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单词 extra
释义 extra nounadjective | verb + extra | extra + verb adjective➤little额外的小东西◆there was no money left over for luxuries or little extras.没有剩余的钱买奢侈品或额外的小玩意了。➤optional (bre) 可选择的额外物▸➤hidden (especially bre) 隐藏的额外费用◆£400 is a lot to pay, but there are no hidden extras.400 英镑的花费确实不菲,但除此之外没有什么隐藏的额外花销了。➤added附加的额外物◆regular guests also get added extras like free room service.常客还可以获得额外服务,如免费客房服务。➤dvd数字影碟外加部份◆the dvd extras include trailers and a behind-the-scenes feature.数字影碟包含有预告片和幕后花絮。verb + extra➤have, include拥有/包含额外的东西◆the dvd has a couple of interesting extras.数字影碟里有许多有趣的额外内容。◆no extras are included.没有额外的东西。extra + verb➤include sth额外的东西包含⋯◆optional extras include anti-lock brakes and an electric sunroof.可选择的附加品包括防抱死制动系统和电动遮阳篷。 extra /ekstrə/ adjectivemore than is usual, expected, or than exists already 额外的;附加的◆breakfast is provided at no extra charge. 供应早餐,不另收费。◆the conference is going to be a lot of extra work. 这次会议将有很多额外的工作。◆they said they would need to borrow an extra $500 million. 他们说还要再借 5 亿元。 extra /ekstrə/ noun [countable] 1.a thing that is added to sth that is not usual, standard or necessary and that costs more 额外的东西;需另外付费的东西◆the monthly fee is fixed and there are no hidden extras (= unexpected costs). 月费是固定的,没有隐含的额外费用。◆the cd player is an optional extra. 光盘播放器是可选的附加配置。 (finance 金融) = extra dividend extra /ekstrə/ addition; more than is usual, expected or exists already 额外;另外◆you pay a little extra for their overnight delivery service. 他们的隔夜交货服务需要额外收取少许费用。◆the rate for a room is €50, but breakfast is extra. 房费为 50 欧元,早餐另付。⨁ to charge / cost / pay extra收取/花费/支付额外费用 2. (used with an adjective or adverb 与形容词或副词连用) more than usually 特别;格外◆an extra-large t-shirt 特大号 t 恤衫☞ extra☞ extra☞ extraextra¹/ˈekstrə ||; ˈɛkstrə/adj advmore than is usual, expected, or than exists already 超过平常的;额外的;外加的: ◇i'll need some extra money for the holidays. 我需要多一点的钱来度假。◇‘what size is this sweater?’ ‘extra large.’ “这件套衫是什么尺码的?”“特大号。”◇is wine included in the price of the meal or is it extra? 酒是算在饭钱里,还是另计的?◇i tried to be extra nice to him yesterday because it was his birthday. 昨天是他的生日,我尽量待他格外好一些。 extra²/ˈekstrə ||; ˈɛkstrə/noun[c] 1. something that costs more, or that is not normally included 额外或额外收费的事物: ◇optional extras such as colour printer, scanner and modem are available on top of the basic package. 除了基本的套件以外,还供应彩色打印机、扫描仪和调制解调器,不过要另外收钱,可买可不买。 2. a person in a film, etc who has a small unimportant part, for example in a crowd (电影等的)临时演员 extra-/ˈekstrə ||; ˈɛkstrə/prefix (in adjectives) 1. outside; beyond 在…之外;超出: ◇extramarital sex 婚外性生活◇extraterrestrial beings 外星人 2. very; more than usual 非常;特别: ◇extra-thin 超薄的◇extra-special 特别号外 extrasee ⇨ add 6 ⇨ another 1 ⇨ more 1 extra- /`ɛkstrə; ˈekstrə/prefixoutside [前缀]外面的:◇extramarital sex (=sex outside marriage with someone who is not your husband or wife) 婚外性关系 ☞ extra¹☞ extra²




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