或表示)◆he was grinning from ear to ear.他笑得合不拢嘴。◆'don't be daft,' he grinned.“别犯傻了。”他咧嘴一笑说。opp scowl → frown ▸ grin noun [countable] ◆take that grin off your face!别嬉皮笑脸的!grinnoun [countable] ◆take that grin off your face!别嬉皮笑脸的!grinnoun [countable] ◆take that grin off your face!别嬉皮笑脸的!grin/grɪn ||; grɪn/verb [i] (grinning;grinned)grin (at sb) to give a broad smile (so that you show your teeth) 露齿而笑: ◇she grinned at me as she came into the room. 她走进房间的时候,朝我露齿一笑。 grin noun [c]grinsee ⇨ smile 1,3     • • •• ⇨ break into a smile/grin☞ grin¹☞ grin²




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