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单词 dumb
释义 dumb adjective¹ 1unable to speak哑verbs | preposition | phrases verbs➤be哑▸➤become, be struck变哑;惊得说不出话来◆they were struck dumb with amazement.他们惊讶得说不出话来。preposition➤with因为⋯而说不出话来◆she sat there, dumb with rage.她坐在那里,气得说不出话来。phrases➤deaf and dumb又聋又哑dumb adjective² 2 (especially name, informal) stupid愚蠢verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound愚蠢;感觉傻;看上去愚蠢;好像愚蠢;听起来愚蠢◆i'm sure my question sounded really dumb.我确信我的提问听起来很愚蠢。➤act, play装聋作哑◆i decided to act dumb.我决定装哑巴。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常愚蠢➤incredibly愚蠢得令人难以置信➤plain (informal) 愚蠢透顶dumb /dʌm/ (especially name, informal, usually disapproving) stupid愚蠢的;傻的◆that was a pretty dumb thing to do.做那样的事太愚蠢了。◆that's the dumbest idea i ever heard.那是我听过的最愚蠢的想法。note 辨析 crazy, stupid, silly, foolish or dumb? crazy usually describes a person; if it describes an action, it is usually a deliberate action, but one that is dangerous or could harm sb in some way. * crazy 一般形容人,如用来形容行为,则通常指故意的行为,并且此一行为是危险的或可能对人造成某种伤害◆that was a crazy thing to do! are you trying to get us killed?那么做太疯狂了!你想让我们丧命吗? stupid, silly, foolish and dumb describe people or their actions. these may be deliberate actions or they can be careless actions caused by sb not thinking. * stupid、silly、foolish 和 dumb 形容人或其行为,可以是故意的行为或某人思虑不周的轻率之举◆a stupid / silly / foolish / dumb mistake愚蠢的错误◆a crazy mistake it is often considered offensive to tell sb that they are stupid; dumb is slightly less offensive, and can be used between friends in a way that shows affection; silly is a kinder word, especially when used to a child, but can still be offensive if used to an adult. foolish is a rather formal word, used especially in writing.说某人 stupid 常被视为一种冒犯; dumb 冒犯程度稍低,可用于朋友之间,以示关爱; silly 是较温和的词,对孩童讲话时尤为如此,但如用于成人则仍具冒犯性。foolish 是相当正式的词,尤用于书面语。dumb /dʌm/ not speaking不说话的;说不出话的◆we were all struck dumb with amazement.我们都惊讶得说不出话来。◆we all sat there in dumb silence.我们都坐在那里,默不作声。ⓘ dumb also means 'unable to speak'. * dumb 也可表示“哑的、不能说话的”◆she was born deaf and dumb.她天生又聋又哑。however, this meaning of dumb is old-fashioned and can be offensive.不过,dumb 的这个含义已经过时,会有冒犯的意味。▸ dumbly adverb◆'are you all right?' lucy nodded dumbly.“你没事吧?”露西默默地点了点头。dumb /dʌm/ (especially name, informal) stupid愚蠢的;笨的;傻的ⓘ it is not usually polite to call sb dumb, but it is not as offensive as stupid.说某人 dumb 通常是不礼貌的,但冒犯的意味没有 stupid 那么强◆if the police question you, act dumb (= pretend you do not know anything).如果警察盘问,你就装傻。◆she's going out with some dumb jock from her high school.她正和同一中学的某个蠢蛋运动员谈恋爱。◆ (offensive) his new girlfriend is a classic dumb blonde.他的新任女友是个典型的傻乎乎的金发女郎。opp smart , bright → intelligent dumb/dʌm ||; dʌm/adj1. not able to speak 哑的: ◇to be deaf and dumb 又聋又哑 (figurative 比喻) ◇they were struck dumb with amazement. 他们都吃惊得说不出话来。 2. (informal 非正式) stupid 愚蠢的;笨的: ◇what a dumb thing to do! 干了这么一件蠢事! ➔dumbly adv ◇ken did all the talking, and i just nodded dumbly. 肯一个人在说话,我什么也没有说,只是点头。 dumbsee ⇨ speak 8 ⇨ stupid/silly 1,5     • • •• ⇨ be struck dumb☞ dumb¹☞ dumb²




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