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单词 abstraction
释义 abstraction [countable, uncountable] (formal) a general idea that is not based on any particular real person, thing or situation抽象概念◆ideological abstractions are never going to attract many voters.空洞的说教绝不会吸引很多选民。◆the increasing abstraction of modern art has tended to make it increasingly difficult to interpret.现代艺术日益抽象,阐释起来也越加困难。 ➡ see also abstract → intellectual adj. 1 abstraction/æbˈstrækʃn ||; æbˈstrækʃən/noun1. [c,u] (formal 正式) a general idea not based on any particular real person, thing or situation 抽象概念 2. [u] (formal 正式) the state of thinking deeply about sth and not paying attention to what is around you 出神;心不在焉 3. [u] [c] (technical术语) the act of removing sth from sth else 提取;抽取: ◇water abstraction from rivers 从河里抽水 abstraction /æb`strækʃən; əbˈstrækʃən/n [c,u]




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