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单词 dare¹
释义 dare¹ /dɛr; deə/v 1. [i] to be brave enough to do something, used especially in negative sentences 胆敢,竟敢[尤用于否定句]:◇dare (to) do sth robbins wouldn't dare argue with the boss. 罗宾斯不敢跟老板争辩。 2. how dare you/he etc spoken used when you are very angry about what someone has said or done 【口】 你竟敢/他胆敢等:◇how dare you call me a liar! 你竟敢称我是骗子! 3. don't you dare spoken used to tell someone that they must not do something 【口】 不许你…,千万别…:◇don't you dare talk to me like that! 不许你用那种腔调跟我说话! 4. dare sb to do sth to try to persuade someone to do something dangerous 看某人敢不敢做某事[用激将法刺激别人做危险的事时使用]:◇i dare you to jump! 我看你敢不敢跳!




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