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标题 基于L1,1/2的组稀疏投资选择模型

    贺露露 张成毅





    Abstract: Group sparse investment selection is one of the core and active topics in the field of finance. The research and resolution of this problem needs to be carried out on an interdisciplinary platform through the application of statistical estimation, optimization theory, matrix analysis. Combining with the knowledge of economics and other disciplines, combined with the idea of block matrix, using contrast, analysis, induction and other methods, thus obtaining rich research results. Based on the theory and method of asset portfolio of rational investors pioneered by Markowitz, based on the L1,1/2 regularization theory, this paper constructs a group sparse investment selection model and obtains the Half threshold algorithm for numerically solving such models.


    Key words: group sparse portfolio selection;Half threshold algorithm;regularization theory

    中图分类号:O242.1;F830.9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文献标识码:A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章编号:1006-4311(2019)07-0183-04

    0 ?引言


    在这之后,一些学者将投资组合理论应用在实际金融市场,遇到了很多问题,为了解决投资理论在实际市场中运用的困难,Sharpe在文献中改进并且发展了经典的Markowitz投资选择模型,同时与Mossin和Litner建立了期权定价理论(CAPM)[2][3],从而使得原来繁琐复杂的计算得到了很好的简化[4][5][6]。2009年,Bodierodie J., Daubechies I.等人在《PNAS》上首次将L1范数正则化引入Markowitz均值-方差模型中从而减少最优投资组合中非零权重的个数使解达到稀疏化的效果;2009年DeMiguel在《Management Science》[7]上通过在传统均值方差模型(基于样本协方差矩阵)的基础上引入正则化约束,他发现引入L1范数正则化和L2范数正则化约束后,投资组合的权重向量的平方和均小于给定阈值,他还提到L2范数正则化约束包含了等权重的投资组合,能达到减小最优投资组合中特大权重,实现风险分散化的效果。


    1 ?L1,1/2正则化问题的阈值理论



    1.1 阈值表示理论

    1.1.1 概念与符号的表示


    4 ?结论



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