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单词 draft
释义 draft noun¹ 1rough/early version of a written document草稿/初稿adjective | verb + draft | draft + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤early, first, initial, original, preliminary初稿;第一稿;最早的稿子;原稿;初步草案▸➤rough, working粗略的草稿;暂定稿➤revised修订稿▸➤final定稿verb + draft➤draw up, prepare, produce, write拟订/准备/制订/写出草稿◆she produced an initial draft of her plans.她草拟了计划的最初稿。➤complete, finish完成草稿◆i finished the first draft in late august 2007.2007 年 8 月下旬,我完成了初稿。➤send, submit提交草案◆i sent an early draft to an agent.我给一个代理商递交了一份初稿。◆the students were invited to submit drafts for feedback.学生受邀提交他们的草案作为反馈。➤review审查草案◆he reviewed an earlier draft of this manuscript.他复查了一下这份手稿的早期草稿。➤approve批准草案◆the preliminary draft of the agreement has been approved.协议的初稿通过了。➤issue, publish, release发布/公布/发表草案draft + noun➤agreement, bill, budget, constitution, contract, document, letter, report, treaty协议草案;法案草案;预算草案;章程草案;合同草案;文件草案;草稿信;报告草稿;条约草案➤law, legislation法律/法规草案➤plan, proposal计划/提议草案preposition➤in a/the draft在草案中◆these details were not included in the preliminary draft.这些细节没有包括在初稿中。phrases➤in draft form (especially bre) 以草案形式◆the document is still in draft form.文件还只是草案。draft noun² 2the draft (especially name) order to serve in the armed forces服役的命令  ➡ see also conscription adjective | verb + the draft adjective➤military征兵verb + the draft➤avoid, dodge逃避兵役➤oppose, support反对/支持征兵➤bring back, reinstate恢复兵役draft noun³ 3 (name) current of air风;一股气流  ➡ see draught draft verb (also draught, especially in bre) adverb➤carefully, properly, well仔细地/得体地/很好地起草▸➤badly, poorly拙劣地起草◆some of the clauses in the contract had been very poorly drafted.合同草稿中的一些条款写得很差。➤originally最初起草◆the bill as originally drafted would have made the tobacco companies a lot more vulnerable to lawsuits.最初起草的议案本会令烟草公司在法律诉讼上更加不堪一击。➤hastily, quickly匆忙/快速起草◆hastily drafted pieces of legislation匆忙间起草的部份法规draft /drɑːft; name dræft/ noun [countable] 1.a rough written version of a document that is not yet in its final form 草稿;草案◆the first draft of the report 报告的初稿◆the committee has drawn up a draft action plan. 委员会已经起草了一份行动计划草稿。◆a draft agreement/letter 协议/信件草稿⨁ to draw up / prepare / produce / write a draft起草/准备/创作/撰写草稿 ⨁ an early / the final / latest draft早期的/最终的/最新的草案 (finance 金融) a written order to a bank to pay money to sb 汇票◆please pay by draft or cheque. 请用汇票或支票付款。◆she presented a draft on a bank in new york. 她提交了一张向一家位于纽约的银行提款的汇票。 syn bank draft banker's draft ◇ demand draft ◇ exposure draft ◇ sight draft draft /drɑːft; name dræft/ verb [transitive] (also spelled draught, especially in bre ) to write the first rough version of a document 起草◆to draft a contract 起草合同◆i'll draft a letter and show it to you. 我起草一封信给你看。 ▸ drafter (also spelled draughter, especially in bre ) noun [countable] ◆legal drafters 法律起草人 ●draft sb in ●draft sb into sthto choose sb or a group of people and send them somewhere for a special task 征召某人;选拔某人从事某任务◆he has been drafted in to try to repair the group's finances. 他获挑选来整顿集团的财务。☞ draft☞ draftdraft [countable] a rough written version or drawing of sth, showing how it will be written, built or made草稿;草案;草图◆this is only the first draft of my speech.这只是我演讲的初稿。◆the original drafts for the new building are with the architects.新楼的原始草图在建筑师手里。ⓘ a draft is usually not yet in its final form and may have changes made to it. the word is especially used to describe an early version of a piece of writing such as a letter, speech or book. * draft 通常不是终稿,会有改动,尤指信件、演讲或书的初稿。  ➡ see also draft → prepare verb 1 draft (also draught, especially in bre) /drɑːft; name dræft/ [transitive] to write the first rough version of sth such as a letter, speech or book起草;草拟◆i'll draft a letter for you.我来为你草拟一封信。◆some of the clauses in the contract had been very poorly drafted.合同中某些条款措辞太差。 ➡ see also draft → plan noun 2 draft¹/drɑ:ft; us dræft ||; dræft/noun[c] 1. a piece of writing, etc which will probably be changed and improved; not the final version 草稿;原稿;底稿: ◇the first draft of a speech/essay 讲演╱文章的初稿 2. a written order to a bank to pay money to sb 汇票: ◇payment must be made by bank draft. 款项必须用银行汇票支付。 3. (us 美) =draught¹(1)draft²/drɑ:ft; us dræft ||; dræft/verb[t] 1. to make a first or early copy of a piece of writing 起草: ◇i'll draft a letter and show it to you before i type it. 我来起草一封信,你看了后我再把它打出来。 2. (us 美) (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to force sb to join the armed forces 强使某人参加武装部队;征召入伍: ◇he was drafted into the army. 他被征召入伍。 draftsee ⇨ write 10☞ draft¹☞ draft²☞ draft³




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