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单词 case
释义 case noun¹ 1example例子adjective | verb + case | case + verb | case + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤classic, textbook, typical经典事例;范例;典型例子▸➤clear, obvious, simple清楚的例子;明显的例子;简单案例◆it was a simple case of mistaken identity.那是一个弄错身分的简单例子。➤borderline处于两可的情况◆the teacher gave all borderline cases a spoken test.老师对那些在及格线上下的学生进行了一次口试。➤extreme极端例子▸➤isolated, rare孤立的/稀罕的事例◆except in a few rare cases, bee stings are not dangerous.除极少数情况外蜂蜇一般是没有危险的。➤exceptional, special, unusual例外/特殊/不寻常情况▸➤striking引起关注的情况➤documented, reported记录在案的/报道的事例◆there have been documented cases of officials accepting bribes.有很多记录在案的官员受贿的事例。verb + case➤illustrate, show说明/表明例子➤cite, highlight援引/突出事例◆he highlighted the case of harry farr, who was executed in 1916.他特别举出了 1916 年被处决的哈里・法尔的案例。➤consider考虑情况◆let's consider the case of a dealer trying to make a sale.我们来考虑一下一个商人想要做成一笔生意的情况。case + verb➤arise, occur情况出现;事情发生◆the committee has full powers to deal with any cases of malpractice that arise.该委员会全权处理出现的任何渎职事件。case + noun➤study个案研究◆a case study of an amazonian tribe亚马孙河部落个案研究➤example案例preposition➤in sb's/this case就某人的情况来说/在这种情况下◆in her case, she failed the exam because she wasn't well.就她的情况来说,她是因为身体不好而没有通过考试。➤case of⋯的例子◆a case of animal cruelty虐待动物的例子phrases➤case by case按个别情况◆complaints are dealt with on a case by case basis.投诉要按个案情况具体处理。➤a case in point恰当的例子◆many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in point.许多专业人员认为他们应该得到更高的工资,护士就是一个例子。case noun² 2the case true situation事实verb + the case➤be, remain是实情;仍然是事实◆it remains the case that not enough graduates are going into teaching.实际情况依然是毕业后从教的人数不够。➤overstate, understate夸大事实;对事实轻描淡写◆i agree with him, but don't you think he slightly overstates the case?我同意他的说法,但你不觉得他有点儿夸大事实吗?case noun³ 3of a disease疾病adjective | verb + case | case + noun | preposition adjective➤acute, chronic急性病;慢性病▸➤advanced, bad, serious, severe晚期的病;重症◆he had a bad case of appendicitis.他得了严重的阑尾炎。➤mild轻症➤aids, flu, sars, etc.艾滋病、流感、非典等病例◆about 25% of aids cases are linked with the sharing of needles.大约 25% 的艾滋病病例与共用针头有关系。➤confirmed, reported确诊/报告病例◆there have been no confirmed cases of bse in the us.美国还没有疯牛病的确诊病例。verb + case➤diagnose诊断病例◆two million new cases of hypertension are diagnosed each year.每年诊断出 200 万新增高血压病例。➤report报告病例◆the department of health reported five human cases of bird flu.卫生部报告了 5 起人感染禽流感的病例。case + noun➤history病历◆medical students study the case histories of many patients.医学院学生研究许多病人的病历。➤notes, records病历记录preposition➤case of⋯的病例◆a severe case of food poisoning严重食物中毒病例case noun⁴ 4police investigation警方调查adjective | verb + case | case + noun | preposition adjective➤notorious臭名昭著的案件◆the notorious case of the botley strangler臭名昭著的博特利杀人案➤tragic惨案▸➤assault, homicide, molestation, murder, rape, robbery袭击案;杀人案;性骚扰案;谋杀案;强奸案;抢劫案verb + case➤handle, investigate, work on处理/调查/侦破案件◆four officers are investigating the case.4 名警察在调查该案件。➤crack, solve破案◆they never solved the jones murder case.他们一直未能侦破琼斯谋杀案。➤close结案➤reopen重新开始调查案件case + noun➤file, report案件卷宗/报告◆he was looking through some homicide case files.他在查阅一些杀人案的卷宗。➤officer案件调查警员◆carter was the senior case officer on the investigation.卡特是调查该案的高级警官。preposition➤on the case处理案件◆a detective is on the case at the moment.目前一名探员正在处理该案。➤case of⋯的案件◆a case of theft盗窃案case noun⁵ 5in a court of law法庭adjective | verb + case | case + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤court诉讼案▸➤criminal刑事案▸➤civil民事案▸➤landmark, test意义重大的案件;判例案件◆this is a test case which will influence what other judges decide.这是一个会影响其他法官判决的判例案件。➤high-profile引人注目的案件◆as a lawyer he was involved in high-profile divorce cases.作为律师,他经办过若干引人注目的离婚案。➤antitrust, divorce, libel, malpractice (especially name) 反托拉斯案件;离婚案;诽谤案;渎职案➤death-penalty (especially name) 死刑案◆the jury are required to be unanimous in death-penalty cases.死刑案须要陪审团一致通过。verb + case➤bring将案件提交审理◆he brought the case to the supreme court.他将案件提交到了最高法院。➤prosecute, pursue检控/追查案件▸➤handle, litigate, take处理案件;提出诉讼;受理案件◆this was the hardest case she had handled since becoming a lawyer.这是她做律师以来碰到的最棘手的案子。◆no lawyer would take his case.没有律师会接手他的案子。➤consider, hear, try审理案件◆the court will consider the case soon.法庭即将审理这个案件。◆the case will be heard in a higher court.更高一级法院将审理此案。➤rehear, retry, review复审案件▸➤adjourn延期审案▸➤dismiss, throw out驳回/不受理案件◆the case was thrown out for lack of evidence.该案因缺乏证据而不获受理。➤drop撤回诉讼◆the prosecution decided to drop the case.控方决定撤诉。➤decide, settle裁决诉讼◆the case was settled out of court.该案庭外和解了。➤win胜诉▸➤lose败诉case + verb➤come before sb, come to court, go to court, go to trial案件交付某人审理;案件提交法庭;案件受理◆the case came before judge hales.案件已交给黑尔斯法官审理。◆he was so clearly innocent, the case should never have gone to court.很明显他是无辜的,法院本来就不应该受理此案。➤collapse诉讼不成立◆the case against her collapsed when a key witness was proved to have lied.一名关键证人被证实撒谎,对她的指控就不成立了。➤involve sth案件涉及⋯◆a compensation case involving thousands of workers涉及数千名工人的赔偿案➤centre/center on sth, hinge on sth, rest on sth, turn on sth诉讼集中在⋯;案子的关键在于⋯;案件依赖于⋯◆the case hinged on the evidence of the only witness.这个案子取决于唯一目击证人所提供的证据。➤raise sth案件引起⋯◆the case raises a number of issues.该案件引发了许多问题。➤allege sth案件指控⋯◆cases alleging violations of international law指控违反国际法的案件➤challenge sth案件质疑⋯◆he brought a case challenging the legality of the war.他提起诉讼,质询这场战争的合法性。preposition➤in a/the case案件中◆the evidence in the case案件的证据➤case against对⋯的指控◆the case against her was very weak.对她的指控证据非常不足。➤case of⋯案件phrases➤a case to answer, no case to answer (both bre) 需要/无须答辩◆the judge ruled that the defendant had no case to answer.法官裁决,被告无须答辩。➤the circumstances of a case, the facts of a case案情case noun⁶ 6arguments论据adjective | verb + case | case + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤compelling, convincing, good, persuasive, powerful, strong令人信服的论据;充分的论据;有力的论据▸➤open-and-shut, unanswerable (bre) 一目了然的/无可辩驳的论据◆with his current superb form, he presents an unanswerable case for selection in the team.他目前状态极好,是队里理所当然的上场人选。➤prima facie (law法律) 表面证据◆there is a good prima facie case for believing what she says.她的话有初步的证据让人信服。➤circumstantial, weak间接的/无力的论据▸➤defence/defense, prosecution被告方/控方理由verb + case➤have有立论的依据◆our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= a good enough case).律师认为我们没有充足的论据可以胜诉。➤prepare准备论据◆the defendant requested more time to prepare his case.被告要求多给一些时间以准备论据。➤outline, set out略述/陈述论据▸➤make, make out, present, put, state阐明理由;述说理由◆you can make out a case for changing our teaching methods.你可以就改变教学方法说明理由。➤argue, plead辩论;辩护◆i thought she argued her case very well.我觉得她为自己辩护得很好。➤take up受理(个案)◆the union has taken up the case of the suspended worker.工会已受理那位被停职的工人的个案。➤judge判断理由◆the teacher must judge each case according to its merits.教师必须根据每一件事情的实际情况来作判定。➤bolster, help, strengthen, support加强论据;支持论据◆what evidence do you have to support your case?你有什么证据来支持你的论点?➤weaken削弱论据case + verb➤exist论据存在◆a strong case exists for adopting a similar system in this country.有充分的证据表明这个国家也应该采取相似的体制。preposition➤case against反对⋯的论据◆a case against wearing business attire反对穿正装的理由➤case for支持⋯的论据phrases➤the case for the defence/defense, the case for the prosecution有利于被告方/控方的理由陈述▸➤the merits of a case本身的情况◆the disciplinary committee considered the merits of his case before fining him.纪律委员会在对他罚款前考虑了他的实际情况。case noun⁷ 7container容器adjective | preposition adjective➤carrying便携盒◆he put the binoculars back in their carrying case.他把双筒望远镜放回到便携盒里。➤packing包装箱▸➤glass玻璃橱柜◆the room was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.那个房间里满是放在玻璃柜里的动物标本。➤cd, dvd光盘盒;数字影碟盒▸➤cartridge, cigarette, glasses, jewel, jewellery/jewelry, pencil弹壳;香烟盒;眼镜盒;首饰盒;铅笔盒▸➤guitar, violin, etc.吉他箱、小提琴盒等▸➤display, trophy (especially name) 陈列柜;奖品陈列柜◆she kept all her trophies in a display case.她把自己所有的奖品放在陈列柜里。➤presentation展示柜◆a gold watch in a presentation case展示柜里的金表preposition➤in a/the case, inside a/the case, out of a/the case在盒子/箱子里;在盒子/箱子外case noun⁸ 8a case手提箱  ➡ see also suitcase (for other collocates with case) adjective➤attaché公文包▸➤overnight(适于短途旅行的)小提箱 case /keɪs/ noun [countable] (law 法律) a question to be decided in court 诉讼案◆the case was settled out of court. 这案件达成庭外和解。◆a group of foreign creditors has brought a bankruptcy case against the company. 一批外国债权人已向这公司提起破产诉讼。2. [usually singular] a set of facts or arguments that support one side in a court, discussion, etc. (在法庭、讨论等中支持一方的)事实,论据◆customers who lost money have a good case for compensation. 遭受金钱损失的顾客有充足理由获得赔偿。3.a container or covering used to protect or store things; a container with its contents or the amount that it contains 容器;箱子;盒子;容器及内装物;容量◆a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) 木制包装箱◆a case of champagne (= 12 bottles in a box) 一箱(12 瓶)香槟酒4.a suitcase 行李箱 basket case ◇ business case ◇ display case ◇ test case ☞ case case nouncase ♦︎ trial ♦︎ hearing ♦︎ appeal ♦︎ action ♦︎ suit ♦︎ lawsuit ♦︎ proceeding ♦︎ prosecution ♦︎ litigation ♦︎ court martialthese are all words for a formal legal dispute between people that is decided in court.这些词均表示官司、诉讼、审判。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) legal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings◆(a) criminal case / hearing / appeal / action / proceedings / prosecution / litigation◆(a) civil case / hearing / appeal / action / suit / lawsuit / proceedings / litigation◆a murder / rape / fraud case / trial◆(a) libel case / trial / hearing / action / suit / proceedings◆to bring a case / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / a prosecution (against sb / sth)◆to take action / proceedings (against sb / sth)◆to file an appeal / a suit / a lawsuit◆to face trial / a hearing / an action / a suit / a lawsuit / proceedings / prosecution / litigation / court martial◆to hear a case / an appeal◆to win / lose a case / an appeal / an action / a suit / a lawsuit■ case [countable] a question to be decided in court; the facts and evidence that are used to accuse or defend sb/sth in court诉讼;待裁决的案件;(在法庭上用来控告或辩护的)论据,理由◆the case will be heard next week.此案下周审理。◆the new evidence weakened the case for the defence.新的证据削弱了被告的论据。◆our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had good enough arguments to win in court).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,赢不了官司。■ trial [uncountable, countable] a formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a jury, to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not(法院的)审讯,审理,审判◆he's on trial for murder.他因涉嫌谋杀罪受审。◆she will stand trial for fraud.她因涉嫌诈骗将受审。◆the men were arrested but not brought to trial.这些人已被捕,但未移交法院审判。◆the case never came to trial.此案从未开庭审理。◆he did not receive a fair trial.他没有受到公正的审判。■ hearing [countable] an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are presented to the person or group of people who will have to decide what action to take审讯;听审;听证会◆a court / disciplinary hearing庭审;纪律聆讯◆at a preliminary hearing the judge announced that the trial would begin on march 21.在预审时,法官宣布将在 3 月 21 日进行审理。◆she was granted a divorce in a five-minute hearing.经过五分钟的审理,法庭准许她离婚。■ appeal [countable, uncountable] a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or decision to be changed上诉;申诉◆ (bre) to lodge an appeal提出上诉◆ (name) to file an appeal提出上诉◆ (bre) an appeal court / judge上诉法庭/法官◆ (name) an appeals court / judge上诉法庭/法官◆he lost his appeal against the 3-match ban.他对禁赛 3 场的处罚提出申诉,但遭驳回。■ action [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a legal process to settle a dispute or deal with a complaint诉讼;起诉◆a libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.刊发该文章的杂志将受到诽谤诉讼。◆he is considering taking legal action against the hospital.他正考虑起诉这家医院。■ suit [countable] (rather formal) a claim or complaint against sb that a person or organization can make in court起诉;控告◆his former business associate filed a suit against him claiming £5 million damages.他以前的生意伙伴对他提起诉讼,索要 500 万英镑的损害赔偿金。◆their arguments grew worse and worse and ended with a divorce suit.他们吵得越来越凶,最终提出了离婚诉讼。■ lawsuit /lɔːsuːt, lɔːsjuːt/ [countable] (rather formal) a suit诉讼;起诉◆the opening of the factory was delayed because of a lawsuit brought by an environmental group.因为一个环保团体提起诉讼,工厂推迟开业了。■ proceeding /prəsiːdɪŋ/ [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) the process of using a court to settle a dispute or to deal with a complaint诉讼;诉讼程序◆the company has started legal proceedings against its competitor.那家公司对竞争对手提起了法律诉讼。■ prosecution /prɒsɪkjuːʃn; name prɑːsɪkjuːʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime; the process of being officially charged with a crime in court(被)起诉,检举;诉讼◆prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.对轻罪初犯者的起诉很少判处监禁。◆he threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.他威胁要对医生提起民事诉讼。  ➡ see also prosecute → accuse ■ litigation /lɪtɪgeɪʃn/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the process of making or defending a claim in court诉讼;打官司◆the company has been in litigation with its auditors for a full year.那家公司和它的审计员已经打官司整整一年。■ court martial /mɑːʃl; name mɑːrʃl/ (plural courts martial) [countable, uncountable] a military court that deals with members of the armed forces who break military law; a trial at such a court军事法庭;军事法庭的审判;军法审判◆he was convicted at a court martial.他在军事法庭上被判有罪。◆all the soldiers now face court martial.现在,所有这些士兵都面临军事法庭的审判。case [countable, usually singular] a set of facts or arguments that support one side in a trial or discussion(在审判或讨论中支持一方的)论据,事实,理由◆our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had enough good arguments to win in court).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,无法赢得官司。◆the report makes out a strong case (= gives good arguments) for spending more money on hospitals.报告充分阐明了增加医院经费的理由。◆the case for the defence / prosecution有利于被告/原告的论据◆the case for / against private education支持/反对实行私立学校教育的理由 case [countable] (especially in compounds尤用于构成复合词) a container or covering used to protect or store things; a case and its contents, or the amount of sth that the case can hold容器;套;罩;容器及内装物;(容器的)容量◆the museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases.博物馆摆满了放在玻璃柜里的动物标本。◆a pencil case铅笔盒◆a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) 包装箱◆the winner will receive a case of champagne (= 12 bottles).胜者将获得一箱共计 12 瓶的香槟酒。 case [countable] a question to be decided in court; the facts and evidence that are used to accuse or defend sb/sth in court诉讼;待裁决的案件;(在法庭上用来控告或辩护的)论据,理由◆the case will be heard next week.此案下周审理。◆the new evidence weakened the case for the defence.新的证据削弱了被告的论据。◆our lawyer didn't think we had a case (= had good enough arguments to win in court).我们的律师认为我们论据不足,赢不了官司。 case [countable] a particular situation or a situation of a particular type; a situation that relates to a particular person or thing具体情况;实例;特殊情况◆in some cases people have had to wait several weeks for an appointment.在某些情况下,人们必须等上好几周才能得到约见。◆many professions feel they deserve higher pay, and nurses are a case in point.许多行业的从业人员觉得他们应该得到更高的报酬,护士就是很好的例子。◆in this case, we are prepared to be lenient.在这种情况下,我们愿意宽容一些。 case [countable] a matter that is being officially investigated, especially by the police(尤指警方)侦查的案情,调查的案件◆a detective is on the case at the moment.一名侦探正在调查此案。◆four police officers are investigating the case.四名警察在调查此案。◆they never solved the jones murder case.琼斯谋杀案一直未能侦破。 case [countable] the fact of sb having a disease or injury; a person suffering from a disease or injury病例;病案;病人;伤员◆over 500 000 cases of cholera were reported in 1991.1991 年共报告霍乱病例 50 多万起。◆the most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.受伤最重的人在事故现场得到了救治。 case [countable] (bre, rather informal) a suitcase手提箱◆she wanted to pack her case and leave immediately.她想收拾行李马上离开。case/keɪs ||; kes/noun1. [c] a particular situation or example of sth 情况;事例;病例: ◇ in some cases, people have had to wait two weeks for a doctor's appointment. 在某些情况下,病人要等两星期才能预约上医生看病。◇most of us travel to work by tube -- or, in jim's case, by train and tube. 我们大多数人都坐地铁上班─但吉姆既坐火车又坐地铁。◇cases of the disease are very unusual in this country. 这种疾病的病例在这个国家很少见。 2. the case [sing] the true situation 实情: ◇the man said he worked in cardiff, but we discovered later that this was not the case. 这个男人说他在加的夫干活,但后来我们发现不是这么回事。 3. [c] a crime or legal matter 案件: ◇the police deal with hundreds of murder cases a year. 警方每年要处理几百起谋杀案。◇the case will come to court in a few months. 本案将在几个月后开庭审理。 4. [c] [usu.sing] the facts and reasons that support one side in a discussion or legal matter 讨论或诉讼中一方提出的事实或理由: ◇she tried to make a case for shorter working hours, but the others disagreed. 她要求缩短工作时间,但遭到其他人反对。 5. [c] (especially in compounds 尤用于构成复合词) a container or cover for sth 盒;箱;匣: ◇a pencil case 铅笔盒◇a pillowcase 枕套◇a bookcase 书橱◇she put her glasses back in the case. 她把眼镜放回盒内。 6. [c] =suitcase ◇would you like me to carry your case? 我帮你提箱子,好不好? 7. [c,u] (in the grammar of some languages) the form of a noun, an adjective or a pronoun that shows its relationship to another word (在有些语言的语法中,显示名词、形容词或代词跟他词关系的)格: ◇the object of the verb is in the accusative case. 动词的宾语是宾格。 ☞look at accusative, dative, genitive, nominative and vocative. 参看 accusative、dative、genitive、nominative 及 vocative。 (be) a case of sth/doing sth a situation in which sth is needed 事情;问题: ◇there's no secret to success in this business. it's just a case of hard work. 做这一行成功没有什么秘诀,只是工作努不努力的问题。 in any case whatever happens or has happened; anyway 不管怎样;无论如何: ◇i don't know how much tickets for the match cost, but i'm going in any case. 我不知道这场比赛的门票要多少钱,但我无论如何要去看。 in case because sth might happen 以防: ◇i think i'll take an umbrella in case it rains. 我想我会带伞去,以防下雨。◇i wasn't intending to buy anything but i took my credit card just in case. 我本来不打算买东西,但我带着信用卡,以防万一。 in case of sth(formal 正式) if sth happens 一旦;万一: ◇in case of fire, break this glass. 万一失火,砸破这个玻璃。 in that case if that is the situation 如果是那样的话: ◇‘i'm busy on tuesday.’ ‘oh well, in that case we'll have to meet another day.’ “星期二我忙着呢。”“那么我们改天见面吧。” prove your/the case/point→provecasesee ⇨ court/trial 2 ⇨ example 1 ⇨ situation 1,2     • • •• ⇨ be the case• ⇨ in case• ⇨ in case of• ⇨ not be the case• ⇨ textbook case/example case /kes; keɪs/n 1. [c] a situation or problem that exists, or an example of that situation or problem 状况,情形; 事例,实例:◇in some cases, it may be necessary to talk to the child's parents. 有些情况下,也许有必要和那孩子的父母谈谈。◇+ of a case of mistaken identity 认错人的情形◇be the case people working together can do great things, and this was certainly the case in maria's neighbourhood. 人多力量大,在玛丽亚居住的小区情况就是如此。◇in sb's case no one should be here after 6 o'clock, but in your case i'll make an exception. 六时之后这里不应有人,但如果是你的话,我可以破个例。 2. in that case because of the fact that has just been mentioned 既然如此,那样的话:◇"i'll be home late tonight." "well, in that case, i won't cook dinner." “今晚我会晚回家。”“好吧,既然如此,我不烧晚饭了。” 3. in any case spoken used to say that a fact or situation remains the same even if other things change 【口】 无论如何,不管怎样:◇of course we'll take you home — we're going that way in any case. 当然我们会送你回家 — 反正我们顺路。 4. in case of sth formal if or when something happens 【正式】 要是…,在…的时候:◇in case of fire, break the glass. 如发生火灾,请打碎玻璃。 5. (just) in case a) used to say that someone should do something because something else might happen or be true 以防万一:◇take your umbrella in case it rains. 带着雨伞吧,以防下雨。 b) used to mean 'if' 如果:◇in case you missed the first episode, here is the story so far. 如果你错过了第一集,那么前面的故事是这样的。 6. [c] something that must be decided in a court of law 诉讼(案件); 官司; 判例; 个案:◇a court case dealing with cruelty to animals 虐待动物的诉讼案 7. [c] an event or set of events that the police deal with (犯罪)案件:◇a murder case 谋杀案 8. [c, usually singular 一般用单数] all the facts or reasons that can be used to prove that something is right or wrong 事实; 理由:◇+ for/against there is a good case for changing the rule. 有一个更改条例的好理由。 9. [c] an illness or someone who is being treated by a doctor for an illness 病例; 患者:◇in serious cases, the patient loses their ability to work. 病情严重时,病人丧失工作能力。 10. [c] a container for storing something 盒(子),匣(子):◇a jewelry case 珠宝盒 11. [c] bre a suitcase 【英】 手提箱,衣箱,皮箱 12. [c,u] technical the form of a word, usually a noun, that shows its relationship to other words in a sentence 【术语】 格[显示某词与句中其他词之间的相互关系] 13. be on sb's case informal to criticize someone a lot and keep checking that they are not doing anything wrong, especially in a way that seems unfair and unkind 【非正式】 指责某人; 监督某人→ see also 另见 lower case, upper case ☞ case




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