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单词 name¹
释义 name¹ /nem; neɪm/n [c] 1. what someone or something is called 名字; 姓; 姓名; 名称:◇sorry, i've forgotten your name. 对不起,我忘记了你的名字。◇+ of what's the name of the street the school is on? 学校所在那条街的街名是什么?◇last name/family name (=the name that all the people in your family have) 姓氏◇first name his first name's peter. 他的名字是彼得。 2. big/famous/household name informal a famous person, company etc 【非正式】 大名/家喻户晓的名字 3. [singular 单数] the opinion that people have about a person, company etc, and whether they respect it etc; reputation 名誉; 名声:◇this kind of incident gives football a bad name. 这种事件给足球带来了坏名声。 4. be in sb's name to legally belong to someone [在法律上]属于某人:◇the house is in my name. 这幢房子是属于我的。 5. call sb names to insult someone by using unpleasant words to describe them 骂某人:◇the other kids started calling me names. 其他小孩开始谩骂我。 6. make a name for yourself to become well-known because of the work you do 成名,出名 7. in the name of because you believe that something is a good reason for doing something 以…的名义,为了…[而做某事]:◇it was all done in the name of progress. 做这一切都是为了改进。→ see 见 christian name, surnameusage note 用法说明: first nameyour first name is your own name that people who know you use when they are speaking to you — this is also sometimes called your christian name, especially in british english. first name 是认识你的人称呼你的时候用的名字,有时候被称为 christian name (教名,洗礼名),尤见于英式英语。your last name is the one you share with all the members of your family — this is also called your surname in british english. last name 是你和所有家庭成员共同拥有的姓氏,英式英语也称作 surname.some people also have a middle name that comes between their other two names. this name is usually used only on official documents. 有些人在名和姓之间还拥有一个中名(middle name), 此名一般只用于正式文件上。




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