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单词 dribble
释义 dribble [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to fall down the side of sth in small drops or in a thin stream(液体从某物边上)一点一滴地落下,成细线状流下◆melted wax dribbled down the side of the candle.熔化了的蜡一滴滴沿蜡烛边流下。note 辨析 trickle, drip or dribble?something that trickles is flowing continuously, although in a very thin stream; sth that drips is not flowing continuously, but falling in drops; sth that dribbles may be in a very thin stream or in drops. liquid can drip down the side or over the edge of sth, or just through the air; liquid can only dribble down the side or over the edge of sth, not through the air. * trickle 指连续不断地细细流淌; drip 指一点一滴地滴落,未能连成连续的水流; dribble 可以是细流也可以是滴落。drip 指液体沿着或漫过物体的边缘,或从空中滴落。dribble 仅指液体沿着或漫过物体的边缘流下,不指从空中滴落◆water dribbled from the tap. dribble/ˈdrɪbl ||; ˈdrɪbḷ/verb1. [i,t] (used about a liquid) to move downwards in a thin flow; to make a liquid move in this way (指液体)滴下;使(液体)滴下: ◇the paint dribbled down the side of the pot. 油漆沿罐子边缘滴下来。 2. [i] to allow liquid (saliva) to run out of the mouth 淌口水;流口水: ◇small children often dribble. 幼小的孩子常常淌口水。 3. [i] (used in ball games) to make a ball move forward by using many short kicks or hits (用于球类运动)运球,带球: ◇ronaldo dribbled round the goalkeeper and scored. 罗讷尔多带球绕过守门员,一脚命中。 drib·ble /`drɪbḷ; ˈdrɪbəl/v 1. [i] bre if you dribble, the liquid in your mouth runs out onto your chin 【英】 流口水,垂涎; drool ame 【美】:◇the baby's dribbling on your jacket. 婴儿的口水流到你夹克衫上了。 2. [i,t] to flow slowly in irregular drops, or to make a liquid flow in this way (使)[液体]滴:◇+ from/down/out etc dribble a little olive oil onto the salad. 往沙拉中滴几滴橄榄油。 3. [i,t] to move a ball forward by repeatedly kicking or bouncing (bounce) it in football or basketball [足球或篮球中的]盘球; 运球 dribblen [c,u]




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