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单词 be sorry for sb / feel sorry for sb
释义 be sorry for sb / feel sorry for sbidiomto feel sad for sb because they are in a bad situation or sth bad has happened to them怜悯;同情◆i'm sorry for those poor boys, working in that horrible place.那些男孩得在那种糟糕的地方干活,真可怜。◆he decided to help jan as he felt sorry for her.他决定帮助简,因为他同情她。ⓘ be/feel sorry for sb is much more frequent than the other verbs in this group, especially in everyday and spoken language. you can be/feel very/extremely/so sorry for sb, quite/rather sorry for sb or a bit/slightly sorry for sb. you can also feel sorry for yourself. this is an informal and disapproving expression. * be/feel sorry for sb 比本组词汇中其他动词都更常用,特别是在日常生活和口语中。sorry 前面可用 very/extremely/so、quite/rather 或 a bit/slightly。也可以说 feel sorry for yourself,这是个非正式且带贬义的说法◆stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change.别老觉得自己委屈了,也替别人想想吧。




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