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单词 integrate
释义 integrate verb¹ 1combine two things使成为一体adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤closely, tightly, well密切/紧密/良好结合◆they called for the defence system to be more closely integrated.他们呼吁对防御体系进行更加紧密的整合。➤completely, fully, seamlessly, thoroughly完全合并;天衣无缝地结合;彻底整合▸➤properly适当结合▸➤easily容易结合▸➤effectively, successfully有效地/成功地整合◆the department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.该系已成功地把新理念整合进传统课程体系之中。preposition➤into整合进⋯◆the results should be integrated into the final report.各科成绩应该写入期末成绩单中。➤with与⋯结合◆this computer program can be integrated with existing programs.这一计算机程序可以与现有的程序整合在一起。phrases➤highly integrated (= with many different parts working successfully together) 高度协调的◆a highly integrated approach to planning高度协调的制订计划的方法➤poorly integrated协调不好的integrate verb² 2mix with other people融入adverb | preposition adverb➤well很好地融入◆immigrants here are well integrated on the whole.总的来说,这里的移民融入良好。➤completely, fully完全/全面融入▸➤quickly迅速融入▸➤racially (especially name) 种族融合preposition➤into融入⋯◆they soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。➤with与⋯融合◆they didn't integrate with the other children.他们和其他孩子玩不到一起去。integrate /ɪntɪgreɪt/ verb [intransitive, transitive] integrate (a) (into/with b) | integrate a and b to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with sth else in this way (使)合并,成为一体◆these programs will integrate with your existing software. 这些程序将和你现有的软件整合起来。◆these programs can be integrated with your existing software. 这些程序能和你现有的软件整合起来。◆the problems involved in integrating the two businesses 整合两家企业当中涉及的问题☞ integrateintegrate /ɪntɪgreɪt/ [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with sth else in this way(使)合并,成为一体◆the department has successfully integrated new ideas into the traditional course structure.那个系成功地将新的理念融入到传统的课程结构中。◆these programs will integrate with your existing software.这些程序将和你现有的软件合为一体。opp segregate → isolate ▸ integration noun [uncountable] ◆the aim is to promote closer economic integration.目的是进一步促进经济一体化。integrate/ˈɪntɪgreɪt ||; ˈɪntəˌgret/verb1. [t] integrate sth (into sth);integrate a and b/integrate a with b to join things so that they become one thing or work together 使成为一体: ◇the two small schools were integrated into one large one. 这两所规模小的学校合并成一所规模大的学校。◇these programs will integrate with your existing software. 这些程序将跟现存的软件配套。 2. [i,t] integrate (sb) (into/with sth) to join in and become part of a group or community, or to make sb do this (使)融入: ◇it took amir a while to integrate into his new school. 埃米尔过了一段时间才融入新的学校。 ☞ look at segregate. 参看segregate。 ➔integration /ˌɪntɪˈgreɪʃn ||; ˌɪntəˈgreʃən/ noun [u]: ◇racial integration 种族融合 ☞ look at segregation. 参看segregation。 in·te·grate /`ɪntəˏgret; ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/v 1. [i,t] to join in the life and customs of a group or society, or to help someone do this (使)融入[某一团体或社会]:◇teachers helping shy students to integrate into the class 帮助羞怯的学生融入到班级中去的教师 2. [t] to combine two or more things in order to make an effective system [使两件或两件以上的东西]合并,结合:◇this software integrates moving pictures with sound. 这个软件把移动的画面与声音结合起来。




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