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单词 interrogation
释义 interrogation nounadjective | verb + interrogation | interrogation + noun | preposition adjective➤police警方的讯问▸➤further进一步的审问➤coercive (especially name) 强制审讯◆they have been subject to coercive interrogations without access to lawyers.他们在没有见过律师的情况下受到了强制审讯。➤lengthy长时间讯问◆she had to undergo a lengthy interrogation.她不得不经受长时间的审讯。verb + interrogation➤conduct进行讯问◆the interrogation was conducted by senior police officers.审讯由几名高级警官进行。➤undergo经受审讯◆he had been captured and was undergoing interrogation.他已经被抓而且正在接受审讯。interrogation + noun➤cell, room审讯室▸➤methods, procedures, tactics, techniques审讯方法/程序/策略/技巧preposition➤during interrogation审讯期间◆she revealed the name of her accomplice during interrogation.在审讯中她供出了自己的同谋。➤under interrogation审讯时◆under interrogation, he refused to say anything at first.一开始审讯的时候,他什么也不肯说。interrogation [uncountable, countable] the process of asking sb a lot of questions, especially in an aggressive way, in order to get information; an occasion on which this is done讯问;审问;盘问◆he confessed after four days under interrogation.他在受讯问四天之后招认了。◆she hated her parents' endless interrogations about where she'd been.她讨厌父母没完没了地盘问她去哪里了。  ➡ see also interrogate → question verb ☞ interrogate interrogation /ɪnˏtɛrə`geʃən; ɪnˌterəˈɡeɪʃən/n [c,u]




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