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单词 break off
释义 break offphrasal verb(broke, broken) (especially written) to suddenly stop speaking or doing sth for a time突然停顿;突然中断◆he broke off in the middle of a sentence.他话说了一半儿就不说了。ⓘ people often break off suddenly or abruptly, often because of a sudden strong emotion. * break off 常与 suddenly 或 abruptly 连用,常指因情绪强烈而中断◆she broke off and turned away to hide the tears.她突然不说了,转过身去,不愿别人看到她哭了。 break off to suddenly stop doing or saying sth 突然停止做某事;突然住口: ◇he started speaking and then broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他开始说话,但说了一半便停了下来。break offsee ⇨ break 7,8 ⇨ stop 22 ⇨ talk 14 break offphr v 1. [t] to remove a piece from the main part of something 折断[某物]:◇she broke off a piece of cheese. 她掰下一片乳酪。 2. [t] to end a relationship 断绝[关系]:◇the us has broken off diplomatic relations with iran. 美国中断了与伊朗的外交关系。 3. [i,t] to suddenly stop doing something or talking to someone (使)突然结束; 中断谈话




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