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单词 initiative
释义 initiative noun¹ 1new plan新计划adjective | ... of initiatives | verb + initiative | initiative + verb | preposition adjective➤fresh, new新计划;新方案◆fresh initiatives to find a peaceful end to the conflict和平解决争端的各项新方案➤innovative, pioneering革新方案;开拓性新举措◆pioneering initiatives in bioengineering生物工程的开拓性新举措➤current, latest, recent目前的新计划;最新的倡议;近期的新方案➤proposed提出的新方案➤ongoing执行中的新方案▸➤important, major重要的倡议;主要的举措▸➤welcome受欢迎的倡议▸➤successful成功的举措▸➤practical切合实际的新方案▸➤bold, exciting大胆的/振奋人心的新方案➤private私人计划▸➤collaborative, cooperative, joint协作倡议;合作计划;联合方案➤grass-roots基层的倡议▸➤global, international, local, national, regional, statewide (name) 全球性方案;国际性倡议;地方性倡议;全国性的举措;区域性措施;全州性方案▸➤federal, government, presidential (name) 联邦政府的/政府的/总统的倡议➤strategic战略方案▸➤business, e-business, e-commerce, marketing经营新思路;电子商务新思路;新的营销方案➤diplomatic, economic, legislative, peace, policy, political新的外交举措;新的经济计划;新法案;和平倡议;新的政策方案;新的政治举措➤safety, training新的安全方案;新的培训计划➤development, research开发/研究方案➤education, educational, health新的教育方案;新的健康计划➤conservation, environmental新的环保倡议➤faith-based (especially name) 基于信仰的方案➤community-based (especially name) 基于社区的计划➤outreach外展服务计划➤reform改革方案➤ballot (name) 投票方案... of initiatives➤range, series一系列的倡议;一系列的新举措verb + initiative➤undertake实施新方案◆the research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.一群环保人士正在着手实施这一新的研究计划。➤plan制订新计划▸➤develop形成新方案▸➤announce, unveil宣布/公布计划▸➤create, implement, introduce, launch, set up, start制订新方案;实施新计划;推行新计划;发出倡议;确立新方案◆the government has launched a new policy initiative.政府已经开始推行一项新政策。➤be involved in参与新计划◆ten schools have been involved in the initiative.有 10 所学校参与了新计划。➤become involved in, get involved in投身新计划➤pursue实行新计划➤expand扩展新计划▸➤lead, spearhead引领新思路▸➤approve, pass批准/通过新计划➤oppose反对新计划▸➤defeat, reject挫败新计划;驳回倡议◆the peace initiative was rejected out of hand.和平方案遭到了断然否决。➤fund, sponsor资助/支持新计划◆a peace initiative sponsored by the organization of african unity由非洲统一组织首倡的和平方案➤back, endorse, support支持新举措;赞同新计划◆the committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger.委员会同意了主席提出的倡议,开始对可能进行的并购进行讨论。➤promote, push推动新计划▸➤welcome欢迎新计划◆we welcome the government's initiative to help the homeless.我们欢迎政府提出的帮助无家可归者的新方案。➤encourage鼓励新方案initiative + verb➤be aimed at sth, be designed to新计划旨在⋯◆a local initiative aimed at economic regeneration以经济复兴为目标的地方新举措◆an initiative designed to promote collaborative research一项旨在推动合作研究的新计划➤seek to do sth新计划力图⋯➤focus on sth新计划以⋯为重点▸➤include sth, involve sth, relate to sth新计划包含⋯/涉及⋯/关涉⋯▸➤fail, founder新计划失败◆the initiative foundered because there was no market interest in redevelopment.新计划搁浅了,因为重建项目没有市场需求。preposition➤initiative against针对⋯的方案◆a new initiative against car theft打击汽车盗窃的新举措➤initiative by由⋯提出的新计划◆the latest initiative by the un secretary general联合国秘书长发出的最新倡议➤initiative for为⋯而制订的措施◆an initiative for peace and human rights旨在维护和平、保障人权的新举措➤initiative on关于⋯的新方案◆the government's major new initiative on crime政府关于犯罪问题的重大新举措  ➡ topic at business initiative noun² 2ability to decide/act independently自主能力;主动性adjective | verb + initiative | preposition | phrases adjective➤great, real极大的积极性;真正的主动性▸➤individual, personal, private个人主动性;个人的积极性◆it is a very hierarchical company and there's little place for individual initiative.这家公司等级森严,少有发挥个人主动性的空间。verb + initiative➤have有主动性◆he had the initiative to ask what time the last train left.他主动询问最后一班火车什么时候开。➤display, show展现/表现主动性▸➤act on your own, use, work on your own积极行动;发挥主动性;主动工作◆he acted on his own initiative and wasn't following orders.他是主动这么做的,并不是奉命行事。◆don't ask me what you should do all the time. use your initiative!别老是问我你该干什么,你要有自己的主意!➤encourage, promote鼓励发挥主动性;提高积极性▸➤stifle扼杀积极性◆raising taxes on small businesses will stifle initiative.提高小企业的税收会抑制它们的积极性。preposition➤on sb's initiative某人自发地◆the project was set up on the initiative of a local landowner.项目是由当地一名土地所有人发起的。➤initiative in⋯方面的积极性◆some scientists show little initiative in applying their knowledge.有些科学家很少主动将自己的知识投入应用。phrases➤a lack of initiative, on your own initiative缺乏主动性;主动地◆in an unprecedented action, the army, on its own initiative, arrested seven civilians.军队竟然擅自逮捕了 7 名平民,这种行为是前所未有的。initiative noun³ 3the initiative opportunity to gain an advantage主动权verb + the initiative | the initiative + verb | preposition verb + the initiative➤have, hold拥有/掌握主动权◆after their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative.经过上次的失败后,叛军不再掌握主动权了。➤gain, seize, take赢得先机;抓住主动权;采取主动➤maintain, retain保持主动权▸➤regain重新获得主动权◆she then regained the initiative in winning the third game.她赢得了第三局比赛,重新夺回了主动权。➤lose丧失主动权the initiative + verb➤come from sb/sth, lie with sb主动权来自⋯;主动权在某方◆the initiative to reopen negotiations came from moscow.重启谈判的主动权来自莫斯科方面。preposition➤initiative in⋯的主动权◆she took the initiative in asking the board to conduct an enquiry.她主动提请委员会进行调查。 initiative /ɪnɪʃətɪv/ noun1. [countable] a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose 倡议;新方案;新计划;新措施◆in a new initiative, the company is targeting local advertisers. 在一份新方案中,公司针对的是当地的广告商。◆the ceo announced a series of cost-cutting initiatives. 该公司首席执行官宣布了一系列削减成本的新措施。the initiative [singular] the power or opportunity to act and gain an advantage before other people do 掌握有利条件的能力(或机会);主动权◆several leading companies took the initiative to establish an independent business school. 几家领先公司主动建立独立的商学院。◆to seize/lose the initiative 掌握/丧失主动权3. [uncountable] the ability to decide and act on your own without waiting for sb to tell you what to do 主动性;积极性◆i encourage my employees to use their judgement and initiative right from the start. 我从一开始就鼓励员工做一个善断之人并且要将自己的积极性发挥出来。☞ initiativeinitiative /ɪnɪʃətɪv/ [countable] a new plan for dealing with a particular problem or for achieving a particular purpose倡议;新方案◆government leaders are meeting to discuss the latest peace initiative.各国政府首脑正开会讨论最新的和平倡议。initiative/ɪˈnɪʃətɪv ||; ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪv/noun1. [c] official action that is taken to solve a problem or improve a situation 为了解决问题或改善情势而作出的正式行动: ◇a new government initiative to help people start small businesses 政府为协助人民开办小企业的新措施 2. [u] the ability to see and do what is necessary without waiting for sb to tell you 主动性;自发性: ◇don't keep asking me how to do it. use your initiative. 不要老问我怎么做,你要发挥主观能动性。 3. the initiative [sing] the stronger position because you have done sth first; the advantage 有利的位置;主动权: ◇the enemy forces have lost the initiative. 敌军丧失了主动权。 on your own initiative without being told by sb else what to do 主动地 take the initiative to be first to act to influence a situation 采取主动;发起: ◇let's take the initiative and start organizing things now. 我们采取主动吧,现在就着手筹备工作。 initiative• ⇨ on your own initiative• ⇨ take the initiative i·ni·tia·tive /ɪ`nɪʃɪˏetɪv; ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/n 1. [u] the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do 主动性,自主决断的能力:◇i was impressed by the initiative she showed. 我对她表现出来的主动性印象颇深。 2. [c] a plan or process that has been started to solve a particular problem 计划; 措施:◇state initiatives to reduce spending 政府缩减开支的措施 3. take the initiative to be the first person to do something to solve a particular problem 带头,率先




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