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单词 check
释义 check noun¹ 1close look to make sure sth is safe/correct检查;查看adjective | verb + check | preposition adjective➤complete, extensive, full, thorough全面的/详尽的/彻底的/细致的检查▸➤careful, close, rigorous, tight (all especially bre) 仔细的核对;严格的检查▸➤cursory, quick草草的/匆匆的检查▸➤periodic, regular, routine定期核对;例行检查▸➤annual, daily, etc.年检、日检等➤final, last最后的检查▸➤constant (especially bre) 不断的检查▸➤random, spot随机抽查;突击检查◆in a series of spot checks, police searched buses crossing the border.警方在一系列突击检查中搜查了过境巴士。➤independent独立检查▸➤visual目视检查◆i did a quick visual check of the engine.我迅速地目检了发动机。➤dental, fitness, health, medical牙科检查;健康检查;体格检查▸➤criminal, police, safety, security刑事检查;警方检查;安全检查▸➤background, credit, reference背景/信用/证明材料审查▸➤id, identification, identity (bre) 身分查验▸➤baggage, customs, immigration, passport (especially bre) 行李/海关/移民入境/护照检查▸➤stock (bre) 库存盘点▸➤consistency, quality一致性检验;质量检查▸➤spell (usually spellcheck) , spelling (bre) 拼写检查◆i do a spellcheck on all my emails.我所有的电邮都做拼写检查。➤sound (usually soundcheck) 校音◆the band wants to do a soundcheck before the concert.音乐会前乐队想校一下音。verb + check➤carry out, complete, conduct, do, give sth, have, make, run进行检查;检查⋯;做检查◆i'll just have a quick check to see if the letter's arrived.我要赶快看一下信到了没有。◆a thorough check is made before the bags are put on the plane.行李装上飞机前要做细致检查。◆we're running a police check on all applicants.我们正在对所有申请人进行警方记录核查。➤keep, maintain监视;布控◆police are keeping a close check on the house.警方正在对这座房子进行严密监视。➤go for, undergo去做检查;做检查◆i have to go for a dental check.我得去做牙科检查。preposition➤check on对⋯的检查◆a routine check on the factory对工厂的例行检查check noun² 2control; restraint控制;约束adjective | verb + check | preposition adjective➤natural自然的控制◆leaving some fields fallow provided a natural check on insect populations.让一些土地休耕可以自然地控制昆虫数量。verb + check➤act as, provide充当/提供控制手段▸➤hold sth in, keep sth in使⋯在控制之内◆you need to keep your temper in check!你得控制自己的脾气!preposition➤check on对⋯的控制◆the law acts as a check on people's actions.法律起着约束人们行为的作用。check noun³ 3 (name) method of payment支付方式  ➡ see cheque check noun⁴ 4 (name) bill for food食品账单  ➡ see also bill adjective | verb + check | preposition adjective➤dinner餐费单verb + check➤have结账◆can i have the check please?请结一下账好吗?➤pay, pick up, split买单;付餐费;分担餐费◆uncle louie picked up the dinner check.路易叔叔付了餐费。preposition➤check for⋯的账单◆the waiter handed me the check for my meal.服务员将餐费账单递给我。check verb¹ 1examine/make sure检查;核实adverb | verb + check | preposition | phrases adverb➤always, daily, periodically, regularly总是检查;每日核查;定期检查◆always check that the electricity is switched off before you start.每次开始之前都要确定电源已经切断。◆check the oil level regularly.要定期检查油位。➤carefully, thoroughly仔细/彻底检查➤easily, simply马马虎虎地/简单地检查verb + check➤had better, must, need to, should最好/必须/需要/应该检查◆we had better check that all the doors are locked.我们最好检查一下所有的门是否都锁上了。preposition➤against对照⋯检查◆i'll need to check these figures against last year's.我得对照去年的记录来检查一下这些数字。➤for为⋯而检查◆check the roof for loose slates.检查一下房顶,看石板瓦松了没有。➤with与⋯核实◆i checked with her to see if she needed any help.我问她是否需要什么帮助。phrases➤be worth checking有必要检查◆it's worth checking that there is no rust on the car.有必要检查一下汽车上有没有锈迹。➤check to see if, check to see whether检查一下看是否⋯◆he was just checking to see if i was in my room.他只是想查看一下我是否在自己房间里。check verb² 2 (name) put a mark (✓) next to sth给⋯画钩  ➡ see also tick adverb➤simply只需打钩◆to take advantage of this extra bonus offer, simply check the box on your order form.想要获得这个特惠,只需在订货单上的方框内打钩即可。➤mentally头脑里打钩◆she began mentally checking off the things on her to-do list.她开始在心里将待处理事项清单上的事情逐一过一遍。➤off核对◆the cartons were all checked off as they were unloaded.所有纸箱卸下来时都核点过了。check /tʃek/ noun [countable] (name) = cheque help you will find some words formed with check at the spelling cheque.check 同 cheque。 act of making sure that sth is safe, correct or in good condition by examining it 检查;核对◆all our machines are given regular checks. 我们所有的机器都要定期检查。◆my job is to keep a check on each stage of the production process. 我的工作是检查生产工序的每个阶段。◆you should run a virus check on your laptop. 你应该在你的笔记本电脑上执行病毒检查。⨁ a regular / routine / security check定期/常规/安全检查 ⨁ to be given / get / have a check进行检查 ⨁ to do / run a check (on sth)检查(某物) 3.something that slows down the progress of sth else or stops it from getting worse 制止;抑制;阻止;控制◆the new measures should keep a check on inflation. 新措施应能遏制通货膨胀。◆public opinion can act as a check on the power of the executive. 公众舆论能够起到约束行政权力的作用。⨁ to act as / serve as a check on sth(对某事)起控制作用 (especially name) = bill (2) (name) = tick noun (1) ●hold/keep sth in checkto keep sth under control so that it does not spread or get worse 控制;制止◆the bank may raise interest rates to keep prices in check. 银行可能提高利率以控制价格。 credit check ◇ sales check ◇ spot check check /tʃek/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to examine sth to see if it is correct, safe or satisfactory, or to see if it contains sth 检查;核对;查证◆get someone to check your application form. 找人核对你的申请表。◆have you checked the program for errors? 你检查过程序有没有错误吗? 2. [intransitive, transitive] to find out if sth is correct or true or if sth is how you think it is 查明;核实;弄清楚◆you'd better check with ken what time he's expecting us. 你最好和肯核实一下他见我们的时间。◆checking the time 对时 3. [transitive] to control sth; to stop sth from increasing or getting worse 控制;抑制;阻止◆the government is determined to check the growth of public spending. 政府下决心控制公共开支的增长。 4. [transitive] (name) to leave bags or cases with an official so that they can be put on a plane or train 托运(行李)◆you must check your luggage at the airport ticket counter. 你必须在机场票务柜台托运行李。 5. [transitive] (name) = tick verb ●check in (at …) ●check into …to go to a desk in a hotel, an airport, etc. and tell an official there that you have arrived 到达登记;办理登记手续◆please check in at least an hour before departure. 请在飞机起飞至少一小时前办理登机手续。  ➡  check-in ●check sth in (bre) to leave bags or cases with an official to be put on a plane or train 托运行李◆we checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge. 我们托运行李后进入候机室。  ➡  check-in ●check sb/sth off (name) = tick sb/sth off ●check on sb/sthto look to see how sb/sth is 对某人/某事进行核实◆i phoned to check on my order (= to find out how it was progressing). 我打电话来核实一下我的订单的进展情况。●check out (especially name) if facts, etc. check out, they can be shown to be correct or true 调查;核实◆most of the claims they make for the product do check out. 他们对产品提出的大多数索赔已核实无误。●check out (of …)to pay your bill and leave a hotel, etc. (旅馆等)退房,结账◆guests should check out of their rooms by 11am. 客人必须在上午 11 点前办理退房手续。  ➡  checkout ●check sth find out if sth is correct, true or acceptable 调查;核实;查证◆they check out all new employees to make sure they don't have a criminal record. 他们调查所有的新员工以确保他们没有犯罪记录。2. (informal) to look at or examine sth that seems interesting or attractive 察看;观察◆check out the prices at our new store! 来看看我们新店的价钱吧!●check over/through sthto examine sth carefully to make sure that it is correct or acceptable 仔细检查;核对◆we spent several days checking over the contract before signing. 我们在签订合同前花了数天的时间仔细审阅合同。●check up on sth to find out if sth is true or correct 查证;核实◆i just need to check up on a few facts before the presentation. 我在发布之前需要核实几件事实。 double-check ☞ check☞ check☞ invoice/bill/check/receipt/statement of account/vouchercheck verb 1➤check for mistakes/damage检查错误/受损情况➤go and check that i've locked the windows.去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。limitcheck the growth of public spendingmark1check the boxsuppress2check your tearscheck ♦︎ look at sth ♦︎ examine ♦︎ inspect ♦︎ audit ♦︎ visit ♦︎ go over sth ♦︎ look sb/sth over ♦︎ check over sb/sth ♦︎ view ♦︎ check through sththese words all mean to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition or acceptable.这些词均表示检查、审查、检验。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to check / examine / inspect / check over / check through (sth) for sth◆to check / look at / examine / inspect sth to see if / whether...◆to check / look at / examine / inspect / go over / look over / check over / check through sth carefully◆to check / examine / inspect / go over sth thoroughly◆to check / look at / examine / inspect sth closely◆to check / examine / inspect / visit sth regularly / daily■ check [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, safe or satisfactory检查;审查;检验◆check your work before handing it in.交作业前先检查一遍。◆check the container for cracks or leaks.检查一下容器是否有裂缝或漏的地方。 ➡ see also check → inspection ■ look at sth phrasal verbto take a close look at sth, especially in order to see if there is anything wrong or to find out information about sth(仔细)察看,检查(尤指为了查错或查找信息)◆your ankle's swollen-i think a doctor ought to look at it.你的脚踝肿了,我觉得应该找医生检查一下。◆i haven't had time to look at (= read) the papers yet.我还没来得及看这些论文。  ➡ see also look → look noun ■ examine [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to see if there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a problem(仔细地)检查,检验(以找出错误或问题成因)◆the goods were examined for damage on arrival.货物到达时仔细检查了是否有破损。◆the doctor examined her but could find nothing wrong.医生为她做了检查,但没发现什么问题。  ➡ see also examination → inspection , examiner → inspector ■ inspect [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is satisfactory; to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable检查;审视;视察◆the teacher walked around the classroom inspecting the children's work.老师在教室里走来走去,检查孩子们的作业。◆the tourist board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.旅游局每年到所有推荐旅馆视察至少一次。 ➡ see also inspection → inspection , inspector → inspector note 辨析 check, examine or inspect?these words can all be used when you are looking for possible problems, but only check is used about looking for mistakes.这些词均可指检查可能出现的问题,但检查错误只用 check◆examine/inspect your work before handing it in. only examine is used when looking for the cause of a problem.查找问题的原因只用 examine◆the doctor checked/inspected her but could find nothing wrong. examine is used more often about a professional person. * examine 较常指专业人员做检查◆the surveyor examined the walls for signs of damp.房屋鉴定人检查了墙壁,看是否有水渍。 inspect is used more often about an official. * inspect 较常指官方检查◆public health officials were called in to inspect the restaurant.公共卫生官员给召来检视了这家餐馆。■ audit /ɔːdɪt/ [transitive] (business商业) to officially examine the financial accounts of a company to see that they are true and correct审计;稽核◆the national audit office is responsible for auditing the accounts of a wide range of bodies.国家审计署负责审计各种机构。  ➡ see also audit → inspection noun ■ visit [transitive] to make an official visit somewhere, for example to carry out checks or give advice视察,巡视(对工作进行检查或督导)◆government inspectors are visiting all schools in the area next month.政府检察员下月巡视这个地区所有的学校。■ go over sth -->phrasal verbto check sth carefully for mistakes, damage or anything dangerous(仔细)检查,审查,查阅◆go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in.交作业之前要仔细检查是否有拼写错误。◆the health and safety officer went over the whole school, checking every fire door.卫生安全官员仔细检查了整所学校,查看了每扇防火门。■ look sb/sth over -->phrasal verbto look at sb/sth closely to see if it is satisfactory(仔细)查看,检查◆we looked over the house again before we decided to rent it.那房子我们又查看了一次才决定租下来。◆the sergeant looked him over and told him to polish his shoes.警官仔细看了看他,让他把鞋擦亮。■ check over sb/sth -->phrasal verbto check sb/sth carefully to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, or satisfactory仔细检查;核对;核查◆we checked over the house, looking for damp or rot.我们仔细检查那座房子,查看是否有受潮或腐烂的地方。◆the doctor checked him over and said he was fit and healthy.医生为他做了检查,说他很健康。■ view [transitive] (rather formal) to visit a house, etc. and examine it so that you can decide whether to buy or rent it实地查看,察看(房子等,以便决定购买或租用)◆the property can only be viewed by appointment.察看此处房产须预约。■ check through sth -->phrasal verbto examine all parts of sth closely to make sure that everything is correct or satisfactory or in order to find sth仔细检查(某物);核对;核查◆we checked through the photographs to make sure there were none missing.我们仔细检查了那些照片,确保一张不落。check verb 2➤check for mistakes/damage检查错误/受损情况➤go and check that i've locked the windows.去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。limitcheck the growth of public spendingmark1check the boxsuppress2check your tearscheck ♦︎ make sure ♦︎ verify ♦︎ assure yourselfthese words all mean to find out if sth is true.这些词均表示核实、核准、查明。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to check / verify sth with sb◆to check / make sure / verify / assure yourself that...◆to check / verify what / whether...◆to check / verify the accuracy / authenticity / results (of sth)◆to go and check / make sure◆to always check / make sure / verify sth■ check [intransitive, transitive] to find out if sth is correct or true or if sth is how you think it is查明;查看;核实◆go and check that i've locked the windows.去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。◆'is mary in the office?' 'just a moment. i'll go and check.'“玛丽在办公室吗?”“请稍等,我去看看。”◆you'd better check with jane what time she's expecting us.你最好跟简确认一下她见我们的时间。■ make sure -->idiomto check that sth is true or has been done核实,查明,弄清(某事是否属实或已做)◆she looked around to make sure that she was alone.她环顾四周,确认周围没人。◆i think the door's locked, but i'll just go and make sure.我认为门已经锁了,但我还是会去检查一下。■ verify /verɪfaɪ/ [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to check that sth is true or accurate核实;查对;核准◆we have no way of verifying his story.我们无法核实他的说法。◆please verify that your password was entered correctly.请核实你的密码是否输入正确。 ➡ see also verifiable → reliable 2 ■ assure yourself @"su@(r)-so:(r)@"sur--> (formal) to make yourself certain about sth; to tell yourself that sth is certain(使自己)确信,确定◆he assured himself of her safety.他确定她是安全的。◆she assured herself that the letter was still in the drawer.她查清楚信仍在抽屉里。 check [countable] (name) a piece of paper that shows how much you have to pay for the food and drinks that you have had in a restaurant餐饮账单◆can i have the check, please?请给我结账好吗?ⓘ in british english the usual word for this is bill.在英式英语中表达此义通常用 bill。 check [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, safe or satisfactory检查;审查;检验◆check your work before handing it in.交作业前先检查一遍。◆check the container for cracks or leaks.检查一下容器是否有裂缝或漏的地方。 ➡ see also check → inspection check [intransitive, transitive] to find out if sth is correct or true or if sth is how you think it is查明;查看;核实◆go and check that i've locked the windows.去查看一下我是不是把窗户锁上了。◆'is mary in the office?' 'just a moment. i'll go and check.'“玛丽在办公室吗?”“请稍等,我去看看。”◆you'd better check with jane what time she's expecting us.你最好跟简确认一下她见我们的时间。 check [countable] a close and careful look at sth to make sure that it is safe, correct or in good condition检查,查看(是否安全、正确或状况良好)◆could you give the tyres a quick check?你能快速检查一下轮胎吗?◆regular safety checks are conducted on the equipment used in the factory.工厂里使用的设备会定期进行安全检查。◆in a series of spot checks (= checks made without warning), police searched buses crossing the border.警方在一系列突击检查中搜查了跨境公共汽车。 ➡ see also check → check verb 1 check [countable] (rather informal) an investigation to find out more information about sth调查;审查◆was any check made on mr morris when he applied for the job?莫里斯先生申请这个职位时对他进行过调查吗?◆the police ran a check on the registration number of the car.警方对那辆车的牌照号码进行了调查。 check [countable] (rather formal) something that slows down the progress of sth else or stops it from getting worse阻碍进程的事物;防止恶化的事物◆a cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects.寒冷的春季会自然控制昆虫的数量。◆the house of commons became the most fundamental check to the power of the british monarchy.下议院对英国君主的权力起到了最根本的制衡作用。 check [transitive] to stop sth bad from continuing控制,抑制,阻止(有害事物)◆the government is determined to check the growth of public spending.政府决心要控制公共开支的增长。◆she tied some strips of cloth around the wound to check the bleeding.她在伤口上缠了些布条来止血。note 辨析 curb, contain or check?to contain a problem is to stop it from getting worse or spreading over a larger area, but without actually getting rid of it from the areas where it already exists; to curb sth is to reduce it to a lower level; to check sth is to stop it altogether. * contain 指防止问题恶化或蔓延,但并不能将其根除; curb 指降低严重程度; check 则指完全控制住。 check [transitive] (name) to tick sth标记号;打钩;打对号◆check the box next to the right answer.在正确答案旁边的方框中打钩。◆check the names off as the guests arrive.客人到来时请在其姓名上打钩。 check [transitive] (written) to suddenly stop yourself from saying or doing sth or from showing an emotion克制,抑制(说某事、做某事或表露感情)◆she wanted to tell him the whole truth but she checked herself.她本想告诉他全部真相,但又忍住了。◆she made no effort to check her tears and just let them run down her face.她没有克制自己的眼泪,听凭它们顺着脸颊往下流。check¹/tʃek ||; tʃɛk/verb1. [i,t] check (sth) (for sth) to examine or test sth in order to make sure that it is safe or correct, in good condition, etc 检验;检查: ◇check your work for mistakes before you hand it in. 把你的作业检查一遍,看看有没有错,然后再交上来。◇the doctor x-rayed me to check for broken bones. 医生给我做了x光检查,看骨头有没有断。 2. [i,t] check (sth) (with sb) to make sure that sth is how you think it is 核实;确定: ◇you'd better check with tim that it's ok to borrow his bike. 你最好跟蒂姆确定一下,是不是可以借用他的自行车。◇i'll phone and check what time the bus leaves. 我会打电话核实一下公共汽车的发车时间。 3. [t] to stop or make sb/sth stop or go more slowly (使)停下;(使)减慢: ◇she almost told her boss what she thought of him, but checked herself in time. 她差点把自己对老板的看法告诉老板,但是及时打住了。◇phil checked his pace as he didn't want to tire too early. 菲尔放慢步子,他不想太早走得很累。 4. [t] (us 美) =tick¹(2) check in (at...); check into... to go to a desk in a hotel or an airport and tell an official that you have arrived (向酒店或机场柜台)登记,报到 check sth off to mark names or items on a list (在列表所列的项目旁边)打上记号: ◇the boxes were all checked off as they were unloaded. 这些箱子一经卸下便打上记号。 check (up) on sb/sth to find out how sb/sth is 了解;查明: ◇we call my grandmother every evening to check up on her. 我们每天晚上都打电话给奶奶,了解她的情况。 check out (of...) to pay your bill and leave a hotel 办理酒店付账及退房手续;结账离去 check sb/sth out 1. to find out more information about sb/sth, especially to find out if sth is true or not 查明是否属实;查证: ◇we need to check out these rumours of possible pay cuts. 我们要查明这些有关可能减薪的传闻是否属实。 2. (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) to look at sth, especially to find out if you like him/her/it 察看;查访: ◇i'm going to check out that new club tonight. 今晚我要去那家新俱乐部看看。 check up on sb/sth to make sure that sb/sth is working correctly, behaving well, etc, especially if you think he/she/it is not 盘查,查核(确保做对、表现良好等,尤指觉得对方做得不好) check²/tʃek ||; tʃɛk/noun1. [c] a check (on sth) a close look at sth to make sure that it is safe, correct, in good condition, etc 检验;检查: ◇we carry out / doregular checkson our products to make sure that they are of high quality. 我们定期检验产品以保证高质量。◇i don't go to games, but i like to keep a check on my team's results. 我不去看比赛,但我喜欢了解我队的比赛结果。 2. [c,u] a pattern of squares, often of different colours (一般为花色的)格子图案: ◇a check jacket 有格子图案的夹克◇a pattern of blue and red checks 蓝红两色的格子图案 3. [u] the situation in a particular game (chess), in which a player must move to protect his/her king (国际象棋)将军 ☞look at checkmate. 参看checkmate。 4. [c] (us 美) =cheque 5. [c] (us 美) =bill¹(1) 6. [c] (us 美) =tick²(1)hold/keep sth in check to stop sth from advancing or increasing too quickly 停止;减慢: ◇government measures to keep inflation in check 政府遏止通胀的措施 checkto make sure that something is true or correctrelated wordsto examine something or someone 确认某事真实或正确 examine,see alsotest (9-10),sure/not sure,1. to make sure that something is true or correct 检查某事或某人 check /tʃek/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to do something in order to find out whether something is really true or correct 检查;核实 ‘are you sure this is the right phone number?’ ‘yes, i've just checked.’ “你肯定这个电话号码是对的?”“是的,我刚核实过。” you'd better check the figures one more time - we don't want any mistakes. 你最好再检查一下数字—我们不想出任何差错。check that i'll just check that i locked the door. 我就去看一下是否锁好了门。 check that the meat is cooked thoroughly before serving it. 把肉端上去以前检查一下是否已完全熟了。check if/whether before your trip, check if your insurance covers you abroad. 旅行前,核实一下保险范围是否涵盖国外。check to see if/whether let's check to see if she's ok. 我们去看看她是否还好。 check out /ˌtʃek ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make sure that something, especially something that someone else has told you, is actually true 证实[尤指某人的话] check out something we got in touch with the bank to check out the suspect's story. 我们与银行联系,想证实嫌疑犯所说的话。check something out what he said didn't seem quite right, so i decided to check it out. 他说的话好像不太对,因此我决定去核实一下。 make sure/make certain /ˌmeɪk ˈʃʊəʳ, ˌmeɪk ˈsɜːʳtn/ [verb phrase] to check that a situation is really the way you want or expect it to be 确保;查明 i don't think jo's back yet, but you can knock on her door just to make sure. 我想乔还没回家,不过你还是敲一下门看看吧。make sure/make certain (that) make certain the car is in good condition before you sign the rental agreement. 签订租赁协议前要确保汽车状况良好。 i phoned the hotel to make sure that they had reserved a room for us. 我打电话给旅馆,确认一下他们是否为我们预留了房间。 double-check /ˌdʌbəl ˈtʃek/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to check something a second time, so that you are completely sure 复查,复核 ‘did you switch the heating off?’ ‘yes, i double-checked.’ “你把暖气关了吗?”是的,我检查两遍了。” i don't think i made a mistake. i checked and double-checked all my calculations. 我认为自己没有出错。所有计算我检查了一遍,又复查了一遍。double-check that double-check that the computer file was properly copied. 复查一下那个电脑文档是否被正确复制。 verify /ˈverɪfaɪ, ˈverəfaɪ/ [transitive verb] formal to officially check a fact or statement and show that it is correct 【正式】证明,证实[事实或说法] you can verify the facts in the report by calling his office. 你可以打电话去他办公室核实一下报道中的事实。verify that doctors have verified that the injury was indeed work-related. 医生证实受伤的确与工作有关。 verification /ˌverɪfəˈkeɪʃən, ˌverəfəˈkeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the documents are being sent to the state department for verification. 文件将被送到国务院去核实。 confirm /kənˈfɜːʳm/ [transitive verb] to check that an arrangement you have made has happened or is still going to happen 确认;证实[安排好的事] have you called to confirm your flight yet? 你打电话去确认航班了吗?confirm that let me just confirm that the money has arrived in your account. 我来确认一下钱已汇入您的账户。 confirmation /ˌkɒnfəʳˈmeɪʃənǁˌkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] we're waiting for written confirmation of the reservations. 我们在等待预订的书面确认。 ascertain /ˌæsəʳˈteɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] formal to find out if a fact that you think is true is really true 【正式】弄清,确定,查明 ascertain something the case remains a mystery. the police were never able to ascertain the true facts. 那起案件还是个谜,警方始终无法查明事实真相。ascertain that the pathologist ascertained that the victim had died from a gunshot wound. 病理学家确认受害者死于枪伤。ascertain how/when/why etc a doctor should examine the patient to ascertain where the pain is localized. 医生应当检查病人以查明痛在何处。ascertain as far as we have been able to ascertain, our client is not involved in anything illegal. 我们已经设法调查,据目前所知,我们的客户没有参与任何违法事件。☞ check¹☞ check²




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