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单词 give sth out
释义 give sth outphrasal verb(gave, given) (especially spoken) to give sth to each person in a group分发;派发◆the teacher gave out the exam papers.老师分发了试卷。note 辨析 hand sth out or give sth out?there is no real difference in meaning between these words. give sth out is used more often in spoken english than in written english; hand sth out is used fairly equally in both.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别。give sth out 更常用于口语而非书面语,hand sth out 则两种情况的使用频率都差不多。 give sth out to give one of sth to each person 分发: ◇could you give out these books to the class, please? 请你把这些书分发给全班同学。




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