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单词 integrity
释义 integrity noun¹ 1quality of being honest and firm in your moral principles诚实正直adjective | verb + integrity | preposition | phrases adjective➤great, high极其诚实;高度诚信▸➤absolute, complete (both especially bre) 绝对诚实▸➤personal个人的诚信▸➤academic, artistic, financial, intellectual, journalistic, moral, political, professional, scientific学术诚信;艺术操守;金融诚信;智力健全;新闻诚信;品行正直;政治诚信;职业操守;科学诚信◆she refused to compromise her artistic integrity.她拒绝降低自己的艺术操守。◆the article is indicative of his contempt for the basic standards of journalistic integrity.文章反映出他对新闻诚信基本标准的轻视。verb + integrity➤have具有正直品格◆she has great personal integrity.她为人极为诚实正直。➤lack缺乏诚信➤lose失去诚信▸➤restore恢复诚信◆the minister promised to restore the honesty and integrity of the government.部长承诺重建政府的诚信。➤retain保持诚信▸➤defend捍卫诚信▸➤compromise, undermine损害/破坏诚信◆i would never do anything to compromise the integrity of the company.我绝不会做任何有损公司诚信的事情。➤impugn (formal) , question质疑诚信◆she questioned his integrity as an artist.她质疑他作为艺术家的操守。preposition➤with integrity诚实地◆the code calls on members to behave with integrity at all times.行为规范要求成员在任何时候言行都要诚实正直。phrases➤an attack on sb's/sth's integrity对⋯的诚实品质的攻击integrity noun² 2state of being whole and not divided完整adjective | verb + integrity | phrases adjective➤physical, structural, territorial实物的/结构上的/领土的完整◆the country is fighting to preserve its territorial integrity.这个国家正在为维护领土完整而战斗。➤data (computing计算机) 数据完整性verb + integrity➤have完好▸➤lose失去完整性▸➤restore恢复完整性▸➤ensure保证完整◆it's up to the user to ensure the integrity of the data they enter.保证所输入数据的完整性是用户的职责。➤maintain, retain维持/保持完整性◆we all have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the ecosystem.维护生态体系的完整关乎我们每个人的利益。➤preserve, protect, safeguard维护/保护/捍卫完整性▸➤threaten威胁完整性◆the project threatens the integrity of one of the world's most important wetlands.这一工程威胁到世界上最重要的一片湿地的完整。➤compromise, undermine损坏/破坏完整性◆concerns that data integrity has been compromised对数据完整性已遭到损坏的担忧➤destroy毁坏完整性◆nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the planet.核武器具有摧毁地球实体完整性的威力。phrases➤a challenge to sth's integrity, a threat to sth's integrity对⋯完整性的挑战/威胁 integrity noun  ➡ see also the entry for truth另见 truth 条integrity ♦︎ honesty ♦︎ honour ♦︎ probitythese are all words for sb's personal qualities of morality and goodness.这些词均表示诚实正直、诚信道德。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a man / woman of integrity / honour◆absolute / complete / total integrity / honesty◆sb's personal integrity / honesty / honour / probity◆sb's professional integrity / honour / probity■ integrity /ɪntegrəti/ [uncountable] the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right诚实正直◆she behaved with absolute integrity.她的行为表现绝对诚实正直。◆they preserved their integrity throughout the trial.他们在整个审讯期间都保持了诚实。■ honesty [uncountable] the quality of always telling the truth and never stealing or cheating诚实;老实;正直◆i always expect total honesty from my employees.我总是期望我的员工绝对诚实。◆at least he had the honesty to admit he was wrong.至少他老实承认自己错了。opp dishonesty → fraud 1 ▸ honest adjective◆an honest man / woman诚实的男人/女人■ honour (bre) (name honor) [uncountable] the quality of and/or reputation for knowing and doing what is morally right荣誉;正义感;道义◆he would always fight to defend the family honour.他总是愿意为捍卫家族荣誉而战。◆proving his innocence was a matter of honour.证明他的清白事关荣誉。◆many schoolchildren have a very strong code of honour.许多学童有坚定的道德准则。◆i give you my word of honour (= a solemn promise) that i will not forget what i owe you.我向你郑重承诺我不会忘记你的恩惠。 opp dishonour → disgrace 2  ➡ see also honourable → respectable note 辨析 integrity or honour?with integrity the emphasis is mainly on how you see yourself: being good and honest so that you can approve of your own character and actions. with honour the emphasis is more on how others see you: being good and honest in order to keep your reputation in a community. integrity is mostly individual, although you can talk about the integrity of the company/profession. honour can be individual or collective. * integrity 主要强调如何看待自我:为人正派、诚实以便使自己的品质和行为得到自我认可。honour 较多强调别人如何看待自己:为人正派、诚实以便在社会上保持名声。integrity 大多指个人的品质,尽管也可以说 the integrity of the company/profession (公司/行业的诚信)。honour 既可指个人亦可指群体的荣誉◆to defend the family integrity ◆a strong code of integrity ◆i give you my word of integrity. ■ probity /prəʊbəti; name proʊbəti/ [uncountable] (formal) the quality of being completely honest, especially in business matters(尤指在商业经营上的)正直,诚信◆they have very high standards of financial probity.他们在财务方面的诚信度很高。integrity /ɪntegrəti/ [uncountable] the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right诚实正直◆she behaved with absolute integrity.她的行为表现绝对诚实正直。◆they preserved their integrity throughout the trial.他们在整个审讯期间都保持了诚实。integrity/ɪnˈtegrəti ||; ɪnˈtɛgrətɪ/noun [u] the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles 正直;诚实: ◇he's a person of great integrity who will say exactly what he thinks. 他这个人很诚实,不会口是心非。 integritysee ⇨ honest 5 in·teg·ri·ty /ɪn`tɛgrətɪ; ɪnˈteɡrɪti/n [u]the quality of being honest and having high moral standards 正直,诚实:◇a man of integrity 正直的人




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