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单词 advertise
释义 advertise verbadverb | preposition adverb➤heavily大做广告◆these products have been advertised very heavily.这些产品已做了大量的广告。➤widely广泛地宣传◆there are plans to advertise the job more widely.计划更加广泛地宣传这项工作。➤locally, nationally在当地/在全国做广告宣传preposition➤for公开征聘⋯◆we are advertising for a babysitter.我们正公开征聘一个临时保母。advertise /ædvətaɪz; name -vərt-/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or use it 登广告◆if you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the national press. 如果你要吸引更多顾客,就试试在全国性报刊上登广告。◆to advertise a product/business/service 做广告宣传产品/企业/服务◆the company's new internet service has been heavily advertised on television. 这公司在电视上大做新互联网服务的广告。◆something advertised as a toy is likely to be used by children. 某产品被广告宣传为玩具,使用者很可能就是孩子。◆i bought the camera and case as advertised in the catalogue. 我购买了目录上广告所示的照相机和机套。  ➡  promote , publicize 2. [intransitive] to tell people about a job that is available 招聘◆we are currently advertising for a new sales manager. 目前我们正公开招聘一位新的销售经理。☞ advertise advertise verbadvertise ♦︎ market ♦︎ promote ♦︎ push ♦︎ merchandise ♦︎ hype ♦︎ plugthese words all mean to do sth to encourage people to buy or use a product or service, or to accept a new idea.这些词均表示做广告或推销。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to advertise / market / promote / push / merchandise / hype / plug sth as sth◆to advertise / market / promote / merchandise sth through sth◆to advertise / market sth to sb◆to advertise / market / promote / push / merchandise / hype / plug a product◆to advertise / market / promote / hype / plug a / an book / film / movie / cd / album◆to advertise / market / promote a service◆to market / promote / push an idea◆to advertise / market / promote / hype sth heavily■ advertise [intransitive, transitive] to tell the public about a product or service in order to encourage people to buy or use it(为⋯)做广告,登广告◆if you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper.如果你要吸引更多的顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。◆the cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'.这次航行被宣传为“终生难忘之旅”。  ➡ see also advertise → publish 1 ▸ advertising noun [uncountable] ◆she's hoping to make a career in advertising.她希望在广告业谋发展。■ market [transitive] to advertise and offer a product for sale; to present a product, service or idea in a particular way and make people want to buy, use or accept it推销,促销(产品或服务);推广(观念)◆it is marketed as a low-alcohol wine.它作为一种低度酒投放市场。◆school meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food.校餐要以推销其他食品的相同方式推销给孩子。▸ marketing noun [uncountable] ◆he works in sales and marketing.他在市场营销部工作。■ promote [transitive] to help sell a product or service, or make an idea more popular, by advertising it or offering it at a special price(通过广告或特价)促销,推销(产品或服务);推广(观念)◆the band has gone on tour to promote their new album.乐队已开始巡演,宣传他们的新专辑。◆the area is being promoted as a tourist destination.这个地区正作为旅游点来加以宣传。■ push [transitive] (rather informal) to try hard to persuade people to accept a new idea or buy a new product力推(新观点或新产品);推销(新产品)◆she didn't want to push the point any further at that moment.她当时不想进一步强调那一点。◆sales promotion is designed to push certain products.促销活动是为了推销某些产品。■ merchandise /mɜːtʃəndaɪs, mɜːtʃəndaɪz; name mɜːrtʃəndaɪs/ [transitive] (business商业) to advertise and offer a product for sale, often a product connected with a popular film, person or event推销(当红电影、人物或事件的相关产品)◆she works with companies that want to make or merchandise products related to the company's films.她与想为自家电影制作或推销衍生产品的公司打交道。■ hype /haɪp/ [transitive] (informal, disapproving) to advertise sth a lot and exaggerate its good qualities, in order to get a lot of public attention for it夸张地宣传;吹嘘◆this week his much hyped new movie opens in london.本周他那部被大肆炒作的新电影在伦敦上映。■ plug (-gg-) [transitive] (informal) to give praise or attention to a new book, film, cd, etc. in order to encourage people to buy it or see it推广,宣传(新书、新电影或新 cd 等)◆she came on the show to plug her latest album.她上电视节目宣传她的新专辑。 advertise [intransitive, transitive] to tell the public about a product or service in order to encourage people to buy or use it(为⋯)做广告,登广告◆if you want to attract more customers, try advertising in the local paper.如果你要吸引更多的顾客,就试试在当地报纸登广告。◆the cruise was advertised as the 'journey of a lifetime'.这次航行被宣传为“终生难忘之旅”。  ➡ see also advertise → publish 1 ▸ advertising noun [uncountable] ◆she's hoping to make a career in advertising.她希望在广告业谋发展。 advertise [intransitive, transitive] to let people know that sth is going to happen, or that a job is available by giving details about it in a newspaper, on a notice in a public place, etc; to show or tell sth about yourself to other people(在报纸、公共场所公告牌等上)公布,征聘;展现,宣传(自己)◆we are currently advertising for a new sales manager.目前我们正公开征聘新的销售经理。◆we should have advertised the concert much more widely.我们本该为这场音乐会做更广泛的宣传。◆if i were you, i wouldn't advertise the fact that you don't have a work permit.换了我,我不会到处声张没有工作许可证这件事。 ➡ see also advertise → advertise ▸ advertisement noun [uncountable] ◆we are employing an assistant to help with the advertisement of the group's activities.我们雇了一个助手帮我们宣传团队活动。advertise/ˈædvətaɪz ||; ˈædvɚˌtaɪz/verb1. [i,t] to put information in a newspaper, on television, on a picture on the wall, etc in order to persuade people to buy sth, to interest them in a new job, etc 做广告;登广告: ◇a poster advertising a new type of biscuit 一张宣传新饼干产品的海报◇the job was advertised in the local newspapers. 那个职位的招聘广告登在本地的报纸上。◇it's very expensive to advertise on television. 在电视播出广告费用高昂。 2. [i] advertise for sb/sth to say publicly in a newspaper, on a sign, etc that you need sb to do a particular job, want to buy sth, etc (为招聘、征求等)宣传,(发)广告: ◇the shop is advertising for a part-time sales assistant. 那家商店登广告招聘兼职售货员。 ➔advertising noun [u]: ◇the magazine gets a lot of money from advertising. 那本杂志的广告收益很不错。◇an advertising campaign 广告促销活动 advertisesee ⇨ advertising 1 ad·ver·tise /`ædvəˏtaɪz; ˈædvətaɪz/v 1. [i,t] to tell people about a product, or service in order to persuade them to buy it or use it 为…做广告; 登广告(宣传):◇a poster advertising sportswear 运动服装的广告招贴◇i saw your car advertised in the evening paper. 我看到你的车在晚报上登了广告。 2. [i] to make an announcement in a newspaper, asking for someone to work for you or for something that you need 做广告征求[某人或某物]:◇+ for rca is advertising for an accountant. 美国无线电公司正登广告招聘一名会计。 ☞ advertise




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