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单词 era
释义 era nounadjective | verb + era | era + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤golden, great黄金时代;伟大的年代◆the golden era of radio无线电广播的黄金时代➤new新时代➤different不同的时代▸➤present现代▸➤modern当今时代▸➤bygone, earlier, past, previous过去的年代;早先的年代◆the room had the elegance of a bygone era.这个房间有着旧时代的优雅。➤antebellum, pre-war南北战争前的时代;战前时代➤post-war战后时代➤apartheid, civil rights, colonial, post-imperial种族隔离时代;民权运动时期;殖民地时期;后帝国时代▸➤communist, nazi, soviet, etc.共产主义、纳粹、苏维埃等时代➤dotcom网络时代▸➤clinton, thatcher, etc.克林顿、撒切尔等时代▸➤edwardian, napoleonic, victorian, etc.爱德华七世、拿破仑、维多利亚等时代➤baroque, classical, romantic, etc.巴罗克、古典主义、浪漫主义等时期▸➤christian, common基督纪元;公元◆the early centuries of the christian era公元最初几个世纪➤silent无声时代◆movies of the silent era默片时代的电影verb + era➤herald, mark, usher in预示/标志/开创时代◆the fall of the berlin wall ushered in a whole new era.柏林墙的倒塌开启了一个全新的时代。➤enter, move into进入时代◆the country has entered an era of high unemployment.国家进入了高失业时期。➤characterize, define描述/定义时代era + verb➤begin时代开始▸➤end时代结束preposition➤during an/the era, in an/the era在⋯时代◆we live in an era of religious uncertainty.我们生活在一个对宗教怀疑的时代。➤into era直到⋯时代◆a practice that has survived into the present era保留到现代的做法➤era in⋯领域的时代◆a new era in the history of art艺术史上的一个新纪元phrases➤the beginning of an era, the dawn of an era, the dawning of an era一个时代的开端◆it feels like the dawning of a new era.一个新纪元似乎已经来临。➤be on the threshold of a new era在新时代的伊始➤the end of an era一个时代的终结era /ɪərə; name ɪrə, erə/ [countable] (rather formal) a long period of time that is thought of as having particular characteristics or events(时间跨度大,具有独特性的)时代,年代,纪元◆it is one of the most famous churches built in the victorian era.那是维多利亚时代建造的最有名的教堂之一。◆when she left the firm, it was the end of an era (= things were different after that).她离开这家公司后,一个时代结束了。◆this is the start of a new era of peace and prosperity.这是一个和平繁荣的新纪元的开始。era/ˈɪərə ||; ˈɪrə/noun [c] a period of time in history (that is special for some reason) 时代: ◇we are living in the era of the computer. 我们生活在计算机时代。 erasee ⇨ time 13 e·ra /`ɪrə; ˈɪərə/n [c]a period of time in history that is different from other periods 时代,时期,纪元:◇the reagan era 列根的时代◇+ of a new era of peace and international cooperation 和平与国际合作的新时期




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