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单词 stock
释义 stock noun¹ 1available supply of sth库存;贮备adjective | verb + stock | stock + verb | stock + noun | preposition adjective➤good, high, huge, large充足的库存;高库存;大量的贮备▸➤low低库存▸➤adequate充足的库存▸➤declining, dwindling, falling数量下降的贮备;萎缩的库存◆declining fish stocks in the oceans海洋中不断减少的鱼类资源➤surplus过剩库存▸➤buffer, reserve缓冲存货;贮备存货◆a buffer stock of grain was held in case of emergency shortages.谷物已有缓冲存货,以备突发短缺之需。➤fresh, new新进的货;新的贮备▸➤old旧贮备▸➤existing现有贮备▸➤breeding, fish, food, oil, etc.种畜、鱼类贮备、粮食贮备、石油贮备等➤film库存胶片▸➤housing (especially bre) 房屋存量◆the housing stock is no longer large enough for the population.住房保有量已不能满足人口的需求。➤capital, money资本/货币供给➤rolling (bre) (铁路上使用的)全部车辆◆the rail company is investing in new rolling stock.该铁路公司正投资购买新的车辆。verb + stock➤carry, have, hold, keep保有贮备;拥有贮备;保持贮备◆the big supermarkets carry huge stocks of most goods.大型超市的大部份商品都备货很多。➤add to, increase增加/加大贮备▸➤get rid of, reduce清除/减少存货◆they're getting rid of their old stock.他们正处理旧的库存。➤maintain, protect维持/保护贮量◆laws to protect fish stocks保护鱼类资源的法律➤replace, replenish更换/补充库存stock + verb➤be up, increase存量上升/增加▸➤be down, decline, dwindle, run low存量减少/下降/萎缩/降低◆stocks of coal are running dangerously low.煤炭贮量已经降低到了危险水平。➤last保有库存◆the offer is only available while stocks last.特价优惠售完为止。stock + noun➤room (usually stockroom) 仓库▸➤levels存货量▸➤control (especially bre) 存货控制preposition➤from stock从库存中◆we can supply the table from stock.这种桌子我们可以现货供应。➤in stock有现货◆do you have futon beds in stock or will i have to order one?日式蒲团垫你们有现货还是需要预订?➤out of stock无现货◆red tights are out of stock.红色紧身衣脱销了。stock noun² 2 (especially name) share in a company公司股份  ➡ see also share adjective | verb + stock | stock + verb | stock + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤company公司股份➤growth成长股➤domestic, foreign境内股;境外股➤common, dividend-paying, preferred, restricted普通股;分红股;优先股;限制股➤traded上市股票◆publicly traded stock公开上市的股票➤energy, financial, gold, high-tech, internet, technology, etc.能源股、金融股、黄金股、高科技股、因特网股、科技股等▸➤tracking追踪股verb + stock➤acquire, buy, invest in, purchase购得股份;购买股票;投资股票▸➤cash in, dispose of, sell兑现/出手/卖出股票▸➤deal in, trade买卖股票;进行股票交易▸➤have, hold, own持有股份;拥有股票▸➤issue发行股票▸➤value给股票估值◆the stocks were valued at $100 000.这些股票估价为 10 万美元。stock + verb➤be down, be up股价下跌/上涨▸➤drop, fall, go down, plummet, plunge, sink股价下降;股价大跌;股价跳水▸➤go up, rally, rise, soar股价上涨;股价反弹;股价骤升➤hit sth, reach sth股价达到⋯◆the company's stock hit an all-time high of $94.66.该公司的股价创出了 94.66 美元的历史高点。stock + noun➤exchange, market股票交易所/市场➤price股票价格➤fund股票投资基金▸➤index股票指数▸➤option优先认股权preposition➤in stocks以股票形式◆she has about $30 000 in stocks.她有约 3 万美元的股票。phrases➤investment in stocks股票投资▸➤stocks and bonds, stocks and shares (bre) 股票和债券;股票和股份▸➤the price of the stocks, the value of the stocks股票价格/价值◆the total value of the stocks was over $3 million.股票总价值超过了 300 万美元。stock noun³ 3liquid used for making soups, sauces, etc.汤汁adjective | verb + stock | stock + noun | preposition adjective➤beef, chicken, fish, vegetable, etc.牛肉汤、鸡汤、鱼汤、蔬菜汤等verb + stock➤make做汤▸➤dilute, reduce把汤稀释;(通过蒸发)使汤变稠▸➤flavour/flavor给汤调味◆you can flavour / flavor the stock with bay leaves.你可以用月桂叶给汤调味。stock + noun➤cube浓缩固体汤料块preposition➤in a/the stock在汤中◆poach the fish in the stock.将鱼在汤中烹煮。stock verb be stocked adverb | preposition adverb➤plentifully, well贮备充裕/充足▸➤fully, properly贮备充足/适当preposition➤with备有⋯◆gift shops stocked with cheap souvenirs有廉价纪念品的商店stock /stɒk; name stɑːk/ noun (commerce 商业; production 生产) [uncountable, countable] the goods that a business has for sale at a particular time 库存◆we have a fast turnover of stock. 我们的库存周转很快。◆that particular model is not currently in stock. 那个型号目前没货。◆i'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock. 恐怕我们暂时没货。◆we carry a large stock of office stationery. 我们办公文具备货很多。 syn inventory ⨁ to buy (in) / order / replenish stock买进/订购/补进库存 ⨁ to carry / have / hold / keep stocks (of sth)备有(某物的)库存 ⨁ to control / get rid of / reduce / run down / sell off stock控制/处理/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清库存 (accounting 会计; production 生产) [uncountable, countable] (especially bre) goods owned by a company, such as raw materials or parts, products being made and finished products 货物;原料;材料;备料;产品◆just-in-time manufacturing allows firms to reduce their stock levels and so cut storage costs. 即时生产使企业能够降低备料水平从而减少仓贮费用。◆the value of unsold stock is shown as a current asset in the financial records. 未售出货物的价值作为流动资产出现在财务记录里。 syn inventory  ➡  stock-in-trade ⨁ to build (up) / maintain / order / replenish / store stock积聚/持有/订购/补进/贮存货物 ⨁ to control / get rid of / reduce / run down / sell (off) stock控制/处理/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清货物 3. [countable, uncountable] a quantity of a particular raw material, product, supply, etc. that is available to be used if needed 储备物;备用物◆the us had its lowest stock of oil in ten years. 美国的石油储备处于十年来的最低水平。◆global stocks of cereals/fossil fuels 全球谷物/矿物燃料储备◆the government is to sell off surplus stocks of sugar. 政府将出售过剩的食糖储备。⨁ to build up / maintain / replenish / store stock积聚/持有/补进/贮存备用物品 ⨁ to control / reduce / run down / sell (off) stock控制/降低/耗尽/廉价卖清储备物 (finance 金融) [uncountable] (especially name) all the shares a company can make available; the value of those shares 股票;股本◆the value of the company's stock has risen by 80%. 公司的股票价值上涨了 80%。◆he owns 32% of the stock. 他拥有 32% 的股份。◆he has 10 000 shares of the company's stock. 他拥有 1 万股公司的股票。◆the family holds almost all the b-class common stock. 这个家族持有几乎所有的 b 级普通股。 syn capital stock  ➡  see note at increase , share ⨁ to issue / have / hold / own stock发行/有/持有/拥有股票 5. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) [countable, usually plural; uncountable] a number of shares in a company that one investor holds (某投资者持有的某家公司的)股票◆an investment portfolio with a mix of 60% stocks and 40% bonds and cash 一个由 60% 的股票和 40% 的债券和现金混合组成的投资组合◆investors should keep buying stocks. 投资者应当继续购买股票。◆(name) to invest in stocks and bonds 投资于股票和债券◆she sold her large block of stock in the company. 她出售了她在公司的大量股票。  ➡  see note at share ⨁ to buy / have / hold / invest in / sell stocks购买/拥有/持有/投资于/出售股票 6. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) [plural] the shares of a particular company, type of company or industry (特定公司、特定类型公司或行业的)股票◆blue-chip stocks 蓝筹股◆technology stocks are expected to gain at tomorrow's open. 科技股预计在明天开盘时上涨。  ➡  see note at increase , share ⨁ to buy / hold / invest in / sell stocks购买/持有/投资于/出售(某公司)股票 (finance 金融) [uncountable, countable] (bre) a type of bond with a fixed rate of interest that a government sells in order to borrow money 公债◆to buy government stock/stocks 购买政府公债◆(bre) to invest in stocks and shares 投资于公债和股票  ➡  government security ⨁ to buy / have / hold / invest in / sell (government) stock购买/持有/投资于/出售(政府)公债 ●on the stocks in the process of being made, built or prepared 制作中;建造中;计划中;在准备中◆the new model is on the stocks and will go on sale in may. 新款正在生产中,将于五月份上市销售。  ➡  idiom at take verb all-stock ◇ average stock ◇ buffer stock ◇ build-to-stock ◇ capital stock ◇ closing stock ◇ common stock ◇ debenture stock ◇ declining stock ◇ ex stock ◇ glamour stock ◇ government stock ◇ growth stock ◇ loan stock ◇ make-to-stock ◇ new stock ◇ opening stock ◇ ordinary stock ◇ participating preferred stock ◇ partly paid stock ◇ preferred stock ◇ rolling stock ◇ safety stock ◇ sleeper stock ◇ small stock ◇ tracking stock ◇ trading stock stock /stɒk; name stɑːk/ verb [transitive] 1.(about a shop/store, etc.) to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell (商店等)贮存,有存货◆do you stock green tea? 你们绿茶有货吗?◆we stock a wide range of camping equipment. 我们有各式各样的露营设备的存货。2. (often be stocked (with sth)) to have a supply of sth ready to be used 储备;存贮◆the shelves are fully stocked with fresh produce. 货架上摆满了新鲜水果蔬菜。◆a well-stocked bookstore 图书丰富的书店 ●stock up (on/with sth)to buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later 备足;囤积◆the weather has encouraged consumers to stock up on t-shirts and shorts. 这种天气促使消费者大量购买 t 恤和短裤。stock /stɒk; name stɑːk/ adjective [only before noun] usually available for sale in a shop/store 通常有的;常备的◆stock sizes 常备尺码☞ stock☞ stock☞ stock☞ types of stocks☞ share/stock☞ share/stock☞ share/stock☞ share/stockstock [transitive, often passive] to fill sth with food, books, plants, fish, etc.贮备,贮存(食物、书籍、植物、鱼等)◆the pond was well stocked with fish.池塘里养了好多鱼。◆the college has a well-stocked library.这个学校的图书馆藏书甚丰。ⓘ stocked and well stocked are typically used to describe a garden or pond, a shop or library, or a place in the home where food is kept, such as a fridge. * stocked 和 well stocked 一般用于描述花园、池塘、商店、图书馆,或冰箱等家中贮存食物之处。  ➡ see also stock → supply noun stock [transitive] (rather formal, especially business尤用于商业) (of a shop) to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell(商店)存货◆we stock a wide range of camping equipment.我们库存了各种野营设备。  ➡ see also stock → supply noun stock [uncountable, countable] a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop; a supply of sth that is available to be used(商店的)现货,存货,库存;储备◆that particular model is not currently in stock.那种型号目前没货。◆i'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock.很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。◆we don't carry a large stock of pine furniture.松木家具我们备货不多。◆i've built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.这些年来我积累了大量教学资料。◆food stocks are running low.贮存的食物快吃完了。  ➡ see also stock → sell verb 2 , stock → equip verb 1 , stock up → keep verb 1 stock¹/stɒk ||; stɑk/noun1. [u] [c] the supply of things that a shop, etc has for sale (商店的)存货,库存: ◇we'll have to order extra stock if we sell a lot more this week. 这星期卖出更多的话,我们就必须再订货。◇i'm afraid that book's out of stock at the moment. shall i order it for you? 这本书目前恐怕缺货。我要不要为你订一本?◇i'll see if we have your size in stock. 我来看看你的尺寸我们有没有货。 2. [c] an amount of sth that has been kept ready to be used 备用物;储备: ◇food stocks in the village were very low. 村内缺乏粮食储备。 3. [c,u] a share that sb has bought in a company, or the value of a company's shares 股份;股: ◇to invest in stocks and shares 投资于证券 4. [c,u] a liquid that made by boiling meat, bones, vegetables, etc in water, used especially for making soups and sauces (用肉、骨头、蔬菜等炖成的)汤料,高汤(尤用以做汤和调味汁) take stock (of sth) to think about sth very carefully before deciding what to do next 三思而后行;总结;评估stock²/stɒk ||; stɑk/verb[t] 1. (usually used about a shop) to have a supply of sth (通常指商店)贮存货品: ◇they stock food from all over the world. 他们供应从世界各国进口来的食物。 2. to fill a place with sth 储备;供应: ◇a well-stocked library 藏书丰富的图书馆 stock up (on/with sth) to collect a large supply of sth for future use 储备: ◇to stock up with food for the winter 储备粮食过冬 stock³/stɒk ||; stɑk/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (used for describing sth that sb says) used so often that it does not have much meaning (用于形容说话)陈腐的,老套的: ◇he always gives the same stock answers. 他总是作出老一套的答复。 stocksee ⇨ available/not available 4 ⇨ keep 7 ⇨ usually 3     • • •• ⇨ be out of stock• ⇨ laughing stock• ⇨ take stock☞ stock¹☞ stock²☞ stock³




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