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单词 confront
释义 confront verbadverb | phrases adverb➤directly, head-on, squarely直接面对;正视◆the new state confronted head-on the question of national identity.这个新州直面国家认同的问题。◆he is willing to confront problems directly.他愿意直接面对问题。➤aggressively, angrily激烈地/愤怒地对峙▸➤immediately, suddenly立即遭遇;突然面对➤constantly, continually持久地/持续面对◆these texts constantly confront the reader with their demanding claims.这些文本常常向读者提出严苛的要求。phrases➤be confronted with sth面对⋯◆i was suddenly confronted by the task of rewriting the entire book.重写整部书的任务突然落在了我的身上。➤find yourself confronted by sth发现自己遭遇⋯◆the demonstrators found themselves confronted by a line of police, blocking the road.示威者发现他们迎面碰上了一队警察,被拦住了去路。confront verb  ➡ see also the entries for face and tackle另见 face 条和 tackle 条confront ♦︎ tackle ♦︎ challengethese words all mean to face or speak to sb in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially when you show courage or authority.这些词均表示对抗、对峙、交涉。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to confront / tackle / challenge sb directly■ confront [transitive] to face sb so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation挺身面对;对抗;与(某人)对峙◆this was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.这是他第一次面对一个带武器的劫匪。■ tackle [transitive] to speak to sb about a problem or difficult situation, especially when you need them to do sth and you know that it might be hard to persuade them与⋯交涉◆i tackled him about the money he owed me.他欠我钱,我跟他交涉了。■ challenge [transitive] to order sb to stop and say who they are or what they are doing盘问;查问◆we were challenged by police at the border.我们在边境受到警察盘问。 confront [transitive] to face sb so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation挺身面对;对抗;与(某人)对峙◆this was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.这是他第一次面对一个带武器的劫匪。 confront /kənfrʌnt/ [transitive](of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by sb; to deal with a problem or difficult situation, especially one that you need to stop avoiding(问题或困境)使无法回避,出现;处理,解决(尤指无法回避的问题或困境)◆the government found itself confronted by massive opposition.政府遭到了强烈的反对。◆she knew that she had to confront her fears.她明白自己必须克服恐惧心理。note 辨析 face or confront?if you confront a problem or a situation, you usually actively decide to do sth to deal with it, rather than trying to ignore it. if you face sth, the problem or situation exists and you have no choice but to deal with it. * confront 通常指面对问题或困境时会采取积极的态度去解决,而不是置之不理。face 指别无选择,只能去处理、应对存在的问题或困境。confront/kənˈfrʌnt ||; kənˈfrʌnt/verb[t] 1. confront sth;confront sb with sb/sth to think about, or to make sb think about, sth that is difficult or unpleasant (使别人)面对(困难或不愉快的事): ◇to confront a problem/difficulty/issue 面对问题╱困难等◇when the police confronted him with the evidence, he confessed. 警方给他出示证据,他只好招认。 2. to stand in front of sb, for example because you want to fight him/her 对峙;对抗: ◇the unarmed demonstrators were confronted by a row of soldiers. 手无寸铁的示威者与一列士兵对峙。 confrontsee ⇨ accuse 1 con·front /kən`frʌnt; kənˈfrʌnt/v [t] 1. to try to make someone admit they have done something wrong 使[某人]承认[做错事]:◇confront sb about sth i just can't confront her about her drinking. 我就是无法与她当面对证,让她承认酗酒。◇confront sb with sth confronted with the video evidence, she had to admit she had been involved. 面对录像证据,她不得不承认自己参与了那起事件。 2. to deal with something difficult or unpleasant, usually in a brave way 勇敢面对[困难或不愉快的事]:◇we want to help you to confront your problems. 我们想帮你面对困难。 3. to stand in front of someone, so that they feel threatened 挡在某人面前施以威胁:◇opening the door, i was confronted by two men demanding money. 我打开门时被两个男人拦住,要我把钱交出来。




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