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单词 name
释义 name noun¹ 1word/words sb/sth is known by名称adjective | verb + name | name + verb | name + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤christian, first, given (especially name) 教名;名字▸➤middle, second (= middle name) (bre) 中名▸➤family, last (see also surname) , second (= last name) (bre) 姓;家姓▸➤full全名◆his full name was william augustus grove.他的全名是威廉・奥古斯塔斯・格罗夫。➤married婚后的名字▸➤maiden娘家姓▸➤birth (especially name) 本名◆muhammad ali's birth name was cassius clay.穆罕默德・阿里的乳名是卡修斯・克莱。➤original原名◆st petersburg has gone back to its original name.圣彼得堡又改用原名了。➤proper, real, true专有名称;真名▸➤pet昵称◆his pet name for her was 'fluff'.他亲昵地称她“毛毛”。➤assumed, fake, false假名▸➤official正式名称▸➤joint (especially bre) 联名◆the account is in joint names.这个账户用的是联名。➤common常见的名字◆'smith' is a very common family name.“史密斯”是一个很常见的姓。➤double-barrelled, hyphenated (especially name) 复姓(名);有连字符连接的名字➤personal个人的名字◆the place takes its name from the old english personal name 'catta'.该地的地名取自古英语中的人名“卡塔”。➤pen (usually pen-name) , professional, stage笔名;工作上用的名字;艺名◆george eliot was a pen-name; her real name was mary ann evans.乔治・艾略特是笔名,她的真名是玛丽・安・埃文斯。➤brand, proprietary, trade品牌名;专利名;商标名▸➤generic非专利名称▸➤company公司名▸➤scientific学名◆the scientific name for plants in this genus is asclepias.该属的植物的学名是马利筋。➤code代号▸➤file档案名▸➤user用户名◆please enter your user name.请输入你的用户名。➤domain域名◆you will need to register a domain name (= an individual internet address).你需要注册一个域名。➤place, street地名;街道名▸➤band乐队名◆their original band name was 'cherry five'.他们乐队最初的名字是“樱桃五”。verb + name➤have有名字◆do you have a middle name?你有中名吗?➤bear, carry用名称;沿用名字◆the julian calendar was introduced by julius caesar and hence carries his name.儒略历是由尤利乌斯・凯撒推行的,因此就沿用了他的名字。➤be known by, go by被称为;被叫作◆the island is more commonly known by the name 'krakatoa'.这个岛更通用的名字是“喀拉喀托”。◆he goes by the name of jonno.他被叫作乔诺。➤use使用名字◆she uses a different name in her professional life.她在工作中用的是另一个名字。➤share共用名字◆his wife and sister share the same name, sarah.他妻子和他姐姐同名,都叫萨拉。➤acquire, get, obtain获得名字◆the brady bill acquired its name from its best-known sponsor, james brady.布雷迪法案得名于其最著名的发起人詹姆斯・布雷迪。➤adopt, assume, take取名;起名;以⋯为名字◆he was elected pope in 1978 and took the name of john paul ii.他于 1978 年获选为教皇,从名约翰・保罗二世。➤keep保留名字◆she decided to keep her maiden name for professional purposes.她决定在工作上仍然用娘家姓。➤abandon放弃名字▸➤change改名▸➤carry on沿袭名字◆he wanted an heir to carry on the family name.他想要一个继承人使家族姓氏得以延续。➤immortalize使名字不朽◆his name was immortalized in 1992 when he scored three times in the space of five minutes.1992 年他因为在 5 分钟内 3 次射门得分而名垂青史。➤choose, decide on, pick选择/决定/挑选名称▸➤give sb/sth给⋯起名◆she was given the name maria, after her grandmother.她的名字是玛丽亚,跟她祖母一个名。➤give sb, name, pass on告诉某人名字;说出名字;传达名字◆detectives believe that a hit man was sent to silence the witness before he could name names (= give evidence to the court / police).侦探相信有人找杀手在证人作证前灭了口。➤reveal透露名字▸➤call sb/sth by把⋯叫作◆please call me by my first name.叫我的名字就行。➤call sb names谩骂某人◆stop calling me names (= stop saying rude / insulting things about me).不要再骂我啦。➤call, call out呼喊/大声喊出名字◆somebody called out her name from below.有人在下面大声喊她的名字。➤mention提及名字◆we cannot mention the suspect's name for legal reasons.出于法律原因,我们不能提及嫌疑人的名字。➤drop把重要人物挂在嘴边炫耀自己◆all he did was drop names (= mention the names of famous people to impress people).他只会提一些名人的名字炫耀自己。➤invoke引用名字◆he invoked the name of freud in support of his argument.他援引弗洛伊德来支持他的论点。➤ask (sb)问及(某人)名字◆i asked him his name.我问了他的名字。➤hear听到名字◆i've heard that name mentioned before.我以前曾听说过那个名字。➤catch听清名字◆i'm sorry, i didn't catch your name.抱歉,我没听清你的名字。➤know知道名字◆how do you know my name?你是怎么知道我的名字的?➤forget, remember忘记/记住名字◆i'm afraid i've forgotten your name.我恐怕想不起你的名字了。➤print, sign, write用印刷体书写名字;签名;写名字▸➤spell拼写名字▸➤pronounce把名字读出来▸➤enter, put down, register填入/写下/登记名字◆have you put your name down for (= applied to take part in) the school play?你报名参加学校的戏剧演出了吗?➤list列举名字▸➤put forward (especially bre) 提名◆they put his name forward (= chose him) as one of the five candidates for the post.他们提名他为该职位的 5 个候选人之一。name + verb➤appear名字出现◆the name of the artist appears on the vase.这位艺术家的名字出现在花瓶上。➤sound...名字听起来◆his name sounds familiar.他的名字很耳熟。➤imply sth, suggest sth名字含义为⋯/暗示⋯◆as the name implies, oxford was the place at which oxen could ford the river.牛津这个名字的含义是牛可以涉水而过的地方。➤be synonymous with sth名字是⋯的同义词◆his name is synonymous with the worst excesses of sixties architecture.他的名字是 60 年代建筑最铺张无度的代名词。➤be associated with sth, be attached (to sth)名字与⋯相联系/与(⋯)联系在一起◆i do not want my name associated with these products.我不想让我的名字和这些产品联系在一起。◆he's been in four movies with spielberg's name attached.在斯皮尔伯格执导的电影中,他出演过 4 部。➤mean sth名字的意思是⋯▸➤come from名字来自⋯◆where does the band name come from?这个乐队的名称缘何而来?➤ring a bell (figurative) 名字听起来耳熟◆'does that name mean anything to you?' 'yes, it does ring a bell (= it is familiar).'“你知道这个名字吗?”“是的,的确听着耳熟。”name + noun➤badge, tag名字徽章;标有姓名的标签➤plate (usually nameplate) 姓名牌◆she had her nameplate on the door.门上有她的姓名牌。➤recognition名字的认知◆coca cola's global brand name recognition可口可乐在全球的品牌认知preposition➤by name按名字◆the teacher knows every student by name.这位老师知道每一个学生的名字。➤by the name of名叫⋯◆an actor by the name of tom rees名叫汤姆・里斯的演员➤in sb/sth's name以⋯的名义;凭⋯的权威◆the tickets were booked in the name of mclean.这些票是以麦克莱恩的名义订的。◆i arrest you in the name (= on the authority) of the law.我依法逮捕你。➤under a/the name用⋯的名字◆the room was booked under (= using) a false name.这个房间是用假名预订的。➤name for, name of给⋯起的名字◆the common name for the flower is 'pineapple lily'.这种花的俗名叫作“凤梨百合”。phrases➤a change of name改名▸➤give your name to sth以自己的名字命名⋯◆the huron people gave their name to one of the great lakes.休伦人以自己的名字命名五大湖中的一个湖。➤a list of names名单➤name and address姓名和地址➤names and faces名字与相貌◆i have a bad memory for names and faces.我不善于记人记名。➤put a name to sb/sth把名字用于⋯◆i couldn't put a name to the face (= didn't know or couldn't remember the person's name).我记不起这个人的名字了。◆he put his name to the business (= gave it his name).他用自己的名字来命名这家公司。➤take sb's name in vain滥用某人的名义◆to take the lord's name in vain滥用主的名义◆have you been taking my name in vain (= showing lack of respect when using my name)?你是不是一直在滥用我的名义?name noun² 2reputation声誉adjective | verb + name | preposition | phrases adjective➤big名气▸➤good好名声▸➤bad坏名声verb + name➤have有名气▸➤become成为名人◆she has become a big name in documentary photography.她已在纪录片拍摄行内成了大名人。➤make出名◆he made his name writing travel books.他写游记出了名。◆she's made quite a name for herself.她大大地出了名。➤acquire, get获得名声◆the area got a bad name after a series of nasty murders.这个地区因一系列恶性谋杀案而留下恶名。➤protect保护声誉◆they tried to protect the good name of the college.他们努力保护学院的良好声誉。➤clear证明名声清白◆throughout his years in prison, he fought to clear his name.在整个服刑期间,他奋力为自己正名。➤give sb使某人有⋯名声◆this kind of conduct gives students a bad name.这种行为败坏学生的声誉。➤blacken, damage, sully玷污/损害/破坏名声◆these articles have damaged the good name of the newspaper.这些文章损害了这家报纸良好的声誉。preposition➤name for以⋯著称◆the company has a name for reliability.这家公司以可靠著称。phrases➤sb's name is mud某人声名狼藉◆if you tell our secret your name will be mud (= you will not be popular) around here.如果你泄露我们的秘密,你在这儿就会名誉扫地。name noun³ 3famous person/thing名人;有名的事物adjective➤big, familiar, famous, household, recognizable, well-known大人物;名人;家喻户晓的人物;一眼就能认出的名人;众所周知的人物◆he is a big name in the world of rock music.在摇滚乐圈子里他大名鼎鼎。name verb 1 (often be named) to give sb/sth a name给⋯起名adverb | preposition adverb➤originally最初起名▸➤appropriately, aptly, suitably, well起名合适;名字起得好▸➤correctly命名恰当◆he correctly named the song from the clip played.他根据播放的片段给这首歌起了一个恰如其分的名字。➤curiously, delightfully, exotically, grandly, improbably, oddly, quaintly, strangely, wonderfully起古怪的/令人愉快的/富有异国情调的/高贵的/不太可能的/很怪的/古雅有趣的/奇怪的/绝妙的名字◆the curiously named egg castle名字奇特的鸡蛋城堡➤unfortunately不幸地命名为▸➤confusingly令人混淆地起名为▸➤euphemistically委婉地称为▸➤ironically讽刺地称为➤officially正式命名为◆the ship will be officially named by the queen before setting sail from her home port.这艘船将在其船籍港起航前由女王正式命名。preposition➤after以⋯的名字命名◆i named my son after my father.我以父亲的名字为儿子取名。➤for (name) 为⋯命名◆the dead sister for whom she had been named她取了故去姐姐的名字➤in honour/honor of为纪念⋯而起名◆the hospital was named in honour / honor of its principal benefactor.这所医院以主捐助人的名字命名以表纪念。name verb 2 (often be named) to choose sb for a job/position任命;委任adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤formally, officially正式提名◆the president officially named kirk as his choice to replace timms.总统正式提名柯克作为接替蒂姆斯的人选。preposition➤to (name) 提名为⋯◆she was recently named to the company's board of directors.她最近被提名为公司的董事会董事。phrases➤newly named新任命的◆the newly named head coach新任命的主教练 name /neɪm/ noun [countable] 1. (often used with another noun or an adjective to form an adjective 常与另一名词或形容词连用构成形容词) a very well-known person, company, product, etc. 名人;著名公司(或产品等)◆vittorio missoni, whose family is one of the biggest names in the italian fashion industry 意大利时装业最著名的公司之一:维托里奥 • 米索尼家族◆big-name booksellers 大名鼎鼎的书商◆sony became a household name around the world. 索尼成了全世界家喻户晓的品牌。◆brand-name goods 名牌产品 (insurance 保险) one of the investors in the insurance company lloyd's who promise their own money to pay claims and share in the profits or losses 劳合社的承保人◆he was a name at lloyd's. 他是劳合社的一名承保人。 big name ◇ brand name ◇ household name ◇ trade name name /neɪm/ verb ●name and shame (bre) to publish the names of people or organizations who have done sth wrong or illegal 点名羞辱;上羞耻簿☞ name☞ namename noun  ➡ see also the entry for nickname另见 nickname 条name ♦︎ title ♦︎ first name ♦︎ surname ♦︎ last name ♦︎ full name ♦︎ family name ♦︎ label ♦︎ middle name ♦︎ maiden name ♦︎ subtitlethese are all words for a word or words that a person, animal or object is known by.这些词均表示名字、名称、称谓。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a name / title / first name / label / subtitle for sb / sth◆under the name / title (of) ...◆to use a name / sb's title / sb's first name / sb's surname / your family name / your middle name / your maiden name◆to change sb / sth's name / title / surname◆to adopt / take a name / title / surname◆to give sb / sth a name / title / label / middle name / subtitle◆to choose / decide on a name / title / first name / middle name / subtitle◆to address sb by their title / first name / surname / last name / full name◆to call sb by their first name / surname / last name / full name◆to have a name / title / surname / family name / middle name / subtitle◆to bear a name / title / surname / family name■ name [countable] a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by名字;名称◆what's your name?你叫什么名字?◆what is / was the name, please?(= a polite way of asking sb's name) 请问您叫什么名字?◆please write your full name and address below.请将您的姓名全称和详细地址写在下面。◆the tickets were booked in the name of mclean.这些票是以麦克莱恩的名字预订的。◆are you changing your name when you get married?结婚时你要改姓氏吗?◆rubella is just another name for german measles.风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。ⓘ your name is either your whole name or one part of your name. * name 既指全名也指名字的一部份◆my name is maria.我的名字叫玛丽亚。◆his name is tom smith.他的名字叫汤姆 • 史密斯。◆the name's bond.名字是邦德。 name is often used in compounds. * name 常用于构成复合词◆place name地名◆street name街道名◆code name代号◆pet name (= a name you use for sb instead of their real name, as a sign of affection) 昵称◆pen-name (= a name used by a writer instead of their real name) 笔名◆brand name (= the name given to a product by the company that produces it) 品牌名称  ➡ see also name → call verb 1 ■ title [countable] the name of a book, poem, painting, piece of music, etc.; a word in front of a person's name to show their rank or profession, whether or not they are married, etc.; a name that describes sb's job(书、诗歌、图画、乐曲等的)名称,标题,题目;(人名前表示地位、职业、婚否等的)称号,头衔,称谓;职称◆his poems were published under the title of 'love and reason'.他的诗是以《爱情与理智》为题发表的。◆the title track from their latest cd (= the song with the same title as the disc) 他们最新唱片中的专辑同名主打歌◆she has sung the title role in 'carmen'(= the role of carmen in that opera).她在《卡门》中演唱卡门的角色。◆the present duke inherited the title from his father.现在的公爵承袭的是他父亲的爵位。◆give your name and title (= mr, miss, ms, dr, etc.).报出你的姓名和称谓。◆his job title is special projects officer.他的职称是特别项目干事。 ➡ see also entitle → call verb 1 ■ first name [countable] a name that was given to you when you were born, that comes before your family name名字◆his first name is tom and his surname is green.他名叫汤姆,姓格林。◆please call me by my first name.请叫我的名字就行了。◆ (bre) to be on first-name terms with sb (= to call them by their first name as a sign of a friendly informal relationship) 与某人以名字相称◆ (name) to be on a first-name basis关系密切,直呼其名ⓘ other words for sb's first name are given name (especially in american english), forename (in formal or official language) and christian name (in british english, although this is now rather old-fashioned). these are all more formal and less frequent than first name.某人的 first name 亦可称为 given name (尤用于美式英语)、forename (用于正式或官方用语)和 christian name (用于英式英语,但现在有些过时)。这些用语均较 first name 正式,但不及其常用。■ surname [countable] (especially bre) a name shared by all the members of a family (written last in english names)姓◆on marriage most women in this country still take their husband's surname.这个国家的大多数妇女在结婚后还是选择采用丈夫的姓。■ last name [countable] your surname (written last in english names)姓◆how do you spell your last name?你的姓怎么拼?■ full name --> [countable] all your names, usually in the order first name + middle name(s) + last name全名(通常的顺序是 first name + middle name(s) + last name)◆his full name was william augustus grove.他的全名是威廉 • 奥古斯塔斯 • 格罗夫。  ➡ see also full → whole ■ family name [countable] the part of your name that shows which family you belong to姓;姓氏◆'smith' is the most common family name in britain.史密斯是英国最常见的姓氏。◆he wanted a son to carry on the family name.他想要个儿子来传宗接代。■ label [countable] (disapproving) a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct(不恰当的)称谓,绰号,叫法◆i hated the label 'housewife'.我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。◆he was cruelly given the label 'mr zero' by the press.新闻界刻薄地称他为“零蛋先生”。  ➡ see also label → call verb 1 ■ middle name [countable] a name that comes between your first name and your family name中名(名和姓之间的名字)◆'what's your middle name?' 'i don't have one / well actually, i have two...'“你的中名叫什么?”“我没有中名/噢,实际上我有两个⋯”■ maiden name [countable] a woman's family name before marriage(女子的)娘家姓◆kate kept her maiden name when she got married (= she did not change her surname to that of her husband).凯特结婚后仍用自己娘家的姓。ⓘ if a woman uses her husband's surname after they get married, the new name is her married name.如果女子结婚后用丈夫的姓,这个新的姓就是她的 married name。■ subtitle [countable] a second title of a book or other written work that appears after the main title and gives more information副标题;小标题◆this book's title is 'oxford learner's thesaurus'. its subtitle is 'a dictionary of synonyms'.这部书名为《牛津英语同义词学习词典》,副标题是《一部学习型同义词词典》。▸ subtitle verb [transitive, usually passive] ◆the article is subtitled 'new language for new times'.这篇文章的副标题是“新时代的新语言”。name [transitive] to choose sb for a job or position任命;委任◆i had no hesitation in naming him (as) captain.我毫不犹豫地任命他为队长。◆mr shah has been named to run the new research unit.沙先生获委任负责领导这个新的研究小组。name [transitive] to officially give a name to sb/sth(正式)命名;给⋯取名◆they named their son john.他们给儿子起名叫约翰。◆he was named after his father (= given his father's first name).他取了父亲的名字。◆ (especially name) the planet mars is named for the roman god of war.火星是以罗马战神的名字命名的。ⓘ you can also rename sb/sth by giving them/it a new name. * rename 表示重新命名◆leningrad was renamed st petersburg.列宁格勒给重新命名为圣彼得堡。◆to rename a file (= on a computer) 将文件重新命名  ➡ see also name → name noun name [transitive] to say the name of sb/sth in order to show that you know who/what they are说出⋯的名称;叫出⋯的名字◆the victim has not yet been named.受害人的姓名尚未得知。◆the missing man has been named as james kelly.失踪者已被确认为名叫詹姆斯 • 凯利的男子。◆can you name all the american states?你能说出美国所有的州吗?name [transitive] to specify sth exactly确定;说定;准确陈述◆name your price.你给个价吧。◆they're engaged, but they haven't yet named the day (= fixed a date for the wedding).他们订婚了,但尚未确定结婚日期。◆activities available include squash, archery and swimming, to name but a few.所设活动项目包括壁球、射箭、游泳等等,不一而足。◆chairs, tables, cabinets-you name it, she makes it (= she makes anything you can imagine).椅子、桌子、橱柜 - 凡是你说得出的,她都能做。ⓘ name is less formal than specify, but it is mostly used in a few fixed phrases. * name 不如 specify 正式,主要用于几个固定短语中。name [countable] a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by名字;名称◆what's your name?你叫什么名字?◆what is / was the name, please?(= a polite way of asking sb's name) 请问您叫什么名字?◆please write your full name and address below.请将您的姓名全称和详细地址写在下面。◆the tickets were booked in the name of mclean.这些票是以麦克莱恩的名字预订的。◆are you changing your name when you get married?结婚时你要改姓氏吗?◆rubella is just another name for german measles.风疹只是德国麻疹的另一个名称。ⓘ your name is either your whole name or one part of your name. * name 既指全名也指名字的一部份◆my name is maria.我的名字叫玛丽亚。◆his name is tom smith.他的名字叫汤姆 • 史密斯。◆the name's bond.名字是邦德。 name is often used in compounds. * name 常用于构成复合词◆place name地名◆street name街道名◆code name代号◆pet name (= a name you use for sb instead of their real name, as a sign of affection) 昵称◆pen-name (= a name used by a writer instead of their real name) 笔名◆brand name (= the name given to a product by the company that produces it) 品牌名称  ➡ see also name → call verb 1 name [countable, usually singular] the fame and reputation of a person, group or organization名誉;名声;名气◆she made her name as a writer of children's books.她靠写儿童读物成名。◆these practices give the industry a bad name.这些做法让该行业背上骂名。◆we must avoid anything that might damage the good name of the firm.我们必须避免做任何可能有损公司良好声誉的事。 ➡ see also make a name for yourself → succeed name [countable] a famous person, especially in the fields of culture or sport(尤指文化或体育界的)名人◆some of the biggest names in the art world were at the party.艺术界的一些头面人物参加了这次聚会。◆the event attracted many famous names from the past.这次活动吸引了许多昔日的名人。ⓘ name is often used when people are talking about famous people who have been invited to an event, or who are employed in order to attract the public's attention. * name 常用于指应邀出席某活动或受聘来吸引公众注意的名人。name¹/neɪm ||; nem/noun1. [c] a word or words by which sb/sth is known 名字;名称: ◇what's your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?◇do you know the name of this flower? 你知不知道这种花的名称? 2. [sing] an opinion that people have of a person or thing (人或事物的)名声,名望,名誉: ◇that area of london has rather a bad name. 伦敦那个地区声名狼藉。 [syn] reputation 同义词为reputation 3. [c] a famous person 名人: ◇all the big names in show business were invited to the party. 所有演艺界的名人都获邀出席这个宴会。 by name using the name of sb/sth 以名字称呼;指名道姓: ◇it's a big school but the head teacher knows all the children by name. 这所学校很大,但是校长叫得出所有孩子的名字。 call sb names→call¹in the name of sb;in sb's name for sb/sth; officially belonging to sb 为了…;名义上属于…: ◇the contract is in my name. 这项合同是以我的名义签的。 in the name of sth used to give a reason or excuse for an action, even when what you are doing might be wrong 以…的名义: ◇they acted in the name of democracy. 他们以民主的名义行事。 make a name for yourself;make your name to become well known and respected 成名;出名;受人敬佩: ◇she made a name for herself as a journalist. 她成了一个著名的记者。 your first name (us often given name) is the name your parents choose for you when you are born. in christian countries this is sometimes called your christian name. your parents may give you another name after your first name, called your middle name, which you rarely use except on formal, official documents where both names are referred to as your forenames. surname is the word usually used for your family name which you are born with. when a woman marries she may change her surname to be the same as her husband's. her surname before marriage is then called her maiden name. 父母在孩子出生时给他起的名字叫first name(美国英语常作given name),在基督教国家有时称为christian name(教名)。父母也许在孩子名字后面再取个名字,称为middle name(中名),但这个名字除见于正式、官方文件外,平时很少使用。而这前后两个名字统一称为forenames。家族的姓氏(family name)叫surname(姓)。女子婚后或会改用丈夫的姓氏,其婚前姓氏则称为maiden name(娘家姓氏)。name²/neɪm ||; nem/verb[t] 1. name sb/sth (after sb) to give sb/sth a name 给…取名;为…命名: ◇columbia was named after christopher columbus. 哥伦比亚是以克里斯托弗.哥伦布的名字命名的。 ☞ when you are talking about being known by a particular name be called is used their youngest is called mark. 指某人或某物叫什么名字,用be called:their youngest is called mark.他们最小的孩子叫马克。 2. to say what the name of sb/sth is 说出…的名字或名称: ◇the journalist refused to name the person who had given her the information. 记者拒绝说出给她提供消息的人的名字。◇can you name all the planets? 你能够说出所有行星的名字吗? 3. to state sth exactly 确切说定: ◇name your price -- we'll pay it! 说定价格─我们就付钱! name1 a person's name2 a name used by your friends and family that is not your real name3 a name that someone uses that is not their real name4 the name of a place, thing, product etc5 to have a particular name6 to give a name to someone or something7 to publicly announce the name of someone8 when you cannot remember or do not use the exact name9 someone whose name is not known10 when the name of someone or something is not suitablerelated wordssee alsosign your name,1. a person's name 一个人的名字 name /neɪm/ [countable noun] what's your name? 你叫什么名字? i'm not very good at remembering people's names. 我不是很擅长记人名。 his name is raymond ford. 他的名字叫雷蒙德·福特。full name all your names 全名 ayrton senna's full name was ayrton senna da silva. 艾尔顿·森纳的全名是艾尔顿·森纳·达·席尔瓦。sign your name she must have written to laura without signing her name. 她写信给劳拉肯定没有署名。call somebody's name the doctor will call your name when he is ready to see you. 医生可以见你的时候会喊你的名字。mention somebody by name she didn't mention you by name, but i'm sure it was you she was talking about. 她没有指名道姓,但我肯定她是在说你。 first name also given name american /ˈfɜːʳst ˌneɪm, ˈgɪvən ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name that your parents choose for you when you are born, which in western countries comes at the beginning of your full name 名字[西方人名中位于最前面] her first name is liz. i don't know her surname. 她的名字是莉兹,我不知道她姓什么。 fill out the form with your last name, followed by your given name. 在表格中填上你的姓,后面再写名字。 christian name /ˈkrɪstʃən ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] someone's first name, or the name that christian parents choose for a baby when they christen it 名字;教名[洗礼时所取名字] my mother's christian name was mary. 我母亲的教名叫玛丽。 middle name also second name british /ˈmɪdl ˌneɪm, ˈsekənd ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name that comes between your first and last names 中间名[名和姓之间的名字] john f. kennedy's middle name was fitzgerald. 约翰·f.肯尼迪的中间名是菲茨杰拉德。 vicki won't tell anyone her second name. 薇姬不肯告诉任何人她的中间名。 last name/surname /ˈlɑːst ˌneɪmǁˈlæst-, ˈsɜːʳneɪm,/ [countable noun] your last name, which is the same as your parents’ name 姓,姓氏 i know his first name, but i can't remember his last name. 我记得他的名字,但不记得他的姓。 smith is the most common english surname. 史密斯是英语中最常见的姓氏。 maiden name /ˈmeɪdn ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the surname that a woman had before she was married [女子的]婚前姓,娘家姓 my mother kept her maiden name when she got married. did not change her name to her husband's name 我母亲结婚时保留了婚前的姓。 family name /ˈfæməli ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name that is shared by all the members of the same family [同一家庭的成员共有的]姓,家族姓氏 joseph conrad's original family name was korzeniowski. 约瑟夫·康拉德本姓科热日尼奥夫斯基。carry on the family name to pass on your family name to your children 继承姓氏 he died leaving no children to carry on the family name. 他死后没有留下孩子继承家族姓氏。 initials /ɪˈnɪʃəlz/ [plural noun] the first letters of each of your names 姓名的首字母 there's no need to write out your full name. just your initials will do. 不需要写全名,首字母就可以了。 a suitcase marked with the initials jr 上面标有首字母jr的旅行箱 title /ˈtaɪtl/ [countable noun] a word such as mrs, miss, ms, mr, dr, or professor that you put before your name [位于人名前的]称呼,称谓 the title ‘ms’ became much more popular in the 1980s. 20世纪80年代,“女士”的称呼较以前大为普及。2. a name used by your friends and family that is not your real name 朋友和家人称呼你的名字,但不是你真正的名字 nickname /ˈnɪkneɪm/ [countable noun] a name given to someone by their friends or family, which is not their real name and is often chosen because of something about their appearance or behaviour 外号,绰号 at school, her nickname was carrots because of her red hair. 学校里,她外号叫“胡萝卜”,因为她长着红头发。earn somebody a nickname cause someone to have a particular nickname 使某人获得一个外号 his black cloak earned him the nickname ‘dracula’. 他的黑斗篷使他得了个“吸血鬼”的外号。 pet name /ˈpet ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] a name you call someone who you like very much, for example your boyfriend or a young child in your family 爱称,昵称 her pet name for him is tiger. 她给他起了个爱称叫“阿虎”。 she had pet names for all her grandchildren -- curly, longlegs, and coco. 她给所有的孙子孙女都起了爱称——鬈毛、长脚、椰子。3. a name that someone uses that is not their real name 某人使用的假名 false name /ˌfɔːls ˈneɪm/ [countable noun] a name that someone uses instead of their real name, so that people will not find out who they really are 假名 none of them had ever heard of giles williams, which was clearly a false name. 没人听说过贾尔斯·威廉斯这个人,那显然是个假名。give/use a false name it is illegal to give a false name to your employer. 向雇主提供假名是非法的。under a false name using a false name 用假名 the woman was a foreigner travelling under a false name. 那女人是个外国人,用假名四处旅行。 stage name /ˈsteɪdʒ ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name used by an actor, singer etc instead of their real name [演员、歌手等的]艺名 greta garbo was the stage name of greta gustavson, born in stockholm in 1905. 葛丽泰·嘉宝是葛丽泰·古斯塔夫森的艺名,她1905年她出生于斯德哥尔摩。 pseudonym /ˈsjuːdənɪmǁˈsuːdn-ɪm/ [countable noun] a name used by someone, especially a writer, instead of their real name [尤指作家所用的]笔名,化名,假名 ‘saki’ was the pseudonym of the writer h.h.monroe. “萨基”是作家hh.门罗的笔名。under the pseudonym using the pseudonym 用笔名 morton wrote a weekly column in ‘the daily telegraph' under the pseudonym ’beachcomber'. 莫顿用“海滨拾荒者”的笔名在《每日电讯报》上写每周专栏。 pen name /ˈpen neɪm/ [countable noun] a name used by a writer instead of their real name [作家所用的]笔名 the name voltaire was in fact a pen name -- his real name was francois marie arouet. 伏尔泰实际上是个笔名——他真名叫弗朗索瓦·马里·阿鲁埃。under the pen name using the pen name 用笔名 she wrote her novels under the pen name george eliot, because the publishers would not accept a manuscript written by a woman. 她用笔名乔治·艾略特写小说,因为出版商不愿意接受女子的来稿。 alias /ˈeɪliəs/ [preposition] a word meaning ‘also known as’, used when giving someone's real name, together with a different name they also use or are known by, especially because they are a criminal 又名,化名[尤指罪犯] carlos, alias "the jackal', is wanted by police in several countries. 卡斯,别名“胡狼”,在好几个国家里被警方通缉。 we were introduced to mrs taylor, alias meg dods, author of the housewife's manual. 我们经介绍认识了泰勒夫人,泰勒夫人又名梅格·多兹,是《家庭主妇指南》的作者。 alias [countable noun] roberts is known to use a number of aliases, including bill smith, paul williams, and even count von blixenburg. 据知罗伯茨用过许多化名,包括比尔·史密斯、保罗·威廉斯,甚至冯·布利克森堡伯爵。 aka/a.k.a. /ˌeɪ keɪ ˈeɪ/ an abbreviation meaning ‘also known as’, used when giving someone's real name together with a different name that they use or are known by, especially because they are a criminal 又名,亦称[also known as的缩写;尤指罪犯] standing there in front of me was peter downs, a.k.a. ‘the leithgate strangler’. 站在我面前的是彼得·唐斯,又名“莱斯门的杀手”。 under an assumed name /ʌndər ən əˌsjuːmd ˈneɪmǁ-əˌsuːmd-/ [adverb] if you do something under an assumed name, you do it using a name that is not your real name, especially in order to do it dishonestly or secretly 用化名[尤为了做不诚实或秘密的事] he had rented a car under an assumed name. 他用化名租了一辆汽车。 she entered the private clinic under an assumed name, but the press still managed to find out. 她用化名进了一家私人诊所,可媒体还是设法知道了。 go by the name of /ˌgəʊ baɪ ðə ˈneɪm ɒv/ [verb phrase] if someone goes by the name of something, they tell people that this is their name, when in fact it is not 自称是 herbert always hated his original name, so he went by the name of david. 赫伯特一直不喜欢自己的原名,所以就跟人家说他叫戴维。 the photographs resembled a man who lived in new york and went by the name of ivan denisovich. 这些照片看起来像一名住在纽约、自称是伊凡·丹尼索维奇的男子。 under the name of something /ˌʌndəʳ ðə ˈneɪm əv something/ [adverb] using a different name from your real name 用…的名字[指不用真名] they registered at the hotel under the name of smith. 他们用史密斯这个名字在旅馆里登记。 bollard set up a company under the name of mr m. roberts. 伯拉德以m.罗伯茨先生这个名字登记成立了一家公司。4. the name of a place, thing, product etc 地方、物品、产品等的名字 name /neɪm/ [countable noun] i've forgotten the name of the street where she lives. 我忘了她所住那条街的街名了。get its name from something the village of furnace got its name from the local industries of silver and iron smelting. 火炉村因当地冶炼银和铁的工业而得名。the chinese/french etc name for something the chinese name for this plant means ‘cat's ears’. 这种植物的中文名的意思是“猫耳朵”。 title /ˈtaɪtl/ [countable noun] the name of a book, film, play, painting etc [书、电影、戏剧、绘画等的]名称;题目,标题 i've read one of her books, but i can't remember the title. 我看过她的一本书,不过记不起书名了。 what's the title of this week's assignment? 这个星期的作业题目是什么?under the title the film was released in the uk under the title ‘maybe baby’. 这部电影用《宝贝喜临门》为片名在英国发行。 place name /ˈpleɪs ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name of a place such as a town or an area of a country 地名 in this part of the us many of the place names are of french origin. 美国这一地区的许多地名都源自法语。 code name /ˈkəʊd ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] a secret name for something such as a military plan that you do not want other people to know about [军事计划等的]代号 operation overlord was the code name of the normandy landing which took place in june 1944. “霸王行动”是1944年6月诺曼底登陆的代号。 brand name /ˈbrænd ˌneɪm/ [countable noun] the name given to a product by the company that makes it, often including the name of the company itself 商品名,商标名 our customers prefer goods with brand names, such as levis or adidas. 我们的顾客喜欢名牌产品,如李维斯或阿迪达斯。 proper noun also proper name /ˈprɒpəʳ ˌnaʊn, ˈprɒpəʳ ˌneɪmǁˈprɑː-/ [countable noun] the name of a person, place, or organization, usually written with a capital letter at the beginning - used when talking about grammar 专有名词[首字母常用大写,谈及语法时使用] dictionaries don't usually list proper names. 字典一般不收录专有名词。 chicago, stephen and mount everest are all proper nouns. 芝加哥、斯蒂芬和珠穆朗玛峰都是专有名词。5. to have a particular name 叫某个名字 somebody's name is something / somebodyˈs ˈneɪm ɪz something/ hi! my name's ted. i'm from florida. 嗨,我名叫特德,来自佛罗里达。 ‘who's that man over there?’ ‘his name is lucio mannonetti and he owns the company.’ “那人是谁?”“他名字叫卢乔·玛诺内蒂,是公司的老板。 be called /biː ˈkɔːld/ [verb phrase] to have a particular name - use this about a person, thing, or place 名叫,名为[用于人、物或地方] there's someone called russell on the phone for you. 有个叫拉塞尔的人打电话找你。 what's the new teacher called? 新来的老师叫什么名字? they are in favour of what is called ‘sustainable development’. 他们支持大家所称的“可持续发展”。 it was scarcely big enough to be called a school - it was more like a garage. 这样的规模简直不能称之为学校—那更像是一个车库。 be named /biː ˈneɪmd/ [verb phrase] someone who is named paul, jane etc has the name paul, jane etc 名叫 their new baby is named caroline. 他们的新生宝宝名叫卡罗琳。 she went to the movies with some guy named rudi. 她和一个叫鲁迪的人去看电影。 be known as /biː ˈnəʊn æz/ [verb phrase] if someone or something is known as a particular name, that is the name that people call them, although it is not their real name 被叫做[但不是真名] this area is known as little odessa because there are a lot of russians living there. 这个地方被称为“小敖德萨”,因为住着许多俄罗斯人。be known to somebody as something he was known to his friends as rambo. 他的朋友都叫他兰博。be better known as something william shatner is better known as captain kirk. 威廉·沙特纳更为人熟悉的名字是柯克船长。 be entitled /biː ɪnˈtaɪtld/ [verb phrase] if a book, play, film, painting etc is entitled something, that is its name [书、剧本、电影、画作等]题为,名为 her first published novel was entitled ‘rivers of passion’. 她发表的第一部小说叫《激情的河流》。 biko contributed a column to the student newspaper which was entitled ‘i write what i like’. 比科为学生报写专栏,题为《我写我爱》。 go by the name of /ˌgəʊ baɪ ðə ˈneɪm ɒv/ [verb phrase] to be called something, use this especially when you are giving another better-known name for something 以…为名[尤用于给出更常见的名称] this kind of chilli powder sometimes goes by the name of cayenne pepper. 这种辣椒粉有时被叫做卡宴红辣椒粉。 the mixture of fish, rice and eggs goes by the name of kedgeree in most restaurants. 这种用鱼、大米和鸡蛋混合做成的东西在多数的餐厅里都叫做印度什锦烩饭。 be termed /biː ˈtɜːʳmd/ [verb phrase] to be called by a particular name - used especially in scientific or technical contexts 被称做[尤用于科技方面] this process, in which liquid metal is poured into moulds, is usually termed die-casting. 把金属熔液倒入铸模的这个过程通常被称做压铸。6. to give a name to someone or something 给某人或某物起名 call /kɔːl/ [transitive verb] call somebody paul/jane etc my mother wanted to call me yuri. 我母亲想把我叫做尤里。 guidebooks call chicago ‘the windy city’. 旅游书上称芝加哥为“风城”。 this is what psychologists call ‘body language’. 这就是心理学家所谓的“身体语言”。 name /neɪm/ [transitive verb] to officially give someone or something a name 给…正式起名,命名 have they named the baby yet? 他们给宝宝起名字了没有?name somebody paul/jane etc we named our daughter sarah. 我们给女儿起名叫萨拉。name somebody/something after somebody also name somebody/something for somebody american bill was named after his father. 比尔以他父亲的名字命名。 the new building is going to be named for ronald reagan. 这幢新大楼将以罗纳德·里根的名字命名。 christen /ˈkrɪsən/ [verb phrase] to give a baby its name at a christian religious ceremony 给[婴儿]取教名 christen somebody paul/jane etc they christened him patrick john. 他们给他起了教名,叫帕特里克·约翰。 she was christened jessica, but everyone calls her jess. 她的教名是杰茜卡,但大家都叫她杰丝。 rename /riːˈneɪm/ [transitive verb] to give something a new and different name 给…重新命名 you can rename, delete, or copy files very easily. 把档案重新命名、删除或复制都非常容易。rename something something new amsterdam was renamed new york in the 17th century. 新阿姆斯特丹于17世纪改名为纽约。7. to publicly announce the name of someone 公布某人的名字 name /neɪm/ [transitive verb] to publicly say who someone is, by telling people his or her name 公开…的名字 she refused to name the father of her child. 她不肯公开孩子父亲的名字。name somebody as somebody police have named the dead woman as annabel thomas. 警方公布了死者的名字,是安娜贝尔·托马斯。 identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ, aɪˈdentəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] to officially recognize someone and say that you know who they are, for example in order to help the police [如帮助警方]指认,认出 the victim identified her attacker in court. 受害者当庭指认了行凶者。 greg had to identify the body of his wife. 格雷格无奈地辨认妻子的尸体。8. when you cannot remember or do not use the exact name 记不起或不使用确切的名字 what's-his-name/what's-her-name /ˈwɒts ɪz ˌneɪm, ˈwɒts ɜːʳ ˌneɪm/ [noun phrase] spoken informal say this when you cannot remember someone's name 【口,非正式】那个叫什么来着[记不起某人名字时说] she was with what's-his-name - you know, the one who wears orange jeans. 她和那个叫什么来着在一起—你知道,就是那个穿橙色牛仔裤的人。 send the report to what's-her-name in accounting. 把这份报告发给会计部的那个叫什么来着。 so-and-so /ˈsəʊ ənd səʊ/ [noun phrase] an expression meaning a particular person, used especially when you are mentioning someone that another person often talks about, and their actual name is not important 某某人,谁谁[尤用于提及某人经常说起的人,具体名字并不重要] whenever you ask her about anything it's always ‘so-and-so says this’, or ‘so-and-so says that’ -- she never gives her own honest opinion. 每次问她什么事情,她总说“某某人这样说”,或者“某某人那样说”—她从来不坦白说出自己的想法。 they're always gossiping about so-and-so having an affair with so-and-so. 他们总是在说三道四,说哪个人和哪个人私通。 what's-its-name also whatsit especially british /whatchamacallit american /ˈwɒts ɪts ˌneɪm, ˈwɒtsɪt, ˈwɒːtʃəməˌkɔːlɪtǁˈwɑːt-/ [noun phrase] spoken informal say this when you cannot remember the name of something 【口,非正式】那个叫什么来着[记不起某物名字时说] what you need is a what's-its-name ... a torque wrench. 你需要的是那个叫什么来着·…一把转矩扳手。 did you see that boy with the whatsit round his head? 你看到那个头上戴着什么来着的男孩吗? ‘i'm going to have a whatchamacallit when i have a baby’ - ‘what, you mean an epidural?’ “我生孩子的时候要用那种叫什么来着。”“什么,你是说无痛分娩吗?” thingamijig also thingy british /ˈθɪŋəmɪdʒɪg, ˈθɪŋəmədʒɪg, ˈθɪŋi/ [countable noun] informal a small object that does a particular job, whose name you have forgotten or do not know 【非正式】那个什么东西 they have to use a special thingamijig to undo the nuts. 他们不得不用一个专门的什么东西敲开这些坚果。 what's that plastic thingy called? 那个塑料的玩意儿是什么? doodad/doohickey /ˈduːdæd, ˈduːˌhɪki/ [countable noun] american a small object whose name you have forgotten or do not know 【美】[想不起名字或不知道名字的]小东西,小玩意儿 she kept pressing the buttons on the remote control doodad. 她不停按着那个遥控东西上的按钮。 what's this little doohickey for? 这小玩意是干什么用的? such and such /ˈsʌtʃ ən ˌsʌtʃ/ [noun phrase] an expression meaning a particular thing, used instead of giving examples of what you are talking about 这样那样的东西 americans are very proud of their country -- they're always saying that such and such is the biggest in the whole world. 美国人很为自己的国家感到骄傲—他们总是在说这样那样的东西是全世界最大的。such and such a person/place etc you can say to me, i want such and such a photographer, and i'll try to get them for you. 你可以告诉我,我需要这样那样的摄影师,我会想办法帮你去找的。9. someone whose name is not known 不知道名字的某人 anonymous /əˈnɒnɪməs, əˈnɒnəməsǁəˈnɑː-/ [adjective] someone who is anonymous does something without saying what their name is, or their name is not known 匿名的;不知名的 the writer of the poem is anonymous. 这首诗的作者不详。an anonymous donor someone who gives something but does not say publicly who they are 匿名捐赠者 $50,000 has been given to the charity by an anonymous donor from utah. 一位犹他州人匿名捐献五万美元给该慈善机构。anonymous letter/phone call from someone who does not say their name 匿名信/电话 i received anonymous phone calls warning me not to go to the police about what i'd seen. 我接到一个匿名电话,警告我不要向警方报告我所看见的情况。somebody wishes to remain anonymous one source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he had seen the woman go into his room. 有个不愿透露姓名的人说,他看到那女人进了他的房间。 anonymously [adverb] he sent the documents anonymously to a local newspaper. 他匿名把文件寄给了当地一家报社。 anonymity /ˌænəˈnɪmɪti, ˌænəˈnɪməti/ [uncountable noun] if you are needed as a witness, your anonymity will be guaranteed we will promise that your name will not be made known to other people. 如果我们需要你出庭作证,就保证不会公开你的姓名。 unnamed /ˌʌnˈneɪmd◂/ [adjective] an unnamed person is someone whose name has not been made known publicly 不知其名的;未提及名字的;没有公开姓名的 an unnamed bidder paid $23 million for the painting. 一位没有公开姓名的出价人用2,300万美元买了这幅画。 the newspaper received the information from an unnamed source. 报社是从一位匿名人士那儿得到的消息。 unidentified /ˌʌnaɪˈdentɪfaɪd◂, ˌʌnaɪˈdentəfaɪd◂/ [adjective] an unidentified person is someone whose name is not known because police or government officials have been unable to find out who they are, or have not said who they are 身份不明的 five men were wounded by an unidentified gunman in belfast city centre yesterday. 昨天在贝尔法斯特市中心,五名男子被一个身份不明的持枪歹徒打伤。 the three bodies found in the river remain unidentified. 河里发现的三具尸体仍然身份不明。 an unidentified caller contacted the police and gave the names of the men involved in the robbery. 一位不明身份的人打电话跟警方联系,告诉他们参与抢劫者的名字。 incognito /ˌɪnkɒgˈniːtəʊǁˌɪnkɑːg-/ [adverb] if a famous person goes somewhere incognito, they go there without telling people who they are [名人隐姓埋名地,隐瞒身份地 he tried to go incognito but his bizarre disguise made him stand out even more. 他试图隐匿身份,但是他那身奇怪的乔装打扮却使他更显眼了。 unknown /ˌʌnˈnəʊn◂/ [adjective] an unknown person is someone whose name is not known because you do not know them or because they are not famous 不知其名的;不出名的 she said the flowers were from an unknown admirer. 她说这些花是一个不知名的爱慕者送的。 we met near the tomb of the unknown soldier. 我们在无名战士墓地附近碰头。unknown to most of the stars in the movie are unknown to us audiences. 这部电影里的大多数明星都不为美国观众所熟悉。 nameless /ˈneɪmləs/ [adjective] a nameless person is one of many people who are not famous and whose names are not generally known 无名的,不知名的 no one gives much thought to the nameless millions who work in our factories. 没有人仔细想过我们工厂里数百万默默无闻的工人。 the nameless victims of the nation's civil war 国家内战中无名的受害者10. when the name of someone or something is not suitable 某人或某物的名字不合适 so-called /ˌsəʊ ˈkɔːld◂/ [adjective only before noun] a word used to describe someone or something that has been given a name that you think is wrong 所谓的 i went to see the playwright's so-called masterpiece and was very disappointed by it. 我去看了该剧作家那部所谓的代表作,感到非常失望。 a lot has been written in recent years about the so-called ‘male menopause’. 近年来有许多有关所谓的“男性更年期”的著作。 misnomer /mɪsˈnəʊməʳ/ [countable noun] formal a name that is not correct or does not seem suitable 【正式】错误的名字;不恰当的名字 the palace of justice - a terrible misnomer - was set on fire by the workers. 正义殿—一个多么不恰当的名字—被工人放火烧了。be something of a misnomer the term ‘black-headed gull’ is something of a misnomer, since the bird's head is actually brown. 叫“黑头鸥”有点欠妥,因为这种鸟的头部实际上是棕色的。 nominal /ˈnɒmɪnəl, ˈnɒmənəlǁˈnɑː-/ [adjective] having the name of a job or position in society, but not actually doing that job or having the responsibilities that go with it 名义上的,有名无实的 it's fairly clear that he is only the nominal head of the local party -- in fact he's got no authority at all. 很明显他只是这个地方政党名义上的领袖—实际上他一点权力也没有。 the daughter had all the brains and did all the accounts -- the son was just the nominal boss of the business. 女儿非常聪明,所有账务都由她来处理—儿子只是公司名义上的老板。 in name only /ɪn ˌneɪm ˈəʊnli/ [adverb] having a name or title, but not having the qualities or character that go with that name 只是在名义上 it's a revolutionary party in name only -- in fact it's quite conservative. 这只是个名义上的革命党一—实际上它很保守。 he will be my husband in name only - he knows i'm really in love with you. 他将只是我名义上的丈夫—他知道我很爱你。 self-styled /ˈself staɪld/ [adjective] use this about someone who gives himself or herself a particular title that you think they do not deserve and do not have a right to 自称的,自封的,自命的 the self-styled leader of the new republic refused all attempts at negotiation by the former government. 新共和国自封的领导人拒绝前政府的一切谈判要求。 these self-styled complementary therapists make a fortune out of preying on the gullibility of often very sick people. 这些自命为辅助治疗专家的人,利用患重病之人容易轻信别人的弱点,大发横财。☞ name¹☞ name²




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