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单词 break up
释义 break up 1. (used about events that involve a group of people) to end or finish (指一群人参与的活动)结束,告终,完成: ◇the meeting broke up just before lunch. 会议就在午饭前结束。 2. (brit 英) to start school holidays 学校开始放假: ◇when do you break up for the summer holidays? 你什么时候放暑假?break upsee ⇨ break 6 ⇨ crowd 5,6 ⇨ disturb 2 ⇨ finish 8 ⇨ separate 2,3,7 ⇨ stop 21 break upphr v 1. [t break sth ↔ up] to separate something into smaller parts 拆散[某物]; 把…分成几部分:◇one day his business empire will be broken up. 终有一天,他的商业王国会被瓦解。 2. [i,t break sth ↔ up] to break, or break something into small pieces 碎开; 打碎:◇the ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁后裂开了。◇we used shovels to break up the soil. 我们用铲子松土。 3. [i] to end a relationship [关系]破裂:◇troy and i broke up last month. 我和特洛伊上个月闹翻了。 4. [t] to stop people fighting, arguing etc 制止[殴斗或争吵] 5. [i] if a meeting, party etc breaks up, it ends and people start to leave [会议、聚会等]结束,散场




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