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单词 puzzle
释义 puzzle noun¹ 1sth that is difficult to understand难解之谜adjective | verb + puzzle | puzzle + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤great大难题▸➤perplexing难解之谜▸➤scientific, theoretical科学/理论难题verb + puzzle➤crack, figure out, piece together, solve破解/算出/拼凑线索解决/解决难题▸➤remain仍是未解之谜◆what happened to the ship remains a puzzle.那艘船发生了什么事还是个谜。puzzle + verb➤remain谜团仍未解开◆the puzzle remains of what happened to the ship.那艘船发生了什么事还是个谜。preposition➤puzzle about关于⋯的谜◆there is a puzzle about how the plant first came to britain.这种植物最初是怎样来到英国的还是个谜。➤puzzle of⋯的谜◆they're trying to solve the puzzle of how gravity works.他们在尝试解开重力是如何起作用的谜团。phrases➤a piece of the puzzle谜团的一个疑点◆another piece of the puzzle fell into place.谜团的另一个疑点变得明朗起来。➤the key to a puzzle破解谜团的关键◆traces of explosives found among the wreckage were the key to the puzzle.在残骸中找到的少许爆炸物是解开这个谜团的关键。➤a piece in the puzzle谜中的一环◆the police didn't know what the message meant, but it was another piece in the puzzle.警方虽然不知道这个消息意味着什么,但它却是另一个难题。➤a solution to a puzzle, something of a puzzle谜的破解;有点儿让人困惑◆the origin of the word is something of a puzzle.这个词的起源有点儿让人困惑。puzzle noun² 2game that tests your skill, intelligence, etc.测验技能的游戏;智力游戏adjective | verb + puzzle | puzzle + noun adjective➤crossword, jigsaw (bre) 填字游戏;拼图玩具▸➤logic, number, picture, word逻辑/填数字/拼图/填词游戏▸➤complicated复杂的谜题verb + puzzle➤complete, do, put together, solve破解谜题;拼凑线索解开谜团puzzle + noun➤book猜谜书➤game猜谜游戏➤piece拼图的一片puzzle [transitive](of a question or strange fact or behaviour) to be too difficult or strange for sb to answer or understand(问题、奇怪的事或行为)迷惑,使困惑◆this question has puzzled scientists for decades.这个问题已经困惑科学家数十载。◆what puzzles me is why he left without telling anyone.令我不解的是他为什么没有告诉任何人就离开了。puzzle [countable, usually singular] something that is difficult to understand or to explain神秘的事物;不可理解之事;不解之谜◆there is a puzzle about how the plant first came to britain.这种植物最初如何传入英国还不清楚。◆another piece of the puzzle fell into place.谜团的另一部份也清晰起来。 ➡ see also puzzling → confusing puzzle¹/ˈpʌzl ||; ˈpʌzḷ/noun[c] 1. [usu.sing] something that is difficult to understand or explain; a mystery 难题;谜;令人困惑的事: ◇the reasons for his actions have remained a puzzle to historians. 他为什么采取这些行动,历史学家对此一直大惑不解。 2. a game or toy that makes you think a lot 让人动脑筋的游戏或玩具: ◇a crossword/jigsaw puzzle 纵横字谜;拼图游戏◇i like to do puzzles. 我喜欢猜谜。 ☞picture at sport 见sport插图 puzzle²/ˈpʌzl ||; ˈpʌzḷ/verb1. [t] to make sb feel confused because he/she does not understand sth 使大惑不解或困惑: ◇her strange illness puzzled all the experts. 她的怪病令所有专家感到困惑。 2. [i] puzzle over sth to think hard about sth in order to understand or explain it 苦思,深思(以求明白或解释某事物): ◇to puzzle over a mathematical problem 苦思一道数学题 puzzle sth out to find the answer to sth by thinking hard 苦思后找到某事物的答案: ◇the letter was in italian and it took us an hour to puzzle out what it said. 那封信是用意大利文写的,我们琢磨了一个小时才知道它说些什么。 puzzlesee ⇨ confused 4 ⇨ mysterious 3 ⇨ solve 6☞ puzzle¹☞ puzzle²




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