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单词 butcher
释义 butcher nounadjective➤local本地的屠夫▸➤halal, kosher售卖伊斯兰教合法畜肉的肉商;按犹太教规戒律屠宰牲畜的屠夫➤pork (especially bre) 杀猪匠▸➤master (bre) 技术高超的屠夫  ➡ note at job butcher¹/ˈbʊtʃə(r) ||; ˈbυtʃɚ/noun1. [c] a person who sells meat 肉贩;肉商: ◇the butcher cut me four lamb chops. 肉贩给我切了四块羊排。 2. the butcher's [sing] a shop that sells meat 肉店;肉铺: ◇she went to the butcher's for some sausages. 她到肉店里买些香肠。 3. [c] a person who kills a lot of people in a cruel way (残杀大批人的)刽子手,凶手 butcher²/ˈbʊtʃə(r) ||; ˈbυtʃɚ/verb [t] to kill a lot of people in a cruel way 屠杀 butchersee ⇨ shop/store 2☞ butcher¹☞ butcher²




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