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单词 cycle
释义 cycle noun¹ 1series of events that happen repeatedly循环adjective | verb + cycle | cycle + verb | cycle + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤annual, daily, monthly, seasonal, weekly每年的/每天的/每月的/季节性的/每周的循环◆the annual cycle of church festivals每年教会的节日周期➤irregular, regular无规律的/有规律的循环◆women with irregular menstrual cycles月经不规律的妇女➤complete, entire, whole完整循环▸➤continuous, endless, never-ending连续的循环;永不停息的循环◆the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth生、死、再生的循环不息➤natural自然循环◆life is a natural cycle, just like the changing seasons.生命是自然的循环,就像四季更迭一样。➤vicious恶性循环◆caught up in a vicious cycle of bingeing and dieting陷入暴饮暴食和节食的恶性循环中➤virtuous良性循环▸➤lunar, solar月亮/太阳周期◆the 76-year solar cycle76 年的太阳周期➤carbon, water碳循环;水文循环◆a diagram of the water cycle水文循环示意图➤breeding, menstrual, reproductive繁殖/月经/生殖周期➤sleep睡眠周期▸➤business, economic商业/经济周期➤boom-and-bust繁荣和萧条周期➤development发展周期➤election (name) 选举周期➤news (especially name) 新闻周期▸➤life生命周期◆the life cycle of the butterfly蝴蝶的生命周期verb + cycle➤follow, go through经历循环◆the market is simply going through an economic cycle.市场不过是正在经历一个经济周期。➤complete完成循环◆to complete the cycle, oxygen is necessary.氧气对于完成循环是必需的。➤repeat循环往复➤break, end, stop打破/结束/停止循环➤create, start建立/开始循环➤continue, perpetuate继续循环;使循环往复cycle + verb➤begin again循环重新开始◆male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.成年雄性和雌性交配,雌性产卵,周而复始。➤continue, repeat (itself)循环往复◆this cycle of events continually repeats itself.这一系列事件不断重演。cycle + noun➤length, time循环时间preposition➤in a/the cycle在循环中◆at this point in the cycle在循环周期中的这一点➤per cycle每一循环◆the number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species.单个生育周期所产的幼崽数量因物种不同而有所不同。phrases➤a cycle of abuse, poverty, violence, etc.虐待、贫困、暴力等的循环▸➤part of the cycle (of sth)(⋯)循环中的部份◆part of the cycle of birth and death生死循环中的部份cycle noun² 2 (especially bre) bicycle自行车adjective | verb + cycle | cycle + noun adjective➤motor (usually motorcycle) (bre, name) , pedal摩托车;脚踏车verb + cycle➤ride骑自行车cycle + noun➤ride骑自行车出行◆we're going for a cycle ride this afternoon.我们今天下午要骑自行车去兜风。➤helmet自行车头盔▸➤lane, path, route, track自行车道;自行车路线◆cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.汽车不得驶入自行车道。➤race自行车比赛cycle /saɪkl/ noun [countable] 1.a regular pattern of events 循环◆a vicious (= very bad) cycle of reduced spending, lower production and unemployment 开支减少、生产下降和失业的恶性循环◆fashions tend to go in cycles. 时装往往周而复始。◆breaking the cycle of five working days and two leisure days 打破五个工作日和两个休息日的循环2.a pattern that an economy, an industry, a market, etc. tends to follow, with periods of success and periods of difficulty happening regularly one after another (经济、行业、市场等的)周期,循环◆the market is at the bottom of the cycle and should start improving soon. 市场正处于周期的底部,应该很快开始复苏。◆the it industry has been through many boom-and-bust cycles. 信息技术产业经历过许多繁荣 ── 萧条的循环。3.a single period of success, failure, etc. that forms part of a regular series (由成功、失败等构成的)周期◆the economy appears to be moving into a down cycle. 经济似乎正在进入下降周期。◆a growth cycle 增长周期4.a regular period of time during which sb/sth completes a particular activity (完成某项活动的)周期◆we are trying to shorten our product-development cycle. 我们正在设法缩短产品的开发周期。◆we tend to work in 12-month cycles. 我们倾向于以 12 个月的周期工作。 accounting cycle ◇ billing cycle ◇ business cycle ◇ economic cycle ◇ family life cycle ◇ kondratieff cycle ◇ life cycle ◇ product life cycle ◇ trade cycle ☞ cycle cycle [countable] the fact of a series of events being repeated many times, always in the same order循环◆they could not break the cycle of harvest failure, food shortages, price increases and misery.他们无法打破以粮食歉收、食品短缺、物价上涨、直至穷困凄惨这一循环。◆this cycle of events continually repeats itself.这些事件循环往复,周而复始。◆the life cycle of the butterfly (= the series of forms into which it changes as it develops) 蝴蝶的生命周期▸ cyclic /saɪklɪk, sɪklɪk/ (also cyclical) adjective [usually before noun] ◆the cyclic processes of nature自然界的循环过程◆economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。cycle¹/ˈsaɪkl ||; ˈsaɪkḷ/noun[c] 1. the fact of a series of events being repeated many times, always in the same order 始终按同一规律重复发生的一连串事件;循环;周期: ◇the carbon/nitrogen cycle 碳循环;氮循环 ☞pictures at carbon, nitrogen, rock and water 见carbon、nitrogen、rock及water插图 2. a bicycle or motor cycle 自行车;摩托车: ◇a cycle shop 自行车店 [syn] bike 同义词为bikecycle²/ˈsaɪkl ||; ˈsaɪkḷ/verb [i] to ride a bicycle 骑自行车: ◇he usually cycles to school. 他通常骑自行车上学。 go cycling is a common way of talking about cycling for pleasure we go cycling most weekends. 骑自行车游玩一般叫go cycling:we go cycling most weekends. 我们大多数周末骑自行车去游玩。cyclesee ⇨ drive 2     • • •• ⇨ life cycle☞ cycle¹☞ cycle²




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