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单词 eject
释义 eject verb¹ 1push/send sth out逐出adverb | preposition adverb➤forcibly强行赶出➤physically粗暴地驱逐▸➤summarily (especially bre) 即刻赶出◆they were summarily ejected by the security guard.他们立刻被保安赶了出来。preposition➤from从⋯里赶走◆he was forcibly ejected from the restaurant.他被强行逐出餐馆。eject verb² 2make an emergency exit紧急离去adverb | preposition adverb➤safely安全地紧急弹射出(飞行器)preposition➤from从 ( 飞行器 ) 中紧急弹射出来◆all the crew members ejected safely from the plane.机组人员都安全弹射了出来。 eject /idʒekt/ [transitive] (formal) to force sb to leave a place驱逐;逐出;赶出◆angry supporters were forcibly ejected from the premises.愤怒的支持者被强行逐出现场。eject/iˈdʒekt ||; ɪˈdʒɛkt/verb1. [t] (formal 正式) (often passive 常用于被动语态) eject sb (from sth) to push or send sb/sth out of a place (usually with force) (通常指用力)把…从某处推出或逐出: ◇the protesters were ejected from the building. 抗议者被赶出那座大厦。 2. [i,t] to remove a tape, disk etc from a machine, usually by pressing a button (通常指按键从机器中)退出(磁带、磁盘等) · ◇to eject the cd, press this button. 按这个键就可退出光盘。◇after recording for three hours the video will eject automatically. 录制三个小时以后,录像带会自动退出。 3. [i] to escape from an aircraft that is going to crash (从快要坠毁的飞机里)弹射出来,逃生ejectsee ⇨ leave 11 e·ject /ɪ`dʒɛkt; ɪˈdʒekt/v 1. [t] formal to push or throw something out with force 【正式】 [用武力]驱逐,赶出; 喷出:◇any troublemakers will be ejected from the meeting. 任何制造麻烦的人都会被赶出会场。 2. [i] to jump out of a plane that is going to crash [从将要失事的飞机中]弹出,跳出 3. [t] to make something come out of a machine by pressing a button [按键从机器中]退出[某物]:◇how do i eject the cd? 我该怎样把雷射唱片退出呢?




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