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单词 broaden
释义 broaden [intransitive, transitive] to become wider; to affect or make sth affect more people or things变宽;(使)扩大影响◆her smile broadened.她笑得更加灿烂了。◆the party needs to broaden its appeal to voters.该党需要进一步吸引选民。opp narrow → shrink broaden [transitive] to increase your experience or knowledge增长(经验或知识)◆few would disagree that travel broadens the mind (= helps you to understand other people's beliefs, customs, etc.).旅游有助于开阔眼界,很少有人不同意这一点。◆spending a year working in the city helped to broaden his horizons.在城里工作的这一年拓宽了他的视野。ⓘ typical collocates of broaden are horizons, mind, outlook, understanding, knowledge and interests. * broaden 的常见搭配词有 horizons、mind、outlook、understanding、knowledge 和 interests。broaden/ˈbrɔ:dn ||; ˈbrɔdṇ/verb [i,t] broaden (sth) (out) to become wider; to make sth wider (使)变宽;拓宽: ◇the river broadens out beyond the bridge. 过了桥,河便宽阔起来。 (figurative 比喻) ◇travel broadens the mind (= it makes you understand other people better). 旅游增广见识。 broadensee ⇨ increase 8 broad·en /`brɔdṇ; ˈbrɔːdn/v [i,t] 1. to include or make something include more different kinds of things or people (使)扩大:◇training designed to broaden your knowledge of practical medicine 为增进你的临床医学知识而设的训练 2. also 又作 broaden out to make something wider, or to become wider (使)变宽,(使)变阔:◇the river broadens out here. 这条河在此处开始变得宽阔。




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