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单词 naive
释义 naive adjective (also naïve) verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤appear, be, prove, seem, sound显得经验不足;幼稚;证明幼稚;好像天真;听起来幼稚▸➤regard sth as认为⋯幼稚◆he regarded the move as politically naive.他认为这一举措在政治上很幼稚。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常天真▸➤incredibly非常幼稚▸➤hopelessly幼稚得不可救药▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略显幼稚▸➤politically政治上幼稚phrases➤call sb naive说某人幼稚◆call me naive, but i believe him.说我幼稚吧,但我还是相信他的话。 naive (also naïve) adjectivenaive ♦︎ inexperienced ♦︎ innocent ♦︎ trusting ♦︎ gullible ♦︎ impressionablethese words all describe sb who has little experience of the world, and/or is too willing to believe or accept what other people tell them.这些词均形容人缺乏经验的、幼稚的、轻信的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an inexperienced / a trusting / a gullible / an impressionable person◆an innocent / impressionable child◆a naive / an innocent belief◆very naive / inexperienced / innocent / trusting / impressionable◆politically naive / inexperienced / innocent◆sexually inexperienced / innocent◆young and inexperienced / innocent / impressionable■ naive (also naïve) /naɪiːv/ (disapproving) lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgement, and too willing to believe what other people tell you缺乏经验的;幼稚的;轻信的◆he made some particularly naive remarks.他发表了一些特别幼稚的评论。◆it would be naive of us to think that football is only a game.我们要是以为足球只是一种游戏,那就太天真了。ⓘ naive is also, but less frequently, used in an approving way when describing people or their behaviour, to mean 'simple and having little knowledge of evil or unpleasant things'. * naive 亦可用于褒义,形容人或其行为纯朴、率直,但此义不太常用◆their approach to life is refreshingly naive.他们对待生活的态度天真率直,令人耳目一新。 opp sophisticated → sophisticated  ➡ see also naivety → ignorance ▸ naively adverb◆i naively assumed that i would be paid for the work.我天真地以为这活儿是有报酬的。■ inexperienced (especially written) having little knowledge or experience of sth缺乏认识(或经验)的◆inexperienced drivers can expect to pay higher insurance premiums.没有经验的司机可能要付较高的保险费。◆some of the older teachers are inexperienced in modern methods.有些年龄较大的教师不熟悉现代方法。◆a child of his age is too young and inexperienced to recognize danger.他这年纪的孩子太年幼无知,意识不到危险。opp experienced → sophisticated  ➡ see also inexperience → ignorance ■ innocent having little experience of the world, especially of sexual matters, or of evil or unpleasant things天真无邪的;纯真的◆he prefers to see his teenage daughter as an innocent young child.他喜欢把他十几岁的女儿当成天真无邪的小孩子。 ➡ see also innocence → ignorance , childlike → childish ■ trusting (often approving) tending to believe that other people are good, sincere and honest常信赖别人的;轻信的◆there is a need for a trusting relationship between client and consultant.委托人和顾问之间需要建立信任关系。◆if you're too trusting, other people will take advantage of you.如果你过于轻信,别人就会打你的主意。  ➡ see also trust → faith noun , trust → trust verb , unsuspecting → unaware ■ gullible /gʌləbl/ (disapproving) too willing to believe what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked轻信的;易受骗的;易上当的◆the advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight.这则广告针对的是担心发胖而易受骗的年轻女性。■ impressionable /ɪmpreʃənəbl/ (especially written) (of a person, especially a young one) easily influenced or affected by sb/sth(人,尤指年轻人)易受影响的◆he was a bad influence on the child, who was at an impressionable age.对这个正值易受外界影响的年龄的孩子来说,他是个负面的影响。naive (also naïve) /naɪiːv/ (disapproving) lacking experience of life, knowledge or good judgement, and too willing to believe what other people tell you缺乏经验的;幼稚的;轻信的◆he made some particularly naive remarks.他发表了一些特别幼稚的评论。◆it would be naive of us to think that football is only a game.我们要是以为足球只是一种游戏,那就太天真了。ⓘ naive is also, but less frequently, used in an approving way when describing people or their behaviour, to mean 'simple and having little knowledge of evil or unpleasant things'. * naive 亦可用于褒义,形容人或其行为纯朴、率直,但此义不太常用◆their approach to life is refreshingly naive.他们对待生活的态度天真率直,令人耳目一新。 opp sophisticated → sophisticated  ➡ see also naivety → ignorance ▸ naively adverb◆i naively assumed that i would be paid for the work.我天真地以为这活儿是有报酬的。naivesee ⇨ experienced/not experienced 6 na·ive /nɑ`iv; naɪˈiːv/adjlacking experience and always expecting that people will be nice and that things will happen easily 幼稚的,天真的:◇i was young and naive. 我那时年幼无知。




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