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单词 discussion
释义 discussion nounadjective | verb + discussion | discussion + verb | discussion + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤detailed, extensive, full, in-depth, thorough (especially name) 详细的/广泛的/充分的/深入的/全面的讨论◆they had a detailed discussion of the issues.他们详细讨论了这些问题。➤extended, lengthy, long延长了的/冗长的/长时间的讨论▸➤brief简短的讨论▸➤considerable大量的讨论◆after considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer.经过反复讨论后,他们决定接受我们的出价。➤initial, preliminary初步讨论➤ongoing进行中的讨论▸➤further进一步的讨论◆the plan was agreed without further discussion.计划未经进一步讨论就通过了。➤broad, general, wide-ranging普遍讨论;广泛探讨◆a wide-ranging discussion on women's rights关于女性权利的广泛讨论➤public公开讨论▸➤formal, informal正式/非正式讨论◆after the lecture there will be an opportunity for informal discussion.讲座之后还有机会进行随意的讨论。➤bilateral, class, classroom, group, panel, round-table双边磋商;班级讨论;课堂讨论;小组讨论;专题讨论;圆桌会谈◆a series of bilateral discussions with north korea与北朝鲜进行的一系列双边磋商◆women were asked to take part in small group discussions.妇女获邀参加小组讨论。➤one-on-one, one-to-one (especially bre) 一对一的商讨➤face-to-face面对面的讨论▸➤candid, frank, honest, open坦诚的讨论;开诚布公的讨论➤constructive, helpful, meaningful, useful建设性的/有益的/有意义的/有用的讨论➤deep, insightful, serious, thoughtful深入的/有见地的/严肃的/缜密周到的讨论▸➤animated, heated, intense, lively热烈的讨论;激烈的讨论;活跃的讨论◆a heated discussion about politics关于政治的热烈讨论➤fascinating, interesting吸引人的/有趣的讨论➤critical批判性的讨论▸➤rational理性的讨论➤academic, philosophical, scholarly, technical, theoretical学术讨论;哲学探讨;技术研讨;理论上的讨论➤political政治讨论➤email, online电子邮件交流;在线讨论verb + discussion➤have, hold进行讨论;举行商谈◆we had a long discussion about the plans for next year.我们对来年的计划进行了长时间的讨论。◆the two governments are to hold discussions on the border issue.两国政府将就边界问题举行会谈。➤enter into开始讨论◆we are hoping to enter into discussions with union leaders.我们希望能与工会领导进行商谈。➤be involved in, join in, participate in, take part in加入讨论;参加商谈◆they refused to take part in the discussions.他们拒绝参加讨论。➤generate, initiate, prompt, provoke, spark引发讨论;激起讨论◆these latest findings have generated a lot of discussion of the moral issues involved.这些最新发现引发了许多对其涉及的道德问题的讨论。➤encourage, facilitate, stimulate鼓励/助长/促进讨论➤merit, warrant值得/有必要讨论▸➤set up安排讨论◆ways of setting up discussions between children to explore each other's viewpoints在儿童中间展开讨论以了解彼此观点的各种方式➤begin, open, start开始讨论;在讨论中首先发言◆who is going to start the discussion?这场讨论谁先来发言?➤dominate, lead控制/主持讨论◆the discussion was led by the director of marketing.讨论是由一位营销主管主持的。➤bring sth up for, come up for, open sth up for把⋯提交讨论;被提起讨论;展开对⋯的讨论◆the issue should come up for discussion at the conference.这个问题应该在会议上进行讨论。◆the topic must be opened up for general discussion.这个话题应该让大家讨论。➤open up展开讨论◆we need to open up a discussion on the basic aspects of the theory.我们需要围绕这一理论的基本方面展开讨论。➤confine限制讨论范围◆i wish to confine the discussion to income taxation.我希望把讨论范围限制在所得税问题上。➤sum up总结讨论◆let us sum up the discussion so far.我们总结一下到目前为止的讨论吧。➤conclude, end结束商谈;终止讨论◆we decided to end the discussion before it got out of hand.我们决定停止这场讨论,免得失控。➤continue继续讨论◆we'll continue this discussion some other time.我们另外安排时间继续讨论。➤defer, postpone延期商谈;推迟讨论▸➤follow up做讨论后的接续工作◆discussion should be followed up by a written report.讨论之后应该有个书面报告。discussion + verb➤take place讨论进行◆discussions have taken place between the two leaders.两位领导人已经进行过讨论。➤centre/center on, focus on, revolve around讨论以⋯为中心/集中于⋯/围绕⋯进行◆discussion centred on the contribution different groups would make to the project.讨论的中心是各个小组可以对该项目作出的贡献。➤break out, ensue讨论突然发生;讨论随后发生◆an intense discussion broke out about the importance of intuition.就直觉的重要性问题爆发了一场激烈的讨论。◆adam raised the issue of multimedia and much useful discussion ensued.亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。➤continue讨论继续discussion + noun➤group讨论小组▸➤document讨论稿➤topic讨论的话题➤board, forum, list讨论告示牌;论坛;讨论列表◆online discussion forums在线论坛◆i unsubscribed from every email discussion list i was on.我退出了所有我所在的电子邮件讨论群。preposition➤for discussion用于讨论◆the subject for discussion讨论的主题➤during a/the discussion, in a/the discussion在讨论过程中◆during our discussions we raised many issues that need deeper consideration.讨论中我们提了许多需要更深入考虑的问题。➤in discussion with与⋯进行讨论◆the company had been in discussion with companies in brazil.这家公司已经与巴西的公司进行了商谈。➤under discussion在讨论中◆plans for a new road are still under discussion.新修道路的计划仍在讨论之中。➤discussion about, discussion on关于⋯的讨论◆an important forum for discussion about the arts探讨艺术的重要论坛◆we had a discussion about political reform.我们就政治改革进行了讨论。➤discussion among⋯之间的讨论◆a discussion among parents, teachers, and students家长、老师和学生之间的讨论➤discussion as to对于⋯的讨论◆discussion continues as to the relative merits of the different plans.对不同计划的相对优点的讨论继续进行。➤discussion between⋯之间的讨论◆discussions between the company and the unions公司与工会之间的会谈➤discussion of⋯的讨论◆a discussion of the issues involved相关问题的讨论➤discussion with与⋯的讨论◆discussions with the government与政府的商谈phrases➤a basis for discussion讨论的基础◆we can use the draft document as a basis for discussion.我们可以将文件草案作为讨论的基础。➤discussion and debate讨论与辩论◆the incident has provoked much discussion and debate.这一事件引发了诸多讨论及辩论。➤a forum for discussion论坛◆the group provides a forum for the discussion of ideas.这个小组提供了一个讨论不同想法的论坛。➤the outcome of a discussion讨论的结果◆the outcome of the discussions is a decision to proceed with phase 2 of the project.讨论的结果是决定继续进入该项目的第二阶段。➤a subject for/of discussion, a topic for/of discussion讨论的主题/题目  ➡ topic at meeting discussion noundiscussion ♦︎ conversation ♦︎ dialogue ♦︎ talk ♦︎ debate ♦︎ consultation ♦︎ chat ♦︎ gossip ♦︎ chatter ♦︎ exchangethese are all words for an occasion when people talk about sth.这些词均表示谈论或讨论。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a discussion / a conversation / a dialogue / a talk / a debate / a consultation / a chat / a gossip / chatter / an exchange about sth◆a discussion / conversation / dialogue / debate / consultation on sth◆a discussion / a conversation / a dialogue / a talk / a debate / a consultation / a chat / a gossip / an exchange with sb◆a discussion / a conversation / a dialogue / a debate / a consultation / an exchange between two people / groups◆in (close) discussion / conversation / dialogue / debate / consultation with sb◆to have a discussion / a conversation / a dialogue / a talk / a debate / a consultation / a chat / a gossip / an exchange◆to hold a discussion / conversation / debate / consultation◆to be involved in / join in / participate in / take part in / engage in (a) discussion / conversation / dialogue / debate◆to get into (a) discussion / conversation with sb◆to conclude / end / continue a discussion / conversation / debate◆to break off a discussion / conversation■ discussion [countable, uncountable] an occasion when people talk in detail about sth that is considered to be important; the process of talking with sb about sth important讨论;商讨◆discussions are still taking place between the two leaders.两位领导人仍在进行讨论。◆we will choose a different topic for discussion each week.我们将每周选一个不同的题目进行讨论。◆after considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer.经反复商讨后,他们决定接受我们的报价。◆the plans have been under discussion (= being talked about) for a year now.这些计划至今已经讨论一年了。◆we can use the draft document as a basis for discussion.我们可以用这份文件草案作为讨论的基点。 ➡ see also discuss → talk ■ conversation [countable, uncountable] an occasion when two people or a small group talk about sth, especially in a private or informal way; the activity of talking in this way(私下或非正式的)交谈,谈话◆a telephone conversation电话交谈◆he struggled to keep the conversation going.他竭力使谈话继续进行。◆the conversation turned to gardening.话题转到了园艺上。◆the main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election.谈话的主题是选举可能出现的结果。◆don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right.唐与他右边的女孩在专心交谈。◆i tried to make polite conversation (= to speak in order to appear polite).我设法说些应酬话。◆ (bre) i got into conversation with a man on the bus.我在公共汽车上跟一个男人攀谈起来。◆ (name) i got into a conversation with a man on the bus.我在公共汽车上跟一个男人攀谈起来。■ dialogue (name also dialog) /daɪəlɒg; name daɪəlɔːg, daɪəlɑːg/ [uncountable, countable] conversations in a book, play or film; a formal discussion between two groups, especially when they are trying to solve a problem or end a dispute(书、戏剧或电影中的)对话,对白;(尤指为解决问题或结束争端而进行的)对话◆the novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue.这部小说中描述多,对话少。◆learners are asked to listen to three short dialogues.要求学习者听三段简短对话。◆the president told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.总统告诉等候的记者,刚刚进行了一次建设性的对话。■ talk [countable] a conversation or discussion, often one about a problem or sth important for the people involved交谈;谈话;讨论◆i had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.我就自己的事业前景跟老板作了一次长谈。◆she looked worried so we had a talk.她看上去忧心忡忡,于是我们谈了谈。  ➡ see also talk → talk verb ■ debate [countable, uncountable] a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. in a debate two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue(在公共集会上或议会里就某议题进行的,常以表决结束的)辩论◆a debate on prison reform关于监狱改革的辩论◆the prime minister opened the debate (= was the first to speak).首相在辩论时率先发言。◆after a long debate, congress approved the proposal.经过长时间的辩论,国会通过了这项提案。◆the motion under debate (= being discussed) was put to a vote.辩论中的动议已经付诸表决。  ➡ see also debate → talk verb ■ consultation /kɒnslteɪʃn; name kɑːnslteɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a formal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about sth; the act of discussing sth in this way(决策前各团体对有关事项的)协商,磋商◆there have been extensive consultations between the two countries.两国之间进行了广泛的磋商。◆the decision was taken after close consultation with local residents.这项决定是在与当地居民仔细磋商后作出的。◆a consultation period will be required.将需要一段磋商时间。 ➡ see also consult → talk verb ■ chat [uncountable, countable] informal talking; a friendly informal conversation闲谈;聊天◆ (especially bre) i just called in for a chat about the kids.我打电话来只是想随便聊聊孩子的事情。◆that's enough chat from me-on with the music!我不多说了,继续听音乐吧!ⓘ the countable use of chat is especially british english. * chat 作可数名词时尤用于英式英语。  ➡ see also chat → chat verb ■ gossip [countable, usually singular] a conversation about other people and their private lives说长道短;闲聊◆we had a good gossip about the boss.我们讲了一会儿老板的闲话。 ➡ see also gossip → chat verb , gossip → speaker noun 1 ■ chatter [uncountable] continuous rapid informal talk about things that are not important唠叨的话;喋喋不休的话◆jane's constant chatter was beginning to annoy him.简没完没了的唠叨开始让他心烦。 ➡ see also chatter → chat verb ■ exchange [countable] a short conversation or an angry argument(简短的)交谈,对话;争论◆there was only time for a brief exchange.只有简短交谈的时间。◆there was a heated exchange between the parents and the school managers.家长与校方发生了激烈的争论。 ➡ see also exchange → replace verb 2 discussion [countable, uncountable] an occasion when people talk in detail about sth that is considered to be important; the process of talking with sb about sth important讨论;商讨◆discussions are still taking place between the two leaders.两位领导人仍在进行讨论。◆we will choose a different topic for discussion each week.我们将每周选一个不同的题目进行讨论。◆after considerable discussion, they decided to accept our offer.经反复商讨后,他们决定接受我们的报价。◆the plans have been under discussion (= being talked about) for a year now.这些计划至今已经讨论一年了。◆we can use the draft document as a basis for discussion.我们可以用这份文件草案作为讨论的基点。 ➡ see also discuss → talk discussion [countable, uncountable] a speech or piece of writing that discusses many different aspects of a subject详述;论述◆her article is a discussion of the methods used in research.她这篇文章论述了研究中运用的方法。◆there will be further discussion of these issues in the next chapter.这些问题将在下一章进一步讨论。  ➡ see also discuss → examine discussion/dɪˈskʌʃn ||; dɪˈskʌʃən/noun [c,u] the process of talking about sth seriously or deeply 讨论;商讨: ◇after much discussion we all agreed to share the cost. 经过多番讨论后,我们一致同意分担费用。◇we had a long discussion about art. 我们就艺术问题进行了长时间的讨论。 under discussion being talked about 在讨论中: ◇plans to reform the health service are under discussion in parliament. 改革保健服务的计划正由国会讨论中。 discussionsee ⇨ discuss 5     • • •• ⇨ be open to discussion/negotiation• ⇨ be under discussion di·scus·sion /dɪ`skʌʃən; dɪˈskʌʃən/n [c,u]a conversation in which people discuss something 讨论,研讨:◇have a discussion (about sth) in class that day they had a discussion about the political parties. 那天在课堂上他们展开了一场关于政治党派的讨论。◇under discussion (=being discussed) 正在讨论的 ☞ discussion




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