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单词 computers/internet/email
释义 computers/internet/emailcomputers1 hardware2 software3 people4 things you do with a computer5 starting and finishing6 to put information or a program into a computer7 computer problemsinternet8 the internet and places on the internet9 things you do on the internetemail10 emailrelated wordssee alsomachine,fault (1),working,switch on or off,1. hardware 硬件 hardware /ˈhɑːʳdweəʳ/ [uncountable noun] computer equipment, rather than the programs that make it work [电脑]硬件 the company has spent millions of dollars replacing outdated computer hardware. 该公司花费数百万美元更换过时的电脑硬件。 computer /kəmˈpjuːtəʳ/ [countable noun] an electronic machine that uses programs to store and deal with large amounts of information quickly, and which is used for a wide range of different jobs 电脑 by computer the information from the survey is being processed by computer. 调查获得的信息正在由电脑处理。on a computer i can't get the program to work on my computer. 我的电脑上该程序无法启动。 how long are you going to be on the computer? i need to type something. 你需要用电脑多长时间?我得打些字。computer literate able to use a computer fairly well 会用电脑 it is important that all children become computer literate while they are in school. 所有的小孩子在学校里学会用电脑是很重要的。 pc /ˌpiː ˈsiː/ [countable noun] personal computer; a computer that is usually used by one person in an office, at home, or in a school 个人电脑 sales of pcs were down for the second year running. 个人电脑销量连续两年下跌。 machine /məˈʃiːn/ [countable noun] especially spoken a computer 【尤口】机器[指电脑] i think there's something wrong with my machine - would you take a look at it? 我觉得我的电脑有问题—你来看看好吗? workstation /ˈwɜːʳkˌsteɪʃən/ [countable noun] a computer - used especially by computer manufacturers for the names of particular models of computer 工作站[指电脑,尤为电脑生产商为某一型号电脑起名时用] i have to share my workstation with two other people in the office. 我必须与办公室另两位同事合用电脑。 laptop /ˈlæptɒpǁ-tɑːp/ [countable noun] a small computer that you can carry with you and use when you are travelling 笔记本电脑,手提电脑 her boss's laptop got stolen from her car. 她老板的笔记本电脑被人从她车里偷走了。 network /ˈnetwɜːʳk/ [countable noun] a group of computers that are connected to each other, and are able to exchange information and messages 电脑网络 most workplaces have a local network as well as access to the internet. 大多数工作场所既有局域网又能上互联网。2. software 软件 software /ˈsɒftweəʳǁˈsɔːft-/ [uncountable noun] the sets of programs that tell a computer what to do [电脑]软件 you need special software to view the information in the file. 你需要有特别软件来查看该文件的内容。 the company develops interactive software for schoolchildren. 该公司开发适用于学童的互动软件。 india's software industry barely existed 15 years ago but is growing rapidly today. 15年前,印度几乎没有软件工业,但现在正飞速发展。 program/computer program /ˈprəʊgræm, kəmˌpjuːtəʳ ˈprəʊgræm/ [countable noun] a set of instructions used to tell a computer what to do [电脑]程序,程式 i didn't have enough memory on my computer to run the program. 我的电脑内存不够运行该程序。 she was writing simple computer programs when she was eight years old. 她八岁时编写简单的电脑程序。 file /faɪl/ [countable noun] a collection of information on a computer that is stored under a particular name [电脑]文件 i seem to have lost the file with all my personal records on it. 看来我把记录我所有个人信息的那个文件弄丢了。 just click on the icon to open the file. 点击该图标就能打开那个文件。 it's a good idea to save your files to a floppy disk as a backup. 将文件储存到软盘上作为备份是个好主意。 application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən, ˌæpləˈkeɪʃən/ [countable noun] a piece of software for a particular use or job 应用程序 a graphics application 一种图形应用程序 interactive /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv◂/ [adjective] interactive software allows the person using it to affect what happens on the computer screen [程序]互动的 an interactive education package for 7-10-year-olds 面向7至10岁儿童的互动教育软件套装 when designing your site, think about whether it needs to be interactive or informational. 设计网站时,想一想要做互动的还是做信息量大的。 multimedia /ˌmʌltɪˈmiːdiə/ [adjective] using a mixture of sound, pictures, video, and writing to give information 多媒体的 the virtual tour includes multimedia displays demonstrating how the market works. 虚拟旅行包括展现市场运作的多媒体展示。3. people 人 user/computer user /ˈjuːzəʳ, kəmˈpjuːtəʳ ˌjuːzəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who uses a computer [电脑]用户 most computer users do not realize how much their computers can do. 大多数电脑用户不知道电脑的功能有多大。 users often complain that the internet is slow and unreliable. 电脑用户常抱怨互联网速度慢且不可靠。user-friendly easy to use 容易使用的 the program is remarkably user-friendly and can be learned by anyone. 该程序操作极其简单,人人都能学会使用。 programmer/computer programmer /ˈprəʊgræməʳ, kəmˌpjuːtəʳ ˈprəʊgræməʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to write programs [电脑]程序设计师,程序员 computer programmers are in great demand, and a good one can earn a very high salary. 电脑程序设计师需求量很大,优秀人员的薪酬极高。 techie /ˈteki/ [countable noun] informal someone who works in computing or who knows a lot about computers 【非正式】电脑从业人员 i don't even bother trying to fix things that go wrong on my computer - i leave that to the techies. 我不会费劲去修电脑的—我把它留给技术人员。 hacker /ˈhækəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who secretly and often illegally gets into another person's or company's computer system [电脑]黑客 hackers broke into the pentagon's security system last night. 昨晚有黑客闯入五角大楼的安保系统。 software developer/engineer/designer /ˈsɒftweəʳ dɪˌveləpəʳ, endʒə̇ˌnɪəʳ, dɪˌzaɪnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone whose job is to make software 软件开发者/工程师/设计师 software developers need to be aware that not all users are technical experts. 软件开发者得知道,并非所有用户都是技术专家。 systems analyst /ˈsɪstəmz ˌænələ̇st/ [countable noun] someone whose job involves studying business or industrial systems, and who uses computers to plan improvements or changes 系统分析师 his first job as a systems analyst was to reorganize they way the store's stock was recorded. 他当系统分析师的第一个任务是重新组织商店存货的记录方式。 it support british /tech support american /aɪ ˈtiː səˌpɔːʳt, ˈtek səˌpɔːʳt/ [uncountable noun] people whose job involves making sure that the computers in an organization are working properly 电脑维修人员;电脑支持人员 if you're not prepared to pay for adequate it support, it's no wonder you lose so much time through computer problems. 如果不愿意聘请充足的电脑维修人员,在电脑故障上浪费大量时间不足为奇。4. things you do with a computer 利用电脑做的事 enter /ˈentəʳ/ [transitive verb] to put information into a computer by pressing the keys 输入 when you have entered your credit card information, go to the next screen. 输入信用卡资料后,进入下一页。 copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑː-/ [transitive verb] to make a file, program etc that is exactly the same as another one 复制 copy the files into a new folder. 将这些文件复制到新文件夹中。 save /seɪv/ [transitive verb] to make a computer keep the work that you have done in its memory or on a disk 储存 save your work and close down any applications that are open. 储存手头的工作并关闭所有打开的应用程序。 delete /dɪˈliːt/ [transitive verb] to remove a piece of information from a computer's memory 删除 delete any files that end in ‘.tmp’. 删除所有文件名结尾是“.tmp”的文件。 select /sɪˈlekt/ [transitive verb] to use the mouse to choose words or pictures on a computer screen, usually making them change colour 选取 to create parallel columns, press alt-f7 and select option 4. 要创建新平行栏,按alt-f7并选取选项4。 scroll /skrəʊl/ [intransitive verb] to move up or down through a document on a computer 上下移动 scroll up/down scroll down to see when the website was last updated. 往下移,看看该网站最后更新日期。 search also do a search /sɜːʳtʃ, ˌduː ɑ ˈsɜːʳtʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to look for information on a computer or on the internet 搜寻 search for i did a search for any articles by varenqe on the web, and i found quite a few. 我在网上搜寻瓦雷克写的文章,找到不少。search by to find a book on our site, you can search by author, title, or subject. 在我们网站上找书可以通过作者、书名或主题查找。search something for something you can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need. 你可以在文件中搜寻单词或短语,以便直接获取所需信息。 open /ˈəʊpən/ [transitive verb] to make a document or computer program ready to use 打开[文件或程序] open the file called templates. 打开文件模板。 close /kləʊz/ [transitive verb] to do the things you have to do when you want to stop using a document or a computer program 关闭[文件或程序] close all applications before shutting down your computer. 关闭电脑前退出所有的应用程序。 click on /ˈklɪk ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to press a button on a mouse in order to choose something on the screen and make the computer perform a particular action 点击 click on ‘next’ when you have finished filling out the form. 填妥表格后点击“下一步”。 cut and paste /ˌkʌt ən ˈpeɪst/ [verb phrase] to remove a piece of information from one place in a computer program or document and put it in a different place instead 剪切和粘贴 it's easier if you just cut and paste the information from one page to another. 将内容从一页剪下贴到另一页比较方便。 highlight /ˈhaɪlaɪt/ [transitive verb] to mark words in a computer document in a different colour so that you can see them easily or to separate it from the rest of the document 将…突出显示 to delete a block of text, highlight it and then press del. 要删除一块文字,先将它突出显示,然后按“删除”键。 drag /dræg/ [transitive verb] to move something on a computer screen by pulling it along with the mouse 拖曳 you can delete the files by dragging them into your ‘trash’ folder. 可将文件拖进“垃圾箱”文件夹将其删除。 hack into /ˈhæk ɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] to secretly and often illegally find a way to reach the information on someone else's computer system so that you can use, change, or damage it 侵入[他人的电脑系统] a criminal gang hacked into a credit card company's most secure files. 一个犯罪集团侵入了一家信用卡公司的绝密档案系统。5. starting and finishing 开和关 log on/log in/sign in /ˌlɒg ˈɒnˌ, lɒg ˈɪn,ǁˌlɔːg-, ˌsaɪn ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to do the actions that will allow you to begin using a computer system, for example by typing a special word or giving a particular command 登录;登入 log on to our website and find out about the latest travel deals to the far east. 请登录我们的网站,查找去远东旅游的最新优惠。 log out/log off/sign out /ˌlɒg ˈaʊtˌ, lɒg ˈɒf,ǁˌlɔːg-, ˌsaɪn ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to do the actions you have to do when you finish using a computer system 退出 when i logged off, the whole system froze up. 我退出时,整个系统死机了。 start up /ˌstɑːʳt ˈʌp/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if you start up a computer, or it starts up, you turn it on 开[机] the anti-virus icon should appear whenever you start up your computer. 只要一开机就会有杀毒软件的图标出现。 boot up /ˌbuːt ˈʌp/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if a computer boots up, it becomes ready to use by getting all the programs it needs into its memory. if you boot up a computer, you turn it on so that it is ready to use 启动 just wait a couple of minutes while the computer boots up. 电脑启动时等一两分钟吧。 reboot /riːˈbuːt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if you reboot a computer, or if it reboots, you make it turn itself off and then back on again, especially because it has not been working correctly 重新启动[尤因电脑不正常运作] if a program crashes you usually have to reboot the computer. 如果程序崩溃,一般得重新启动电脑。 shut down /ˌʃʌt ˈdaʊn/ [intransitive/transitive phrasal verb] if you shut a computer down or it shuts down, you turn it off 关[机] i'm always forgetting to shut down my computer before i go home. 回家前我老是忘记关闭电脑。 username /ˈjuːzəʳneɪm/ [countable noun] the name that you type into a computer, system, website etc. before typing your password 用户名 please enter your username and password. 请输入用户名和密码。 password /ˈpɑːswɜːʳdǁˈpæs-/ [countable noun] a series of secret letters or numbers that you must type into a computer before you can use a system or a program 密码 don't let anyone know your password. 别让别人知道你的密码。6. to put information or a program into a computer 将信息或程序输入电脑 put something in/into /ˌpʊt (sth) ˈɪn, ˈɪntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] we put all these details into our computer, and it chooses a suitable partner for you. 我们将所有这些细节输入电脑,它会为你选择合适的伴侣。 the quality of output data will depend on the data you have put in. 输出数据的质量取决于输入的数据。 input /ˈɪnpʊt/ [transitive verb] to put information into a computer 输入 the user inputs the data, and the computer stores it in its memory. 用户输入数据,电脑便将这些东西储存在内存中。 we're currently inputting the names and addresses of all our customers into a database. 眼下我们在将所有客户的姓名和地址输进数据库。 enter /ˈentəʳ/ [transitive verb] to put information into a computer by pressing the keys 输入 enter the amount of money you wish to take out of your account. 请输入提款金额。 if a word is entered incorrectly the machine refuses to obey the command. 如果有单词输入不正确,机器便会拒绝接受指令。 load /ləʊd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to put a program into a computer so that it is ready to be used 把[程序]载入电脑 load is a command which loads a new program from the file. “读取”是从文件中将新程序载入电脑的指令。load into the program can be encoded on the disk's surface and then loaded into the microprocessor. 该程序先在磁盘表面加密,然后载入微处理器中。7. computer problems 电脑问题 crash /kræʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a computer or a piece of software crashes, or if you crash it, it suddenly and unexpectedly stops working 崩溃 my computer crashed, and we couldn't get it working again. 我的电脑崩溃了,无法再启动。 freeze/freeze up /friːz, ˌfriːz ˈʌp/ [transitive verb] if a computer screen freezes, the computer will not accept any instructions because of a fault and everything on the screen is fixed in position 死机;屏幕静止不动 the screen froze up, it crashed, and i lost all my work. 屏幕静止不动,电脑崩溃,我所做的都没有了。 down /daʊn/ [adjective not before noun] if a computer system is down, it has stopped working because of a fault or a problem 瘫痪 our computers are down right now, could you call back in an hour? 我们的电脑眼下都瘫痪了,你过一小时再打电话来好吗?go down the whole network went down without any warning. 整个网络没有任何征兆就瘫痪了。 bug /bʌg/ [countable noun] a small fault in a computer program which prevents it from working properly [电脑程序的]小错误 some bug in the program meant when i typed in a letter i got a number instead. 这个程序有错误,也就是说,我输入字母却出现数字。 virus /ˈvaɪərəs/ [countable noun] a set of instructions that have been secretly put on a computer or a computer program, that can destroy or change information stored there. viruses spread easily from one computer or computer program to another 电脑病毒 a warning has gone out about a new virus that could wipe everything off your hard disk. 出现一个警告说,有种新病毒会清除掉硬盘上的所有东西。 you cannot get a virus from an email message alone. 单收到电子邮件是不可能染上病毒的。 error /ˈerəʳ/ [countable noun] a problem with a piece of hardware or software, especially when the user gives the computer an instruction which it will not accept 错误 whenever i try to enter the data the computer gives me an error window. 只要我输入数据,电脑就会弹出错误窗口。 corrupt /kəˈrʌpt/ also corrupted /kəˈrʌptɪd, kəˈrʌptəd/ [adjective] information on a computer that is corrupt has been damaged and can no longer be read or used by the computer [资料]损坏的 a corrupted file 一个坏文件 some segments of your hard drive are corrupt. 你的硬盘有些区损坏了。8. the internet and places on the internet 互联网和网址 (the) internet/(the) net /(ði) ˈɪntəʳnet, (ðə) ˈnet/ [singular noun] a network of computer connections that allows computer users around the world to exchange information 互联网 the internet makes it possible for people all over the world to keep in touch. 互联网使世界各地的人能保持联络。 in theory, the net should make things quicker, but that isn't always the case. 理论上,互联网能提高效率,但事情往往不是这样。on the internet/net she spends nearly all her free time on the internet. 她的所有闲暇时间几乎都用来上网了。 the couple met on the internet. 这对夫妇是在网上认识的。internet/net access the city's libraries provide free internet access. 市图书馆提供免费上网。 e- also e- /iː/ [prefix] used to form words that relate to activities involving use of the internet, especially those connected with business. [尤商业上]利用互联网的 e-commerce was then seen as a booming economic area. 电子商务那时被视为日趋繁荣的经济领域。 cyber- /ˈsaɪbəʳ/ [prefix] used to form words that relate to activities involving the use of computers, especially the internet 网络的;互联网的;电脑的 cyber-crime, for example the fraudulent use of credit cards on the net, presents particular problems for the police. 网络犯罪,如网上信用卡诈骗等给警方提出了特别的难题。 he seems to spend all his time in cyberspace! 他似乎把所有时间都花在网络空间上了! dotcom /ˈdɒtkɒmǁˈdɑːtkɑːm/ [adjective only before noun] relating to a company whose business involves the internet 经营互联网业务的 the business world was shaken by the huge drop in dotcom shares. 商界因互联网公司股票价格猛跌而受到震动。 dotcom jobs 网络公司的职位 dotcom [countable noun] web site /ˈweb saɪt/ [countable noun] a place on the internet where you can find information about a particular company, organization, or person 网站 visit our website on 请光临我们的网站。 web page /ˈweb peɪdʒ/ [countable noun] one of the areas you can go to on a website 网页 do you want me to print off this web page? 你想让我把这个网页打印下来吗? home page /ˈhəʊm peɪdʒ/ [] the first place you go to on a website 主页 you can reach all the other pages on a website from its home page. 从一个网站的主页上能进入它的所有其他页面。 chat room /ˈtʃæt ruːm/ [countable noun] an area on the internet where people can talk to each other by sending messages that can be read or heard immediately 聊天室 children should be taught to be careful about who they talk to in chat rooms. 应当教会孩子在聊天室里小心对方。 link/hyperlink /lɪŋk, ˈhaɪpəʳˌlɪŋk/ [countable noun] writing or pictures on a web page which you can click on if you want to immediately go to another website or to another web page on the same website [超]链接 for more info, click on this link. 想获得更多信息,点击此链接。 search engine /ˈsɜːʳtʃ ˌendʒə̇n/ [countable noun] a computer program that helps you find information on the internet 搜索引擎 this search engine will only find sites that originate in europe. 这个搜索引擎只能找到欧洲的网站。 browser /ˈbraʊzəʳ/ [countable noun] a program, such as internet explorer or netscape navigator, that allows you to find and read documents on the internet 浏览器 my browser really is incredibly slow. 我的浏览器真的是出奇地慢。 faq, faq /ˌef eɪ ˈkjuː, fæk/ [countable noun] frequently asked question(s); on websites, a list of questions that users often ask about the website, and answers to them 常见问题 before e-mailing us, it might be advisable to click on faq first. 给我们发电邮之前,建议先点击常见问题。 online /ˈɒnlaɪnǁˈɔːn-/ [adjective] connected to other computers through the internet, or available through the internet 网上的 go online i'll just go online and look up her address. 我就去网上查她的地址。 hit /hɪt/ [countable noun] an occasion when someone uses a website, a web page, or part of a web page. companies count the number of hits their websites, advertisements, etc receive to find out how well they are doing 点击[公司计算其网站、广告等的点击数来了解自己的表现] the official world cup web-site scored a record number of hits last week. 世界杯官方网站上周的点击数创下了纪录。9. things you do on the internet 在互联网上做的事 surf the internet/net/web /ˌsɜːʳf ði ˈɪntəʳnet, ˈnet, ˈweb/ [verb phrase] to look at information on the internet, especially when you look quickly in order to find something that interests you 网上冲浪 people caught surfing the net at work are liable to be dismissed. 上班时间在网上冲浪被逮住的人可予以开除。 download /ˈdaʊnləʊd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to copy a file from the internet onto your own computer 下载 download your favorite songs by clicking here. 点击此处下载自己喜欢的歌曲。 download [countable noun] upload /ˈʌpləʊd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to copy something from your computer onto the internet 上传,上载 take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number. 上传地址、信用卡号码等个人资料要格外小心。 upload [countable noun] visit /ˈvɪzɪt, ˈvɪzət/ [transitive verb] to use a website on the internet 访问[网站] for more information on how you can help, visit our website. 如需了解更多自己如何协助的信息,请访问我们的网站。 chat /tʃæt/ [intransitive verb] to communicate with several people by computer, using a special internet program that allows you to exchange written messages very quickly 网上聊天 you can chat to brad pitt live this evening. 今晚你可以与布拉德·皮特在网上实时交谈。 chat [countable noun] instant-message/im /ˌɪnstənt ˈmesɪdʒ, ˌaɪ ˈem/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to communicate with someone by computer, using a special internet program that allows you to exchange written messages very quickly [与…]即时信息交谈 teenagers are the group most likely to im each other. 青少年是最有可能用即时信息相互交谈的群体。 instant message/im [countable noun] instant-messaging [uncountable noun]10. email 电子邮件 email also e-mail /ˈiːmeɪl/ [countable/uncountable noun] electronic mail; the system that allows people to send messages and documents to each other by computer, or a message or file that has been sent using this system 电子邮件 email has revolutionized the way we all think and work. 电子邮件使我们大家的思考和工作方式发生彻底变革。email address give me your email address and i'll send you directions to the party. 告诉我你的电邮地址,我会告诉你去聚会的路怎么走。send an email i sent him an email two weeks ago, but i haven't heard anything back. 两个星期前我给他发了一封电邮,但没有任何回音。 email also e-mail /ˈiːmeɪl/ [transitive verb] to send someone a message or a computer file by email 用电子邮件发送 we'd been emailing each other for six months before we actually met. 我们亲身见面之前相互间用电子邮件联系了六个月。email somebody something i'll email you my résumé when i get home. 我回到家就把简历用电子邮件发给你。 snailmail /ˈsneɪlmeɪl/ [uncountable noun] the traditional system of collecting and delivering letters, packages etc - use this when you are comparing this system to email 蜗牛邮件,普通邮件[尤与电邮作比较时用] sorry about the snailmail - my email's not working. 对不起我用普通邮件寄出,我的电邮坏了。 mailing list /ˈmeɪlɪŋ ˌlɪst/ [countable noun] a discussion group on the internet, which consists of a list of people who can each send messages to the rest of the list by email [互联网上的]通信论坛;电子邮件群 attachment /əˈtætʃmənt/ [countable noun] a document or file, for example a document from a word processor or spreadsheet, which is sent with an email so that it can be read and used by the person who receives the email 附件 i'm sending the document as an attachment. please let me know if you have trouble reading it. 我将此文件以附件形式发送,你阅读若有问题请告诉我。 attach /əˈtætʃ/ [transitive verb] to connect a document or a file to an email 附加 i've attached the latest spreadsheet for you to look at. 我已附上最新的电子数据表给你审阅。 flame /fleɪm/ [transitive verb] to send someone a message that criticizes them on the internet, especially in a rude or angry way 网上怒骂 flaming your boss really isn't a good idea, however angry you are. 不管你有多么生气,在网上怒骂老板实在不是个好主意。 spam /spæm/ [uncountable noun] email messages that a computer user has not asked for and does not want to read, for example, messages from advertisers 垃圾电子邮件 i was getting so much spam mail that i changed my email address. 我收到太多的垃圾电邮,于是更改了电邮地址。 spamming [uncountable noun] bounce /baʊns/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if an email message that you send bounces or is bounced, it is automatically returned to you because of a technical problem [电子邮件]自动退回,弹回 she tried to mail him several times but the message always bounced. 她试着给他发了几次电邮,但邮件一直自动弹回。




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