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单词 benefit
释义 benefit noun¹ 1advantage益处adjective | verb + benefit | benefit + verb | preposition adjective➤considerable, enormous, great, huge, immense, major, real, significant, substantial, tremendous相当大的/巨大的/很大的/极大的/无限的/重大的/实际的/可观的/大量的/极大的好处◆this could bring real benefits for teachers.这会为教师带来真实惠。➤clear, obvious, tangible明显的/显著的/实实在在的好处➤positive正效益➤perceived可感知的益处◆consumers choose organic meat for a number of reasons, including perceived health benefits.消费者选择有机肉出于种种原因,包括认识到其有益健康。➤apparent, supposed表面上的/假定的好处➤proven已(被)证实的好处▸➤maximum最大的好处▸➤added, additional额外的好处◆the method has many additional benefits.这种方法有诸多额外的好处。➤mutual相互的好处◆the different environmental groups could work together to their mutual benefit.不同的环保组织可以携手合作,互惠互利。➤direct, indirect直接的/间接的好处▸➤potential潜在的好处➤unexpected意外的好处▸➤long-term, short-term长期/短期利益➤lasting长久利益➤practical实惠➤public公共利益➤personal个人利益▸➤clinical, economic, educational, environmental, financial, material, nutritional, psychological, social, therapeutic临床效用;经济效益;教育效益;环境效益;财务效益;物质利益;营养价值;对心理的益处;社会效益;治疗效益➤fitness, health对身体的益处verb + benefit➤enjoy, experience, have享有/体验/得到益处◆the industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery.该产业将是首先受益于这次复苏的行业之一。◆children who have the benefit of a stable home background享有稳定家庭环境的孩子➤derive, gain, get, obtain, reap, receive得到好处;受惠◆the company derived substantial benefit from the deal.公司从这笔交易中得到了很大好处。◆i reaped the benefits of all my early training.所有的早期训练都对我有所裨益。➤bring, confer, deliver, offer, produce, provide, yield带来好处;产生好处◆the new factory will bring considerable benefits to the area.新工厂将为该地区带来相当大的好处。◆this deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors.这笔交易将会让实业家和投资者受益匪浅。➤maximize最大限度获得益处◆if you want to maximize the benefits of blueberries, eat them raw.如果你想让蓝莓的好处得到最大的发挥就生吃。➤highlight突出好处➤extol, promote, tout (especially name) 赞扬/宣扬/鼓吹好处◆a marketing campaign which promotes the cosmetic benefits of vitamin e宣传维生素 e 的美容功效的促销活动➤appreciate, recognize, see赏识/认识到/看到益处◆i can see the benefits that such games give children.我能看到这些游戏对孩子们的好处。➤evaluate, weigh评价/权衡益处◆weigh the benefits of hiring help before hiring new employees.在雇用新员工之前要权衡一下雇人帮忙的好处。➤extend扩大好处◆these benefits will now be extended to agency workers.这些好处现在将会惠及代理机构的员工。➤deny sb拒绝给某人好处◆he had been denied the benefits of a good education.他被剥夺了接受良好教育能带来的好处。benefit + verb➤accrue利益产生◆the benefits that accrue from a good education良好的教育带来的好处➤arise from sth, result from sth利益产生于⋯◆a number of benefits arise from having a fitter body.拥有健康的体魄带来许多好处。➤outweigh sth益处大于⋯◆the benefits easily outweigh the cost.益处远远超过代价。preposition➤for sb's benefit为某人的利益◆we shall do this for the benefit of the patients.为了病人的利益我们将这样做。➤of benefit to对⋯有益◆this arrangement will be of great benefit to you both.这种安排对你们俩都会非常有益。➤to sb's benefit有益于某人◆it will be to everyone's benefit.这对大家都会有好处。➤with the benefit of, without the benefit of有⋯的助益;无⋯的助益◆they somehow manage to work without the benefit of modern technology.他们想方设法在没有现代技术辅助的情况下工作。➤benefit for为⋯的利益◆the benefits for companies公司的利益➤benefit from⋯带来的利益◆the benefits from tourism旅游业带来的收益➤benefit of⋯的好处◆the benefit of a steady income有稳定收入的好处➤benefit to对⋯的好处◆what are the benefits to investors?对投资者有什么好处?benefit noun² 2financial advantages given by a company, the government, etc.经济利益adjective | verb + benefit | benefit + noun adjective➤fringe (= extra things that an employer gives as well as a salary) (薪金外的)附加福利◆the fringe benefits include free health insurance.附加福利包括免费健康保险。➤tax税项利益➤employee, retiree (both name) 员工津贴;退休人员补助➤domestic-partner (especially name) 同居伴侣津贴verb + benefit➤give给予救济金▸➤receive领取救济金➤extend提供补助◆these benefits will now be extended to agency workers.这些补助现在将会惠及代理机构的员工。➤deny sb拒绝给予某人津贴◆same-sex couples were denied the benefits given to married couples.不给同性别夫妇发放已婚夫妇享受的补助。benefit + noun➤plan (especially name) 福利计划➤benefits package一揽子福利待遇benefit noun³ 3 (bre) money金钱adjective | ... of benefit | verb + benefit | benefit + verb | benefit + noun | preposition adjective➤welfare福利金▸➤state国家救济金➤insurance保险赔偿金▸➤means-tested, universal根据经济状况审查而发放的津贴;普遍津贴◆one way to cut spending is to move from universal benefits to means-tested ones.削减开支的一种方法是将发放普遍津贴转为根据经济状况审查发放津贴。➤cash现金津贴➤generous丰厚的津贴▸➤child, disability, health-care, housing, maternity, sickness, social-security子女补助;残疾补助;卫生保健补助;住房津贴;生育津贴;疾病补助;社会保障金➤pension, retirement养老金;退休津贴➤jobless, unemployment失业救济金... of benefit➤amount, level补助金额;补助金水平verb + benefit➤be eligible for, be entitled to, qualify for符合领取津贴的规定;具备领取救济金条件▸➤claim要求获得补助金◆you may be able to claim housing benefit.你或许可以要求领取住房补助金。➤collect, draw, get, receive领取救济金;获取津贴◆he receives unemployment benefit.他领取失业救济金。➤be dependent on依靠救济金▸➤lose失去救济金◆she is worried that if she takes on a job she will lose her benefits.她担心如果工作的话,救济金就没了。➤cut, reduce, slash削减救济金◆the government has cut unemployment benefit.政府削减了失业救济金。➤increase增加补助金benefit + verb➤be paid救济金发放◆benefit is paid monthly.补助金按月发放。benefit + noun➤benefits agency补助金发放机构▸➤office补助金办公室▸➤payment补助金支付▸➤system补助金制度➤cut补助金削减preposition➤on benefit领补助金◆he's on social security benefit.他领取社会保障金。benefit verbadverb | preposition adverb➤considerably, enormously, greatly, immensely, really, significantly, substantially, tremendously大有裨益;获益巨大▸➤fully完全有好处▸➤clearly, obviously, undoubtedly显然有好处◆the new law clearly benefits those earning the most money.新法律显然使那些收入最高的人受益。➤ultimately最终惠及⋯▸➤equally平等地惠及⋯▸➤disproportionately不均衡地惠及⋯➤mainly, primarily主要惠及⋯➤personally个人受益▸➤directly, indirectly直接/间接有益◆we benefited directly from the reorganization.我们从重组中直接受益。➤economically, financially经济上有益◆we both benefited financially from the arrangement.我们双方都从这一安排获得经济上的好处。preposition➤from得益于⋯benefit /benɪfɪt/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a helpful and useful effect that sth has 帮助;益处;好处◆internet shopping has real benefits for both the consumer and the environment. 网上购物对消费者和环境都有实实在在的好处。◆we want our shareholders to derive (= get) full benefit from the deal. 我们希望我们的股东从这笔交易中得到充分的利益。◆the new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. 新的规定将惠及与之相关的每个人。◆consumers in europe are reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results) of the single currency. 欧洲的消费者正享受单一货币的好处。⨁ a potential / real / tangible benefit潜在的/真正的/实际的好处 ⨁ a big / great / huge / significant benefit大的/极大的/巨大的/显著的益处 ⨁ an immediate / a long-term / short-term benefit直接的/长期的/短期的益处 ⨁ economic / financial / tax benefits经济/金融/税收利益 ⨁ to derive / get / receive a benefit获得/得到/接受好处 2. [uncountable, countable] money that is paid to people who are unemployed, ill, etc., by the government or through a system of insurance (政府或通过保险体系对失业者、病人等提供的)补助金,救济金,福利金help in american english the plural benefits is often used in this meaning美式英语用复数 benefits 表示这种含义:◆he receives social security benefits as a result of an accident at work. 他因工伤得到社会保险金。◆(bre) are you entitled to claim unemployment benefit? 你是否有权申领失业补助金?◆(name) the number of americans claiming jobless benefits has risen sharply. 申请失业救济金的美国人人数大幅度上升。  ➡  welfare ⨁ disability / pension / retirement benefits残疾福利金;养老金;退休金 ⨁ to apply for / claim / get / qualify for / receive benefits申请/索取/得到/有权领取/接受补助金 (hr 人力资源) [countable, usually plural] the advantages that you get from your company in addition to the money you earn 奖金;津贴◆the company offers a competitive benefits package. 公司提供很有竞争力的津贴方案。◆we are finding it difficult to continue to provide the same level of employee benefits 我们发现难以继续提供相同水平的员工津贴。 accrued benefits ◇ cafeteria benefits ◇ cost benefit ◇ death benefit ◇ defined benefit ◇ flexible benefits ◇ fringe benefit ◇ incapacity benefit ◇ sickness benefit ◇ soft benefit ◇ state benefit ◇ unemployment benefit ◇ welfare benefit benefit /benɪfɪt/ verb (-t- or -tt-) 1. [intransitive] to be in a better position because of sth 得益于;有益于◆small businesses have benefitted from the changes in the law. 小企业因这法律的修订而受益。 2. [transitive] to have a helpful or useful effect on sb/sth (对某人/某事)有帮助,有用◆the new tax laws will benefit people on low wages. 新税法将对低工资者有利。☞ benefit☞ benefitbenefit noun 1➤the benefit of a good education良好教育的益处➤pay and benefits工资和福利benefit ♦︎ advantage ♦︎ strength ♦︎ merit ♦︎ good ♦︎ virtue ♦︎ asset ♦︎ plus ♦︎ good pointthese are all words for a good or useful effect or quality that sth has.这些词均表示长处、优势、成效。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆some / any / no benefit / advantage / virtue in sth◆a benefit / an advantage / an asset for sb / sth◆to be to sb's benefit / advantage◆to do sth for sb's benefit / good◆to be with / without the benefit / advantage of sth◆to be of great / major / real, etc. benefit / advantage / merit◆considerable / great / real benefits / advantages / strengths / merits / good / virtues / assets◆maximum / additional benefit / advantage◆relative benefits / advantages / strengths / merits / virtues◆to have the benefit / advantage / merit / virtue◆to see the benefit / advantage / merit / good / virtue■ benefit [uncountable, countable] a good or useful effect of sth益处;成效◆she had the benefit of a good education.她得益于受过良好教育。◆the new regulations will be of benefit to everyone.新规章将使每个人都受益。◆for maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.饭前服药效果最佳。◆it was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= getting the results) of all her hard work.她辛勤劳动终有所成,令人欣慰。 ➡ see also beneficial → valuable 2 ■ advantage [countable, uncountable] a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people; a quality that sth has that makes it better or more useful than other things有利条件;有利因素;优点◆having a degree is a huge advantage when it comes to getting a job.找工作时,有个学位是一极大的优势。◆you will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) if you have thought about the interview questions in advance.如果你预先考虑过面试中提出的问题,就会处于优势。◆is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否有利?◆a small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run.小型轿车还有一个优点是开起来更省钱。◆each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages.这些系统各有其优缺点。opp disadvantage → disadvantage ■ strength [countable] a quality or ability that sb/sth has that gives them an advantage优势;优点;长处◆the ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths.能够保持冷静是她的多项长处之一。◆consider all the strengths and weaknesses of the argument.仔细考虑这个论点所有的有力之处与薄弱之处。opp weakness → weakness 1 2 ■ merit /merɪt/ [countable, usually plural] a good quality that sb/sth has优点;长处◆we will consider each case on its (own) merits (= without considering any other issues, feelings, etc.).我们将根据每件事情本身的情况来考虑。◆they weighed up the relative merits of the four candidates.他们衡量了四名候选人各自的优点。■ good [uncountable] something that helps or is useful to sb/sth用处;好处;益处◆cuts have been made for the good of the company.实行裁减是为了公司的利益。◆i'm telling you this for your own good.我把这事告诉你是为你好。◆what's the good of earning all that money if you've no time to enjoy it?要是没时间去享受,赚那么多钱有什么用?◆what good would it do to tell her about it after all this time?过了这么长时间才把这事告诉她有什么用?■ virtue /vɜːtʃuː; name vɜːrtʃuː/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) an attractive or useful quality that sth has优点;长处;用处◆the plan has the virtue of simplicity.该计划的优点是简单。◆they could see no virtue in discussing it further.他们看不到再讨论下去有什么用处。note 辨析 benefit, advantage, merit or virtue?a benefit is sth that you get or that comes from sth that you do. an advantage, merit or virtue is sth that a person, thing, plan or action has as a quality, which may be of use or benefit to you or to sb else. an advantage makes the person, thing, etc. better than sb/sth else. with merit and virtue there is no explicit comparison, although you can talk about the relative advantages/merits/virtues of sb/sth. merits is usually used in the plural to talk about all sb/sth's good qualities taken together. virtue may be singular, plural or uncountable and can be used to talk about a particular quality that is good because it is attractive and/or useful. * benefit 指你所得到的或收获的益处。advantage、merit 和 virtue 指某个人或事物、某个计划或行为所具有的对你或他人有用或有益的特质。advantage 指某个人或事物所具有的使其优于他者的特征。尽管可以说 relative advantages/merits/virtues of sb/sth (某人/某事物相比较而言的优势/优点/长处),但 merit 和 virtue 不涉及明确的比较。merit 通常用其复数形式 merits,指某个人或事物从整体来看的全部优点。virtue 可用作单数、复数或不可数名词,指某个讨人喜欢或有用的具体优点。■ asset /æset/ [countable] a person or thing that is valuable or useful, especially because they help you to be successful有价值的人(或事物);有用的人(或事物)◆she'll be a great asset to any company she works for.对她所效力的任何公司来说,她都会是非常宝贵的人才。◆i'm not sure if his forcefulness is an asset or a liability.我拿不准他的强势是长处还是短处。 opp liability ⓘ a liability is a person or thing that causes you a lot of problems. * liability 指带来麻烦的人或事物◆since his injury, jones has become more of a liability than an asset to the team.琼斯受伤以来,与其说他是全队的骨干,倒不如说他已成为队里的累赘。■ plus [countable] (rather informal) an advantage or benefit优势;好处;长处◆being able to speak french is a definite plus when you're travelling in north africa.在北非旅行,会讲法语肯定是有利的。◆you should carefully consider the pluses and minuses (= good and bad points) of going to live in the country.你该仔细考虑去乡下居住的利弊。opp minus ■ good point --> [countable] a good or positive feature that sb/sth has优点;长处◆one of the good points about the system is that it treats everyone equally.该体制的优点之一是一视同仁。◆his one good point is that he knows how to fix cars.他的一个长处是会修车。ⓘ a good point is similar to an advantage, merit or virtue, but it is less an essential quality of sth, and more an additional feature. * good point 与 advantage、merit 和 virtue 意义相近,但更多是指附加的好处,而非本质的属性。benefit noun 2➤the benefit of a good education良好教育的益处➤pay and benefits工资和福利benefit ♦︎ bonus ♦︎ perkthese are all words for extra things or money that you are given by your employer in addition to the money you regularly earn.这些词均表示工资以外的奖金、补贴、福利待遇。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆annual / taxable benefits / bonuses◆tax-free benefits / bonuses / perks◆to receive / enjoy benefits / a bonus / perks■ benefit [countable, usually plural] something that you are given by your employer in addition to the money that they pay you; money from an insurance company(雇主提供的)福利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)保险金◆benefits include a company pension and free health insurance.福利包括公司养老金和免费医疗保险。◆we offer a generous benefits package (= several additional benefits).我们提供优厚的福利待遇。◆the insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death.投保人一旦身故,该项保险将向其家属支付相当可观的保险金。■ bonus /bəʊnəs; name boʊnəs/ money that you get from your employer in addition to the money that you regularly earn, especially for doing your job well; extra money that is paid on an insurance policy, in addition to the amount that is guaranteed (= promised) 奖金;分红;(保险公司分给投保人的)红利◆everyone in the company gets a 10% christmas bonus.公司里的每个人都会得到 10% 的圣诞节奖金。◆a productivity / performance bonus (= as a reward for producing a lot or getting good results) 生产/绩效奖金◆what is actually paid will depend on the bonus payments made at the end of the policy.实际上支付多少钱将取决于保单到期时分给投保人的红利。■ perk [countable] (rather informal) something that you are given by your employer in addition to the money that they pay you补贴;津贴;额外待遇◆perks offered by the company include a car and subsidized accommodation.公司给予的额外待遇包括一辆汽车和住房补贴。 benefit verbbenefit ♦︎ gain ♦︎ profit ♦︎ cash inthese words all mean to obtain an advantage or benefit from sth.这些词均表示获益。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to benefit / gain / profit from sth◆the company / industry / farmer benefits / gains / profits / cashes in◆the customer / consumer / individual benefits / gains◆to expect / hope to benefit / gain / profit / cash in◆to stand to benefit / gain / profit■ benefit [intransitive] (rather formal) to get an advantage or benefit from sth(从⋯中)受益,获益◆most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences.倾诉自己的经历对大多数犯罪受害人来说都大有好处。■ gain [transitive, intransitive] to get an advantage or benefit from sth(从⋯中)受益,获益◆there is nothing to be gained from delaying the decision.推迟决定不会有任何好处。◆who stands to gain from the deal?谁会从交易中获益呢?note 辨析 benefit or gain?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆who stands to benefit / gain from these changes?谁会从这些改变中获益呢?however, gain is used more often to talk about financial advantages, or having an advantage over other people; benefit is used more often to talk about sb being in a better position than before, for example because they are happier, healthier or better educated. benefit is slightly more formal than gain and cannot be used with an object.不过,gain 较常指在金钱上获益,或者比他人有优势; benefit 较常指某人由于比以前更快乐、更健康、受到更好的教育等而改善境况。benefit 较 gain 稍正式,不能带宾语◆there is nothing to be benefited from delaying. ■ profit [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to get an advantage from a situation, especially in business; (of a situation) to give sb an advantage(尤指在商业上)获益,得到好处;(情况)对⋯有利◆farmers are profiting from the new legislation.新法规使农民受益。◆many local people believe the development will profit them.当地的许多人认为,这项开发会对他们有利。ⓘ profit is more formal than benefit or gain and is mostly used to talk about financial gain. * profit 较 benefit 和 gain 正式,大多指在金钱上获益。  ➡ see also profit → make 3 ■ cash in -->phrasal verb (rather informal, disapproving) to gain an advantage for yourself from a situation, especially in a way that other people think is wrong or immoral从中牟利;捞到好处◆the film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer's death.那家电影制片厂被指责利用这个歌手的死来赚钱。 benefit [uncountable, countable] a good or useful effect of sth益处;成效◆she had the benefit of a good education.她得益于受过良好教育。◆the new regulations will be of benefit to everyone.新规章将使每个人都受益。◆for maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.饭前服药效果最佳。◆it was good to see her finally reaping the benefits (= getting the results) of all her hard work.她辛勤劳动终有所成,令人欣慰。 ➡ see also beneficial → valuable 2 benefit [countable, usually plural] something that you are given by your employer in addition to the money that they pay you; money from an insurance company(雇主提供的)福利,奖金;(保险公司支付的)保险金◆benefits include a company pension and free health insurance.福利包括公司养老金和免费医疗保险。◆we offer a generous benefits package (= several additional benefits).我们提供优厚的福利待遇。◆the insurance plan will provide substantial cash benefits to your family in case of your death.投保人一旦身故,该项保险将向其家属支付相当可观的保险金。 benefit [intransitive] (rather formal) to get an advantage or benefit from sth(从⋯中)受益,获益◆most crime victims benefit greatly by talking about their experiences.倾诉自己的经历对大多数犯罪受害人来说都大有好处。 benefit(-t- or -tt-) [transitive] to be useful or bring an advantage to sb, especially a particular group of people, or improve their life in some way对⋯有益;使受益◆we should spend the money on something that will benefit everyone.我们应该把这笔钱花在大家都能受益的事上。◆the new tax laws will clearly benefit those on low wages.很明显新税法将使低收入者受益。 opp disadvantage ⓘ to disadvantage sb or a group of people is to bring them a disadvantage [transitive, usually passive]. * disadvantage 作及物动词时表示使陷入不利处境,通常用于被动语态◆in the past women have been disadvantaged by the narrow range of occupations open to them.过去妇女一直处于弱势,因为她们可从事的工作范围很窄。  ➡ see also beneficial → valuable 2 benefit¹/ˈbenɪfɪt ||; ˈbɛnəfɪt/noun1. [u] [c] an advantage or useful effect that sth has 好处;益处: ◇a change in the law would be to everyone's benefit. 更改这方面的法律对大家都有好处。◇i can't see the benefit of doing things this way. 我看不出这样做有什么好处。◇the benefits of modern technology 现代技术的好处 2. [u] (brit 英) money that the government gives to people who are ill, poor, unemployed, etc 政府救济金;补助金: ◇child/sickness/housing benefit 子女/生病/住房救济金◇i'm not entitled to unemployment benefit. 我没有资格领失业救济金。 3. [c] [] advantages that you get from your company in addition to the money you earn (工资以外的)福利: ◇a company car and other benefits 公司提供的汽车和其他福利 for sb's benefit especially to help, please, etc sb 特别为帮助、取悦某人;为…着想: ◇for the benefit of the newcomers, i will start again. 为刚来的人着想,我将从头说起。 give sb the benefit of the doubt to believe what sb says although there is no proof that it is true 在没有足够证据的情况下姑信其言 benefit²/ˈbenɪfɪt ||; ˈbɛnəfɪt/verb (benefiting;benefited or benefitting;benefitted) 1. [t] to produce a good or useful effect 有利于;有益于: ◇the new tax laws will benefit people on low wages. 新税法有利工资低的人。 2. [i] benefit (from sth) to receive an advantage from sth 受惠;受益: ◇small businesses have benefited from the changes in the law. 小企业因法律条文的改动而获益。 benefitsee ⇨ advantage 1 ⇨ help 3 ⇨ money 7☞ benefit¹☞ benefit²




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