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单词 deny
释义 deny verb¹ 1say sth is not true否认adverb | verb + deny | phrases adverb➤adamantly, emphatically, fiercely, firmly, hotly, steadfastly, strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorously坚决否认;断然否认;强烈否认;激动地否认◆both women vehemently deny the charges against them.两名女子都言辞激烈地否认了对她们的指控。➤angrily, indignantly气愤地/愤怒地否认▸➤categorically, flatly断然否认◆he has categorically denied being involved in the fraud.他断然否认自己与诈骗有关。➤explicitly, expressly明确/清楚地否认▸➤completely, totally完全/彻底否认▸➤implicitly含蓄地否认▸➤formally, officially正式否认▸➤publicly公开否认▸➤immediately, promptly, quickly立即/迅速/快速否认▸➤initially最初否认▸➤simply坚决否认◆if anyone accuses me i'll simply deny it.如果有人指控我,我会一口否认。➤consistently, repeatedly一直/再三否认◆he has consistently denied murdering his estranged wife.他自始至终否认谋杀了分居的妻子。verb + deny➤cannot无可否认◆you can't deny that it seems a very attractive idea.无可否认,那个想法看来很有吸引力。➤try to试图否认◆i know it was you i saw, so there's no use trying to deny it.我知道我看到的人就是你,你别再试图否认了。phrases➤no one could deny (that)..., no one would deny (that)...没有人能/会否认⋯◆no one would deny that there is a very great need for change.没有人会否认亟须变革。➤there is no denying sth⋯无可否认◆there is no denying the fact that she is an excellent scholar.她是一名优秀的学者,这一点无可否认。deny verb² 2refuse sb sth拒绝adverb | preposition adverb➤cruelly (especially bre) 残酷地拒绝◆they were cruelly denied victory by a header from reece.里斯的头球残酷地葬送了他们的胜利。➤effectively事实上拒绝◆children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.孩子们可能被迫在农场劳作,这事实上剥夺了他们受教育的权利。➤routinely, systematically按惯例/有计划地拒绝◆the country's government systematically denies its citizens basic rights to free expression.这个国家的政府完全剥夺了其公民言论自由的基本权利。preposition➤to拒绝向⋯给予◆you cannot deny this opportunity to me.你不能拒绝给我这个机会。 deny verbdeny ♦︎ contradict ♦︎ repudiate ♦︎ refute ♦︎ disclaimthese words all mean to say that a report or claim is not true.这些词均表示否认报告或声明的真实性。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to deny / contradict / repudiate / refute a report / suggestion◆to deny / repudiate / refute a claim◆to deny / repudiate an accusation / allegation◆to deny / disclaim knowledge / responsibility◆to flatly deny / contradict sth◆to strongly / publicly deny / repudiate / refute sth■ deny /dɪnaɪ/ [transitive] to say that a report or claim is not true; to refuse to admit or accept knowledge of or responsibility for sth否认;否定;拒绝承认(或接受)◆he denied accusations of corruption and mismanagement.他否认了贪污和管理失误的指控。◆there's no denying the fact that quicker action could have saved them.无可否认,如果行动再快一点,本来是救得了他们的。◆he denies attempting to murder his wife.他否认企图谋杀妻子。◆she denied that there had been any cover-up.她否认有任何隐瞒。◆it can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem.无可否认,我们需要投入更多的资源来解决这个问题。◆she denied all knowledge of the incident.她否认知晓此事的任何情况。opp admit → admit 2 , confirm → confirm 2 ■ contradict /kɒntrədɪkt; name kɑːntrədɪkt/ [transitive] to say that what sb has said is not true, and that the opposite is true反驳;批驳;驳斥◆all evening her husband contradicted everything she said.整个晚上她说的每件事都遭丈夫反驳。◆you've just contradicted yourself (= said the opposite of what you said before).你说的话跟以前说的根本自相矛盾。■ repudiate /rɪpjuːdieɪt/ [transitive] (formal) to say officially and/or publicly that a report or claim is not true(正式或公开地)否认,驳斥◆a spokeswoman repudiated the article, calling it unbalanced and inaccurate.一名女发言人对这篇文章进行了驳斥,说它偏颇失实。■ refute /rɪfjuːt/ [transitive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to say that a report or claim is not true or fair反驳;否认◆she strongly refutes any suggestion that she behaved unprofessionally.谁若暗示她不在行,她都会强烈反驳。ⓘ the original meaning of refute is 'to prove a statement or theory to be wrong'; however, in modern usage refute is often used as a synonym of deny, when no evidence or argument is given to prove that sth is untrue. some people object to this usage but it is now widely accepted in standard english, and used especially in journalism. * refute 本义为“证明某种说法或理论错误”,但在现代用法中常作 deny 的同义词,用在没有证据或论点来证明某事不真实的场合。有人反对这种用法,但它在标准英语中已得到广泛接受,尤用于新闻报道。  ➡ see also refute → disprove ■ disclaim [transitive] (formal) to state publicly that you have no knowledge of sth, or that you are not responsible for sth公开否认(知情);拒绝承认(负有责任)◆the rebels disclaimed all responsibility for the explosion.叛乱分子否认对这次爆炸事件负有任何责任。deny /dɪnaɪ/ [transitive] to say that a report or claim is not true; to refuse to admit or accept knowledge of or responsibility for sth否认;否定;拒绝承认(或接受)◆he denied accusations of corruption and mismanagement.他否认了贪污和管理失误的指控。◆there's no denying the fact that quicker action could have saved them.无可否认,如果行动再快一点,本来是救得了他们的。◆he denies attempting to murder his wife.他否认企图谋杀妻子。◆she denied that there had been any cover-up.她否认有任何隐瞒。◆it can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem.无可否认,我们需要投入更多的资源来解决这个问题。◆she denied all knowledge of the incident.她否认知晓此事的任何情况。opp admit → admit 2 , confirm → confirm 2 deny [transitive] (formal) to refuse to allow sb to have sth that they want or need拒绝;拒绝给予(所需之物)◆they were denied access to the information.他们未获准接触那些情报。◆access to the information was denied to them.他们未获准接触那些情报。denysee ⇨ refuse 3 ⇨ say 3 de·ny /dɪ`naɪ; dɪˈnaɪ/v [t] 1. to say that something is not true 否认,不承认:◇in court they denied all the charges against them. 在法庭上他们否认了对他们的一切指控。◇+ (that) charlie denied that he had lied about the money. 查利否认他对钱的事撒了谎。◇deny doing sth she denies cheating in the test. 她不承认考试时作弊。 2. to not let someone have something 拒绝给以:◇smokers are being denied medical treatment unless they stop smoking. 吸烟者如不戒烟就得不到治疗。→ see also 另见 denial ☞ deny




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