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单词 erupt
释义 erupt verbadverb | verb + erupt | preposition adverb➤violently猛烈爆发◆the volcano which erupted violently last month上月猛烈爆发的火山➤suddenly突然爆发◆his anger suddenly erupted into furious shouting.他突然暴跳如雷。➤periodically周期性地爆发◆epidemics periodically erupted throughout the 19th century.整个 19 世纪流行病周期性爆发。➤occasionally偶尔爆发◆violence occasionally erupts between the opposing factions.对立派别间时有暴力事件发生。➤spontaneously自发地爆发◆the audience spontaneously erupted into a standing ovation.观众自发起立,热烈鼓掌。➤finally终于爆发◆michael finally erupted, jumping up from his seat.迈克尔终于爆发了,从座位上一跃而起。verb + erupt➤threaten to有爆发的危险preposition➤in爆发出⋯◆the crowd erupted in cheers and sobs of joy.人群中爆发出欢呼声和喜极而泣的呜咽声。➤into突然成为◆violence that threatened to erupt into a full-scale war可能突然变成全面战争的暴力事件➤with爆发出⋯◆the room erupted with laughter.房间里爆发出笑声。erupt /ɪrʌpt/ [intransitive](of war, fighting or arguments) to start happening, suddenly and with force; to get suddenly larger, more serious and more violent(战争、打斗或争论)突然发生,爆发;突然加剧◆violence erupted outside the embassy gates.大使馆门外突然发生了暴乱。◆the unrest erupted into revolution.动乱突变为革命。note 辨析 break out or erupt? erupt suggests a greater degree of violence than break out; it is not used to talk about diseases or disasters.跟 break out 相比,erupt 涉及更大程度的暴力,不指疾病或灾难爆发◆an epidemic of cholera erupted. ◆fire erupted during the night. erupt, but not break out can be used when an argument or violence suddenly becomes worse. * erupt 可指争论或暴力突然加剧,但 break out 不能◆the unrest broke out into revolution. erupt /ɪrʌpt/ [intransitive, transitive](of a volcano) to throw out burning rocks and smoke; (of burning rocks and smoke) to be thrown out of a volcano(火山)爆发;(熔岩、烟)喷出◆the volcano could erupt at any time.这座火山随时可能喷发。◆ash began to erupt from the crater.火山灰开始从火山口喷出。◆lava erupted close to the summit.熔岩在接近山顶的地方喷发出来。erupt/ɪˈrʌpt ||; ɪˈrʌpt/verb[i] 1. (used about a volcano) to explode and throw out fire, rock that has melted (lava), smoke, etc (指火山)喷发,爆发 2. (used about violence, shouting, etc) to start suddenly (指暴力事件、呼喊等)勃发,突然发生: ◇the demonstration erupted into violence. 示威突然演变成暴乱。 3. (used about a person) to suddenly become very angry (指人)突然发怒: ◇george erupted when he heard the news. 乔治一听见这消息就大发雷霆。 ➔eruption noun [c,u] ◇a volcanic eruption 火山爆发 eruptsee ⇨ start 12 e·rupt /ɪ`rʌpt; ɪˈrʌpt/v [i] 1. to happen suddenly or violently 突然发生,爆发:◇fighting erupted after the demonstrations. 游行示威之后突然发生了打斗。 2. if a volcano erupts, it sends out smoke and fire into the sky [火山]爆发,喷发 3. to suddenly become angry or start to shout 勃然大怒; 突然大叫:◇the crowd erupted when henning scored the winning goal. 亨宁射入了致胜的一球后,观众猛地欢呼起来。




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