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单词 dishonourable
释义 dishonourable (bre) (name dishonorable) /dɪsɒnərəbl; name dɪsɑːnərəbl/ (rather formal, disapproving) not deserving any respect; immoral or unacceptable不名誉的;不光彩的;可耻的◆it would have been dishonourable of her not to keep her promise.她要是不履行诺言就太不道义了。◆he was given a dishonourable discharge (= an order to leave the army for unacceptable behaviour).他因行为不轨被开除了军籍。 opp honourable → respectable , honourable → worthy  ➡ see also dishonour → disgrace noun 2 ▸ dishonourably adverb◆she acted dishonourably in accepting money for information.她出卖情报的行为很可耻。 dis·hon·ou·ra·ble /bre 【英】, dishonorable ame 【美】 /dɪs`ɑnəəbḷ; dɪsˈɒnərəbəl//adjnot morally correct or acceptable 不名誉的,可耻的




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